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Image Comments posted by tmjacobs

    Palm Leaf

    Good photo! Lacks just a bit of sharpness, you could consider doing that on your PC. Also for some reason I like it better mirrored so the stem comes from the lower left, but that's very subjective I admit (well...isn't all critique?)
  1. When sharpening my photos I always mask out my sky, so that's unaffected - sharpening skies tends to add too much grain. In your photo I like it as it is. Furthermore I like the 'warm' atmosphere and the 'simplicity' of the scene.
  2. It would have helped a lot if the background had been only blue sky; these vague buildings distract and since their tone is similar to that of the model she isn't 'seperated' enough from the background.

    Also sharpness is not optimal, you could consider doing that with the software you have.

    On a more positive note: I like the tonal range of the photo and...she's a pretty model :)

    Red Rock Canyon


    The other photo in your folder suggests that I would have liked this better in colour. Also I don't particularly like the composition. I would have concentrated on a smaller detail to better bring out the 'flowing' structure in the stone.

    It would also benefit from a bigger scan.



    The owl is a bit too dark and lacks a bit of sharpness. Also the background is too 'messy' and distracting. It's a pity the owl doesn't have his eyes wide open, that's always the charm of owl-pictures. Except for the eyes you could remedy a lot with software, if you're into that. I did a quick and rough retouching and this is what could be possible with it. (see attachment)

  3. I like the simplicity of this folder. It may make no sense to you but I somehow think of them as illustrations for (short) poems. As I said before about one of your other photo's: the scans are a bit too small for my taste. In this particular one lack of sharpness is a bit of a problem, although I'm not sure if that's intentional or not. Also the horizon is not exactly...well...horizontal.

    I took the liberty of sharpening this one, masking out the top so that doesn't become too grainy.

  4. I agree with Kevin. Furthermore I think you should upload a bigger scan and certainly a sharper one. Also you might perhaps better have concentrated on the foreground, which has the beautiful light.

    Criterium Racers


    Good photo, but I think I would crop it a bit. Also the motorist is a bit distracting. Perhaps a bit of motion blur would have added a sense of speed, if you're not opposed to it (as some are) you might add some digitally. But all these remarks are very much IMHO.


  5. Any critique welcome (well....not too harsh), I also invite you to

    take a look & rate the other photos of this 'Cloisters & Cathedrals'

    folder. If possible look at the large versions. Hope you enjoy them,



    Jarred, thanks for your remark, I haven't done any serious PC postprocessing though. It may give an odd feeling because it isn't the firework that lights the walls but low spotlights on the ground. I took 8 or so shots on a tripod with the selftimer. The lens stayed open for about 8 seconds, long enough to capture the fireworks. This one turned out to be the best in composition.



    Any critique welcome, I also invite you to take a look at my other

    photo's and give a rating. If possible watch the large version,


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