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Everything posted by denny_rane

  1. I am just curious. . 1. You say you are a "Local Photographer".....how did this dating website get your name.? 2. Do they want pictures of the places you travel to...or do they want pictures of You and Your Girlfriend.?
  2. This has been an eye opener. Just the info regarding When and How the histogram appears has been enlightening. Thanks Again And once again, i should have known better. Just because a circa 2015 camera CAN USE a lens from 1975 does not mean it will be a great experience. To put this all into perspective. My most "advanced" cameras were (probably) the Canon A-1 and Nikon F3.....and i have recently sold both of those. So my knowledge of Modern Camera Technology is lacking by a few decades. :)
  3. At the risk of repeating myself.......More Useful Info. :) Thank You All I Appreciate It
  4. More great info.....Wow, OK..!!! Then you know what.?.....forget about most all the garbage i have said previous. I will simply buy SOME Digital SLR, use whatever F'ing 20-80 Zoom comes with it, and forget about trying to use my 35, 50, 85mm Nikon lens (or any other brand) from circa 1975...and be Happy With That. I will just take the class like a normal person, learn Something about the new technology, and adapt from that, what i can, to help with what I DO with film in the darkroom. Problem solved, much easier. You guys are Awesome.....I have never owned a "Digital Camera", and i think i have read too much (and believed too much) about how "easy" it is to adapt Old Glass to new cameras, and what a Great Idea/Experience that is. You guys have completely changed my Mind-Set and probably saved me a lot of grief. Sorry about all this. Thought i was keeping things simple, but i was probably doing the opposite.:oops: My Apologies
  5. Well said.....Thank You Definitely NOT fighting Digital/AF just for the sake of it. I WILL learn how all that works. Just commenting that i am not buying one of these as your "Typical" photographer. I HAVE to own one for the class. If i need a color picture of something, i use my wife's Cell Phone. I am registered Pass/Fail ...do not care if i "Fail"...no pressure for me at all. My parents are both dead. They will not be looking at my report card. :) i am simply in the class to facilitate what i do with Film, Curves/ Digital Negs, P/P Printing, Scanning, etc etc. I still have MILES to go with B&W Film in The Darkroom...but if i happen to learn how to shoot digital color and how to look at a Histogram...All The Better :) You guys gave me LOTS of awesome info and i have learned a lot. Thanks Again
  6. Right.....Sorry. This will all seem a bit odd. I am taking a Photo Class next year, and the class is "Beginning Digital". I have no real desire to use a digital camera, but the course requires it naturally. It will Introduce/Teach me the basics of using a scanner (for film) and the basics of Lightroom/Photoshop and making Curves which i need to make Digital Negs so i can learn to make P/P prints form my film negatives.....Etc etc etc The bottom line is, i need a Digital SLR to take this class. I am not knocking "Digital" photography, i do not think film is "better".....but i need to take this basic Digital Photography class to learn the things i need to know to progress with my Black & White film skills. So this is all kind of a "back door" thing... not the normal reasons that everybody else will be in this class. I need to learn some digital stuff, so i need to take the "Beginner" digital class.....not to learn about "Photography", but to learn the computer skills i need for going further with my darkroom training.......if you know what i mean.? Thanks (everybody) that replied. I can understand how the modern day AF lens might not be the best choice for "Manual Photography".....i was simply planning on using my F Mount lens, which is why i was looking at Nikon. The fact that they will not meter is not an issue. Thanks Again :)
  7. What you are writing is unclear. You had something better, and you changed...or you had something worse, and got something better during Obama.?
  8. Compared to A LOT of people, that sounds pretty cheap, reasonable and decent. What did you have before and why did you switch.?
  9. denny_rane

