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Tony Parsons

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Everything posted by Tony Parsons

  1. William Marriot Museum, Holt
  2. Wow, is it really that much hassle logging in again every so often ? I enjoy MIN and the 'No Words' forum, look at other aspects occasionally and if I think I can offer help then I do so. I find the layout easy enough to navigate, and the content enjoyable. That'll do for me.
  3. My street - you can just see it under all the cars parked on the pavement
  4. First catch your duck . . .
  5. Could well be from someone's farm, then, as you surmise.
  6. Muscovy Ducks are kept in (and escape from !) wildfowl collections, so I am pretty sure it is a 'domesticated' Muscovy Duck - as they come from a restricted gene pool, they often display variations from the classic identification features, and of course wildfowl, especially captive ones, are notoriously prone to inbreeding. Are there any zoos, wildlife parks or suchlike places close to where it was found ? It may have emanated from one of those.
  7. This may not be much help, as I have no knowledge of Olympus kit, but on my Pentax K20D there is a way of adjusting focus for up to 20 lenses individually. I believe this may be what is meant by lens calibration. HTH
  8. Well, someone had to do it !
  9. Sheringham Bus Shelter, near North Norfolk Railway
  10. Tony Parsons


    With so many cars around, thought I'd redress the balance.
  11. The human race has exterminated many species with no thought to the wider-ranging effects of this activity. There is bound to be a knock-on effect at some point - maybe it is already too late.
  12. My Weston suggestion was purely for reasons of being of a similar age to the camera (of which I am jealous, BTW !) - I agree there are many other fine meters that will do a superb job as well. I use a Weston V with my Pentax K20D, which occasionally gets me strange looks.
  13. I doubt you'll get it fixed 'for a fair price' anywhere, I'm afraid. I believe the meters are notoriously prone to failure, and the power cells may no longer be available either. May I suggest you look for a Weston hand-held meter, which will complement your adoption of mature technology nicely, and can be used for both reflected and incident light readings, which an internal meter can not.
  14. Couldn't use this one for MIN because there is a house visible between the branches
  15. Don't know if this will help, but you might like to try these links : https://www.repairtoolbox.com/coreldrawrepair.html CorelDraw Repair Toolbox http://www.filerepairforum.com/forum/cad-tools/cad-tools-aa/coreldraw/1389-%...pted-cdr-files http://community.coreldraw.com/talk/coreldraw_graphics_suite_x6/f/704/t/43936 Tony
  16. Years ago, when I had my own place (well, the bank's place actually, as they told me in court) I did a bathroom / darkroom conversion. Used the bath (obviously !) as support for workbench, which was 8' x 4' of marine ply, varnished, hinged along the wall edge of the bath, with battens for support. Enlarger at left end, with elongated column fixing to ceiling bracket (I could do 20 x 24 without rotating the head), dev dishes reading to the right, entire bath turned into print washer with a syphon in the plug hole and mixer tap on low at 15˚ Celsius. Unfortunately, I had rigged up unofficial wiring to power everything (all perfectly safe - sockets just below ceiling height, circuit breakers, the lot) and the Health and Safety Nazis found out about it and ripped out the wiring. Since then, I have lived in rented accommodation with no bathroom (just a shower, which ain't the same), so no darkroom. Maybe when I get dumped into a retirement home I can fix up something there . . .
  17. Lonely Depressed Daffodil
  18. Well, I think that answers the question ! BTW, I hope when you said you'd be driving something 'topless', you meant a convertible vehicle, not your good self sans shirt !
  19. Gup, surely it is not 'wasting away', it is being recycled into nutrients to support further growth.
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