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New Photo.net test site (Testers wanted)


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Hi everyone, it's been a while, but I come with a great update.


We have an initial design and test site for the migration. I want to open it up to everyone active on this site for their feedback!


Please go and check out the site here. We tried to keep the same feel of the current photo.net site, but with a "newish" feel.




You might run into a "site is down" message. Just sign in and you should get through it.


Your username and login should be used to log in to your account. Note, if you changed your password after July 21, please contact me and I can help.


We have started a thread inside the new site for feedback, please share your thoughts there!



Keep in mind, that things will be different. The MAIN reason we need to migrate the site is due to technical and backend issues.


Things to remember:

1. Not all photos have been migrated yet. This is just a test site and moving over millions of photos for a test site isn't a good use of resources.

2. Most of the discussions have been moved over. The categories and format can and will be be changed.

3. Profiles, please go and upload some new photos and mess around with the albums and profiles and discussions.

4. The top main menu will be updated to look more like the old site. "Explore, Learn, Forums" haven't gotten there yet.


Remember, this is still a test site and I want any and all feedback from you about the core ideas of how you'll interact with the site. We have plans to "make it more pretty" in the next few days but want to make sure the core functionality is aligned with expectations.


Questions? Hit me up here or on the test site!

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No problem logging in.


If I click on "Photo.net" at the top left corner, I'm getting "Forums ... A Test Category" and the two test forum threads. I would have thought this would take me to the home page. It's only when I click on "Home" just to the right of "Photo Net" that I get the actual home page.

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I was able to sign in, but couldn't figure out how to post a comment to the existing threads or post an image. Others clained to have posted an image, but none were visible to me. I'm using Firefox. Is there a way to make a gallery? If so, I didn't see it in my profile. Badges....really? It doesn't need to look pretty, it needs to work, period. Credit given for effort.
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I've had no problems logging in with my login credentials in July.


I could't access (or see) the feedback forum via the 2nd link. I have put some feedback on the test forum.


In general, I like the new site though realize that it's an initial test site (for admins and mods too!). The 'welcome' post in the Test forum is from april.


I've browsed through the Invision info and the site looks easy to configure and manage for admins and mods. It offers a lot of flexibility for them too. It's also possible for PN to differentiate (in features, storage space) between paid members and other members.


The 'forums' (categories/topics) are pretty much the same as here.


The test site still has a 'basic' set up (with just 1 member gallery). In the Invision info I read that it's possible to allow members to create and manage their own Albums. One thing I like is the drag and drop image upload. The platform also has much better integration with social media.


One problem I ran into in testing is that my 'attachment quota' (500 MB) was already exceeded by preloaded attachments (embedded images) from this PN site.


There's obviously quite some work still to do in configuring the new site and porting content from the current site. But so far it looks to be a vast improvement on the current site.


Just out of interest, I've joined the 'Invision community' to learn more about the Invision platform and options.

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