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Tony Parsons

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Everything posted by Tony Parsons

  1. Not wishing to court controversy, but as someone who has been a member for less than a year (IMMSMW), I like looking at previous threads in the NW forum, seeing how others have interpreted the theme, learning from their images and occasionally being inspired to add to the thread, no matter how old it may be. BTW, is it Herbert West to whom you refer ?
  2. Have you not yet realised - everything that is not compulsory is forbidden,
  3. May I thank everyone who contributed to this week's thread, and made it so interesting - not only the excellent images, but also the discussion concerning interference in Nature. This being the first thread I have ever started, I was apprehensive, but I had no need to be.
  4. Wondered where it had gone - thought I'd had a senior moment and image ined it
  5. Hi, Eddy - the only cameras I can find that have the word Pro in their names are Mamiyas - have a look at them, see if they ring a bell.
  6. Thanks, David - glad it was some help.
  7. When I got my first, second-hand, Pentax film autofocus camera (MZ5n - still going strong), the dealer advised me to turn it off when changing lenses, as he said it might cause problems with the screwdrive autofocus in the lens. Since then, I have been punctilious in doing so, through all my subsequent autofocus cameras.
  8. Thanks for the clarification - I understand that non-public areas of the UK rail network are off-limits for photography. I was attempting to explain that a blanket ban on railway photography does not exist in the UK, provided the images are taken from public areas. Thank you also for the reference to the legislation, and the contact details of other interested organisations. I agree about the motor cars - does using the brake actually cause physical pain to the operators of these dangerous devices ?
  9. The only calibration I have ever done was to scan in an A4 image in rainbow colours, then adjust the monitor until the image displayed looked as close as I could get to the original. Totally unscientific, but close enough for Rock and Roll.
  10. Hammersmith Bus Garage - ex London United Tramways
  11. Do the lines coincide with either the sprocket holes or the parts between them ? If so, I would tend to suspect uneven development, possibly caused by lack of agitation.
  12. Yes, I comprehend this, but my original contribution, made in the 'No Words' forum, in response to a comment by another member, made it clear that I was only referring to Railway photography in Britain, since that is where I reside. As I suggested the discussion in the 'No Words' forum be transferred to this forum, since I felt it was in danger of contravening the ethos of the 'No Words' forum, I wanted to re-iterate my original point.
  13. I'm now totally lost. If I see an image I like, I 'like' it. If others 'like' my images, I appreciate it (although sometimes I don't understand why !). When I post an image, I try to give it an apposite (or hopefully amusing) title. I am guilty of occasionally putting what I considered to be relevant comments in the forum. I have also just suggested a discussion be continued elsewhere, as I felt it was going against the ethos of 'No Words'.
  14. I understand the points raised about the legality of taking / publishing photographs of and in private environs. The point which I made in the 'No Words' forum, about how the regulations could be enforced by the railroad under discussion, as pointed out by Donald Miller at the top of this discussion, was intended to enquire how this affected Railway photography in the UK.
  15. Perhaps we should continue this discussion there, rather than in a 'No Words' forum.
  16. Donald Miller posted : Union Pacific Policy for Photography and Video Recording I'm not sure how these arbitrary 'regulations' can be enforced - and as I live in the UK, I can only speak from experience of British Railways.
  17. Not strictly true - if you are at a rail level crossing, you have tacit permission to be there, and as these are gated and often guarded, the risk arises from the traffic on the road, not the railway.
  18. North Norfolk Railway - unique double-headed power and glory
  19. What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful circuitry? Apologies to William Blake
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