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mjferron last won the day on February 18 2023

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  1. I found an ancient roll of Tmax 400 in a drawer. Results were grainy. Minolta XD5, 135 F 2.8.
  2. We are having an unusually green, not that hot summer here in Central Texas. (Humid though) Nikon Z6 and Z28.
  3. Shots around the interior. Nikkormat FT3, Nikon ai 50 f2, Pan F+ developed in Tmax 1-15 for 20 min.
  4. Crappy test shot using my obscure European made 8x10 and a Schneider-Kreuznach 210mm f5.6 Symmar-S Lens which just covers the 8x10 format. Film was HP5 developed in HC110 B. $8 a shot with home development. 1/2 second @ F32.
  5. Z6, 28 2.8. Coupland, Texas
  6. For 07/16 Olympus OM1n, OM 28mm 3.5 loaded with Foma 100 developed in Rodinal.
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