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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. Dear Wobby, colors and work with focus/blur are terrific !. An incredibly beautiful portrait, I think you've managed to capture the essence of the moment and the spirit of the bird. The light is also fantastic. Congrats!, Laura.
  2. Dear Wobby, an unmistakable moorhen with its thick-kneed legs, huge feet and red beak. The bird is focused and extracted from its environment which is slightly blur, very well executed. I like the difference in low and high lights in the background. The image is that of a bird in its natural environment but shown very beautifully and well done. Really good lights. Congrats! hugs, Laura.
  3. lauramarco

    flamingos in love

    Dear Rosario, totally in love! ... it's a very charming image, the red color of their feathers somehow reinforces that passion. The tranquility of the water surface also draws my attention, almost silky, that helps not to distract from the focus of the couple. Tender portrait. Very good sharpness. Congrats! Regards, Laura.
  4. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    Dear Andrey, a pleasure for me to know that you like it. Thank you indeed!. I feel proud when reading that you appreciate both composition and colors, because in sum... it's nearly ... all! most important aspects. Many kisses, Laura.
  5. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    Caro Giangiorgio, very happy to read your comment. Your suggestion is quite good, but if I make this real fan ... it'd not be the same, because this is the result of a desire and wishes, most of the times, do not materialize in everyday life, hence perhaps they are so beautiful. In everyday life, I'm running... in my dreams, I'm walking. In real life, sometimes I forget to comb my hair ... in my reverie, hair is combed with the breeze, so I can continue with my simple fan. By the way, it seems temperatures are softening, at last! Thank you for your positive comments, a hug! Laura.
  6. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    Dear Wobby, thank you very much for your visit, very glad to read you!. I'm proud when you say that you like the images, there's a lot of work behind, so very grateful for your positive input and... a hug! Con cariño, Laura.
  7. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    Dear Rosario, thanks for your visit and I'm glad you like this image. Reading your comment ... "and especially how it combines with your image", you reinforce my original idea of showing part of the environment/setting where the woman stands, that's, the environment of stones, an arid, sad and empty one... a little like her face, ... then it has not been a wrong choice. I wanted to melt the scene with the fan, just to present a place, an atmosphere. Another photographer friend of mine has told me that maybe the silhouette of the woman should be "cut" ... but my idea was to integrate the character with the fan, the two elements should appear as one element. I'm used to seeing many fans and the beauty/surprise of them is open to see their "content", always something dense, with substance, nothing simple most of the times. Even I wanted to use some brushes, for some extra adornment, but in this case I decided it was best to leave this way. Maybe in another image. The original fan is a strong orange color and I melt the two colors in the same tonality (surroundings and the fan). Anyway, your comment confirms me the vision I had of the whole work. I'm glad you like the introduction, with intros I never pretend to say how one has to read an image or feel it, but try to present the origin of it. It is no better nor worse. It is always free interpretation of each one. Thank you very much for your positive comment. A hug!.
  8. Caro Gianni, vi ringrazio molto, sono contento di leggere che ti piace l'immagine. Le chiavi?, sono tre: una chiave apre il cuore, un'altra chiave si apre la mente e l'ultimo è la chiave per la mia casa, il mio piccolo angolo soggiorno. Un abbraccio!
  9. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    Your comments are welcome, thank you! Larger view!
  10. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    A few days ago, it was very hot ... a warmth inside that does not go away with anything, showing that at the end of summer, the season change is needed, one languishes for moist air, which cools body and even our thought. So I decided to go to a bazaar to just buy "a fan", I chose a simple one ... it was all just to freshen up !, but ... when using the fan, as I opened and closed my hand, it blew fresh air and vitalized my face, I was surprised about how the imagination began to contemplate another fan, otherwise made as I present it here in this last work. I saw it full of glitter, with a woman in the center that looked as if nothing really matters to her, and follows her way, with her music, her art ... wherever the road leads... I can say that on the technical side with what I've enjoyed the most, has been the fact of photographing the fan and searching for brightness with the use of lights ... This is my fan!, it should be unfolded slowly but firmly and rhythmically hit the chest with it to direct air to the face ... soft, then fast, then soft and so on... with a bright cadence, always! It relaxes me a lot to see women using fans in summer because the air that is produced reveals being really soft, the sound of wooden rods is so sweet that gives sleep, numbed me much. http://www.lauramarco.es/pn/fan.jpg These are the fan and the cloth used in the image :) Kisses.
  11. lauramarco

    Lady Laura's Fan

    © Laura Marco - Art Photography

  12. lauramarco


    Querido Gianni, magnificent portrait of these two women and their folklore. It is perceived that they're accustomed to being photographed, in details like their poses and looks quite serene, not at all of rejection to be photographed. The colors of their costumes are very beautiful. A great document of your trip. Thank you for sharing with us. Con cariño, Laura.
  13. lauramarco

