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Image Comments posted by tmjacobs

  1. Brian, I've also experienced what you described in your last comment: a photo that's not necessarily much better than others suddenly getting a lot of ratings and comments. Although I'm not sure I think it has something to do with the fact that if a photo has >5 ratings in the first week after upload (both originality and aesthetics must be >5) it appears on the 'photo critique top-rated pictures' page. That's how I hit upon this photo too. It's probably a much visited page. The luck factor is in getting these first 6 ratings soon enough. These criteria are the default 'filter' settings on that page and I guess most visitors don't change them.

    Great photo BTW!



    Glencoe, Scotland


    Any critique welcome, I also invite you to take a look & critique

    and/or rate the other photos in this folder. If possible, take a look

    at the 'large' versions. Hope you enjoy them, thanks!

  2. Any critique welcome, I also invite you to take a look & critique

    and/or rate the other photos in this folder. If possible, take a look

    at the 'large' versions. Hope you enjoy them, thanks!


    I'm afraid I can't be that positive: first of all there's too little detail to really enjoy this photo . Also the background is too distracting - less DOF might have helped here. A bigger and sharper scan would be a big improvement. Lovely model though.

    more ducks

    I don't think it's a particularly good photo: the foliage is a bit messy, the stone they're standing on doesn't contrast very well with the birds. Also it has a strong red tint - it could be the light there, or your scan, this is easily corrected though. I did a quick color correction and removing red gives the ducks their natural color. I do think that if you take pictures in a zoo you should try to make it look as 'natural' as possible, the photo of the 'small bird' is the most succesful in that respect. I also think a tele lens (100-300mm) might be more suited for photographing birds.

    Two Palms

    Very nice atmosphere. It's a pity the Cokin filter also affects the palms, detail is lacking in the upper part of the palms. The three 'things' in the water do distract a bit from the tranquil atmosphere.

    Clouds in Maine

    Perhaps a bit underexposed, but it is very much a matter of what you prefer: a longer exposure takes away from the great atmosphere this photo has. If you're into Photoshop you might consider adjusting the gamma selectively.

    BWC3 Nude

    Mmmm..... nice idea, but execution is not optimal: her eyes are two 'black holes', overall the lighting of the model could have been better. I like her 'joie de vivre' though.
  3. Whether it's intentional or not it has the feel of an early 20th century photo - and I mean that positive (the color of course adds to this effect). A fresh look of what may very well be the most often photographed cathedral.
  4. Yes, you have my permission to add this to your portfolio :-)

    No kidding: this is a good photo, full of atmosphere. Only the black rock in the lower right is a bit distracting, you might consider either cropping the photo just above this rock, or lighten the rock in photoshop.

  5. Nice to see you've used my alterations as a basis for further experiments. The only thing that needs to be changed now is the caption: 'Theo's improved' is a slightly enigmatic title for the ignorant viewers :-)


    Well, I can see why she's one of your favourite models, but the photo as such is not entirely succesful - certainly not on the same level of your beautiful 'nude venus' folder. Focus is too much on her sunlit hair instead of her face. It's too much of a 'snapshot', you could say it is 'saved' by her beauty.
  6. Nice sky! Horizon is not exactly horizontal though. Also it is a bit dark and unsharp - but if you're not opposed to software-retouching this is all easily remedied. I did a quick retouch -adjusting gamma and sharpness of the sea, see what you think of that (I didn't rotate it though, although that would have been quite easy to do too)

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