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Wayne Melia

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Wayne Melia


    It's a civilized city with ring-roads and spokes, and then the gouhlish growth appears; either as a malignant extension from within, or as an alien attack. It matters not, Jack; for it's only a nightmare from which salvation will come with with waking up. I hope. But damn! I wish I hadn't opened this just before bedtime.

    The lighting and the pose both compliment the lovely subject, Like how the structure of the face, neck, and the collar bone(s) are brought out. I have a 'thing' about lack of separation of the subject's hair from the background, in that the hair and b/g are indistinguishable black in this case, but accept that it is 'my' thing, and the photographer made a valid choice for his vision in this case. Also temper my comment with the fact that I have never done studio photography and lighting myself. so I am subject to dismissal.
  1. Potential lost. The (IMO) excessive contrast treatment robs image of intermediate detail, and reduces it to:

    a) an exhibition of abstract form, devoid of texture, or

    b) an exhibition of the ability of the photographer/presenter to pursue extreme(s) with no regard to whether or no those extremes serve or achieve a purpose.

    To John Horn (the poster); please don't take it personal, I have no beef with YOU; but 'critiques' on photo.net seem to have devolved to the point where only compliments exist.

    This ain't good. I hope that I can 'break the ice', and encourage more (or at least some) CRITicism. I sure could use some myself!

    The rocks, and some of the trees in the background (which I am guessing should be grey), look purple. Just me or do others see this too?

    Car talk!

    Nicely done. I like balance between the conversation/interaction and the locale/setting. The whole photo is nicely composed with the darks/lights and no awkward things on the edges.
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