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Image Comments posted by tmjacobs

    Sunset Grass 2


    Wow! Amazing. Almost surrealistic. One small thing bothers me though: considering the time of day and the color of the sky I would expect that the grass wouldn't be that green but would have much more of a red cast. Is this really how you saw it? Or has the filter anything to do with it?

    A superb folder BTW !

    Brown and grey


    Composition isn't particularly interesting, IMHO there's a better photo to be made of a detail of this, which you can see in the attachment - only to give an idea. Also the photo suffers from lack of sharpness, you might consider correcting that in PS and boost the colors just a bit.

  1. Well...I'm afraid you'll get a lot of negative feedback here as well. However interesting the idea and the procedure you used may be, it's the result that counts. And the result is....well...ugly.

    Art Center

    The polarizer did its job too good: the sky is a bit too dark. Also you should have included a bit more room on the left side of the building. The right part of the foreground also is a bit too dark, but the foreground isn't very nice anyway. So it's perhaps very difficult to shoot a pleasing photo from this angle anyway.
  2. Mmm...colors/composition and light aren't particularly interesting. Also the light house itself isn't really beautiful. Taking it closer to sunrise/sunset might have given a better result.
  3. Very nice, but the sky looks photoshopped a little, especially in the upper right corner. I don't mind a bit of photoshopping, but it should be invisible. (I could be wrong of course, in that case God did the photoshopping -and had a bit of an off-day)
  4. Mmm....as you suggest yourself this is just a snapshot: neither composition or light are very interesting. If you'd have spent a few minutes more you might have taken a better photo: the left side shows a sunlight pattern that looks promising. The pillars give many possibilities for an interesting composition. Also shooting this photo closer to sunrise or sunset improves the colors -but that of course applies too most photography.
  5. Despite a less than optimal composition this had great atmosphere and colors.

    Did you do nothing else with the sky except darkening? It looks as if it has a sort of directional (horizontal) blur applied. If this was really so...well, you were lucky indeed.

  6. Yes, Andrew, a tripod was allowed. As a matter of fact the day I was there, there was some sort of feast day going on, with all sorts of Christian youth communities, so it seemed, anyway, it was very busy. It might be because of that that they didn't make a problem of me using a tripod. Also because of the crowds (I guess) they had opened the front door which gave a flood of reflected sunlight, which did help this photo IMHO.

    In general in France church interior photography isn't much of a problem, although that may have changed. FYI: in Spain it is almost always not allowed and in England you have to buy a (inexpensive) 'photo permit'.

    Sumatran Tiger

    the photo itself is quite good, I'm not that positive though about the border: it's too distracting and busy IMO. Also I would have chosen a diferent position for the title: either centred or aligned to the left of the photo.
  7. Yes!! This is much better than the B/W version IMO. Thanks for taking the trouble of uploading this color version.

    I'm interested to know what version you prefer yourself.

    In general with the few other photos where you uploaded both a color and a B/W version I liked the color version better.


  8. Well, it may not be very constructive, but this is a very good portrait. Splendid detail and sharpness. Only -minor- thing I can think of is that IMO the background should have been 'quieter'. Either less DOF or choosing another background might have helped.

    Great Egret

    I like the translucency and the foliage. But I would have zoomed in more (or crop it somewhat) so the bird fills more of the frame. Great folder BTW!


    Wow! This is awesome! Great surface texture, somehow looks like marble. The expression in his eyes is very intriguing, makes you wonder what he's thinking of.
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