    3200 Vs 5100

    Never owned a Digital SLR before....... Auto Focus and advanced meterings are probably the least important features to me. Assuming i will be in Manual Mode all the time.....Is the D5100 a "Better" camera than the D3200.? Can they be used as a Manual Focus Camera.? Other than the fact that it does not use film, i was hoping to simply treat the camera as a Nikon F2 with a Digital Sensor (if possible). Thank You
  10. I was just looking for a small case to hold my step rings, and what do i find.?.......a DW-3 with bottom cover. Not sure How/Where/Why i have this...must have come in a "bundle" of stuff. I recently sold both of my F3, i prefer the F2 and just did not use the F3 very often and i Never Used the WLF.........o_O
  11. Oh Boy.....i am a month late.:( The XD was about "The Best" camera Minolta made. Can you send it to a tech.? Those cameras have one of the smoothest and most quiet Wind/Shutter mechanisms ever made.....plus a nice metering system.:)
  12. I was surprised (kind of) to see that Golden Boy Pizza is still there. I think, if i had gotten in line 35 years ago, i would still be there now.....:)
  13. That is a great frame.....where is it.?
  14. Just look at Ebay and Craigslist. Forget any of the super high prices you see. Some people are simply unrealistic. I have seen the same Canon AE-1 in my locale for a few years now. The guy wants 200 bux for it. It IS in good shape, but those cameras are just not that valuable anymore. Anyway.....Your Father must have SOME idea of its worth.? If not, just give it your best shot... put a price on it and sell it. BTW.....right now a fast 85mm lens from ANY brand are selling for a lot of money. If it is in good shape, THAT Canon 85 is no exception. I would seriously think about selling it separately Take a look (again) on Ebay, KEH, B&H, etc etc and see what they are going for. It may very well be worth more than all the other stuff combined. Good Luck
  15. I hope everybody understands...when i write the word "You"...it is in the generic sense. I am not referring to any one individual. It is just a generalization. Jared Polan is another one of these examples. Lots of viewers and Lots of people criticizing him. To be honest, i think i take WAY MORE exception with the people that follow "Ken Rockwell" than the guy himself. Example.........I was selling a bunch of Canon and Nikon lens on Craigslist for Super cheap. All were in Excellent condition. 5-6-7 lens for 150 Dollars.....You know the kind 80-200 zoom at f/5.6......lens that have little MONETARY Value. 30-70 zooms that hardly fetch 20 bux. You would not believe the number of people that backed out from buying these, just because "Ken Rockwell" said XYZ is a lousy lens. I used all of them, they are "fine". Nobody.....including YOU Mr. Craigslist Guy.....is a Pulitzer winning photographer. Just buy the F'ing things. They are too cheap to even worry about the....dare i say the word without getting vomiting sick...Sharpness.!
  16. I have often heard it refereed to as.....The Ken Rockwell Syndrome. :) Be it guitar player, tennis player, fisherman, woodworker, or photographer : Person XYZ happens to BE one of those. 1. They have their opinions. Some are valid and some are not. Same as you. 2. They have their own experience to draw on. Some are relevant to others and some are not. Same as you. 3. They have a strong on-line presence with a Website or Youtube channel that Thousands of people find helpful. Same as y..........Beeeeeeepp...!!!!!! Wait a minute.....You do NOT have this in common and it makes you jealous. So you pick apart just about Every Single Thing This Guys Has To Say. This idiot said Camera 123 offered a 50-100 kit lens in 2008. BUT.......it was really a 70-120 and it was in 2007, NOT 2008...!!!! What an amateur. :mad:
  17. It PROBABLY varies from one locale to the next. I do not know if the Developer actually goes bad faster, but it Does Look Better, for longer, when i use distilled water. Plus, at 93 cents for a gallon, just for the developer mix, the price is a non-issue. Is it needed.? You might be right, it might not be. But it is so cheap, and like i say, it takes longer for the developer to get Dirty/Orange when i use distilled, that it is just a habit at this point. :)
  18. The only reason i switched from ID-11 (D76) to Ilfotec HC was the ease of use. I think i prefer the ID-11, but time will tell. Anyway, i mixed up the 1 Gallon/5 Liters of ID and had no problem storing it for 6 Months. I THINK they sell a 1 liter bottle.? You should be able to store that 1+1 for many months. Sorry if i missed it, but make sure you use distilled water for the developer.....paper and film. Good Luck
  19. My experience as well. If you are not going to use the developer in the next 1-2 days, get rid of it. Compared to many other things Developer is rather inexpensive. A LOT can change from one week to the next.
  20. Wow.! Pardon the trivial observation, but it is always interesting to get these comments from the photographer, when... sub 20mm lens are discussed. They are such an unusual view of The World. It never ceases to be of interest when a Guy/Gal talks about where they were standing and how Far/Close the things in the frame actually were. :)
  21. Has the OP even been back to comment.? Anyway.......have you ever used a camera before.? Have you been taking lots of pictures with your camera phone and now want a "real camera".? What kind of experience do you have that makes you want to pursue "photography".? You have asked about the biggest and most general question you could possibly ask. Photography is like any other Art/Hobby...LOTS of people want to - Play guitar Ride a bike Snow ski Photograph Etc etc etc There are Hundreds and Hundreds and Hundreds of excellent used cameras for sale. Are you talking about 35mm.? Do you need to be able to change lens.? If yes to those two, i would do some research, watch some Youtube Videos (God Knows there are plenty of them) and read some online reviews. You need to have Some Kind an idea of what you want. Maybe come back again, and ask a few questions regarding some specific cameras. You should probably buy a Older/Decent used body and a nice lens. As you progress, you can get a "better" body of the same brand and keep the good glass that you already own, and buy some More/Different lens to go with the same brand body. I shoot film, so it is a lot easier for me. The stuff is not free, but by comparison to digital, it is way less expensive to get started, and i still use bodies that are 30-40-50 years old. You will not have that luxury with digital. Get a body that is good enough, buy the "best" lens you can afford, try to stick with that brand as you move forward so you can keep the glass for (hopefully) many years to come. Good Luck (if you are still here) ;)
  22. At the risk of repeating myself, this is the type of comment i had in mind when i said......... "Hopefully somebody with the knowledge will give you some ideas about rates and where to look...or who to talk to for help. It can be discouraging to source Insurance for just a person or two." :)
  23. Not to mention, quoting his own words here...... ....."I take no responsibility for color shifts, lack of image, weirdness in development, or children born with the head of a dog due to my process. These couplers are LIKELY not going to give long term image stability." .......How successful do you think the process was.?
  24. I have seen A Lot of "This" lately, so i have to ask.......this thread is Ten Years Old, yet you post to it like the guy just inquired 35 minutes ago. What made you respond to this.?
  25. Does/Did black & white Cine-Film also use or need the "Rem-Jet treatment.? Thank You
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