    Tide of Thoughts

    Dear Tony, basically you're seeing the expression of a happy, made herself woman and this is very good. I can perceive a lot of inner peace as well. How do one get to that tranquility? in essence, being a very lonely person. I've often wondered why I talk so much, or why I write so much. I know the answer... it is a way of displaying everything that I do not share in daily life, day by day. Some time ago I saw a report on TV (though I never watch TV) about a Basque sculptor. He lived lost in the mountains, away from the world. And ... he couldn't stop from speaking! :) He talked a lot, almost like an interior monologue and although there was a reporter, it seemed there was no one there. I now understand perfectly. To express everything within us, we can not be influenced by anything, or anyone. We must act irrationally and emotionally. Without prejudice about what we do and with complete freedom. Without isolating from others, I think it is almost impossible, to be ourselves 100%.   I think you're contemplating a happy and very isolated woman from everything else. Yesterday I had a very desgradable anecdote ... I use whatsapp for my family and very few friends. I changed my image because I felt like doing it ... :) And I received this message from one of my "friends" (I translate as literal as possible):   ---  Hello ... have you wondered about what message you're conveying with those green eyes ... and the expression of your eyes? Think about it ... je je je je ---     I found an irony and bad intention that are beyond the limits. That comment is not done just because one do not like the image, an intention lies behind and not very good indeed. So... So I mention this incident, to tell you how I consider that solitude is necessary to be ourselves 100%. Nothing influences our ideas, our images, or feelings we have got inside.   I used the face of a self-portrait of mine. I think ultimately I'll end up like this Basque sculptor, in the middle of the mountains :)   I have some artworks and already images behind me, and everything I have achieved through solitude and to ignore anything external to me, either for good or for evil. I've always felt a lot of pressure around me. By the way, I sleep very much. Perhaps too. Tony, thank you very much for your visit and positive comment to the image. It is a pleasure to read your comments. I feel grateful.   Con cariño, Laura. PD. This is the picture that people do not want or just want me to "think about" that picture ... so to think it's not good what I'm doing. And I use even a quotation that another photographer shared recently with me:   "Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet)  
  14. Caro Giangiorgio, the dialogue between the lion and the lizard is fascinating. Catch all the interest of the image. The brave one seems fearful of the small reptile :) Those crossed eyes remain as if frozen in time. The texture of the wood is an extra and lights are formidable. Congrats!, con cariño, Laura.
  15. Hi Tony, for me this one is the best of this series and also I want to thank you for the details of the bigger size. The mixture of colors in nature in wonderful. At this time the sunrays maybe would be less horizontal and all is lovely softer. Light of the sun is drawing capriciously with its pencils :) Very good patience of yours to wait for this moment! Really good scene and lights, congrats! Regards, Laura
  16. lauramarco


    Caro Giangiorgio, I could never stand with my hands crossed, even more in relation to photography. I always have in mind some ideas or new projects. Nor in summer I can stop. This summer, however, I have played guitar very little, perhaps in October with the coming of the new course, my teacher would want to tighten my neck with his hands :-) I can not stop myself from telling what led me to create certain scene or stop talking about some important details for me. But I'm aware that each image has a different reading for each observer. We are all basically different and do not react in similar ways. "If we all tell the same things, we would be equal ..." then life would be so boring. There is no "one absolute truth," nothing is true, everything is relative. I marvel myself at reading every new interpretation, they're the pistons that compress and expand my imagination, as an engine. The most difficult aspect for me is composition. Lighting, I do love, being the quickest to be done or decide. And finally, colors are a joy for my imagination. what else? Here, I'm leaving a link, just for some time, to a size of 1024 x 1024, to better look at details... Forevermore 1024 px Thanks for your visit, very valued and your support. Always very grateful!. Con cariño, Laura
  17. lauramarco


    Dear Gianni, thank you very much! for your visit to the last uploaded images, yes! ... each one expresses a different feeling, depending on the elapse of time and different mood or reaction: like life itself, a tragicomedy. I think I have many ups and downs, something inherent to my nature. Lighting is the part that most attracts me in photography. Wishing you a happy summer as well and all my best!, Con cariño, Laura
  18. Dear Warren, many thanks for your compliment and glad you've liked this work. For me the most wonderful is to be able to "arise interest in the viewers", and that each image could present a sparkle that is common and familiar or a feeling shared by all. Colors and lighting, is what attracts me most in photography. Above all: light. Very grateful for your visit and this very positive appreciation of the work. Kindest regards, Laura.
  19. lauramarco

    In Paradiso

    Dear Warren, yes, absolutely ... I think you've hit the nail: "It is the expression of a personal anguish" that has little to do with religion. No one can erase the memories of the past and being a child, I have looked at all the religious imagery of my land/province. When staring at those faces of anguish, suffering, in the depths of my heart, I began to build a parallelism of similarity and expression, all was recorded. I remember going hand in hand with my mother to visit the museum of a great Spanish sculptor, master of religious imagery in my city (Murcia): Francisco Salzillo, he was a Spanish sculptor, the most representative image-maker of the 18th century and one of the greatest of the Baroque. All those faces, expressions ... are within me, no matter my religion. The brightness of the woodcarvings, the colors, their tragedy. They are an authentic pure "expression". And certainly in those years, I traveled to that world mentally, I wanted to be part of these wood carvings, part of its unreal world. Here I leave a link to his imagery: Salzillo's imagery Thank you very much for your visit to this image. Your appreciation is very interesting and I am very grateful. Kindest regards, Laura.
  20. lauramarco


    Dear Warren and Andrey, I'm very glad about your visit to this image and very thankful :) I believe that eventually, one should return to contemplate these scenes with the passing of time, not only to be kept in a folder in the pc. How I would like to get back to them, till the essence and flavor of a good wine was felt on the palate :) Thank you very much to you both! your appreciation is very welcome! Kindest regards, Laura.
  21. Dear Warren, you've handled very well the highlights, as there're details shown in cyclists, without becoming a backlight. The perspective of the lines is also very interesting. That sun rising, shows its strength!. A beautiful place to walk. I do not know the hardness of the temperatures there, but for tomorrow 43ºC or 109ºF was foreseen here. Too hot ! even for me, congrats for the shot! Kindest regards, Laura
  22. Dear Andrey, very glad you like it. I've changed my camera recently, it's still a Nikon, but a D7200 model :) This portrait is already made with the new camera, I've got to update my equipment in the user account. Thanks a lot for your visit, very much appreciated. A hug!, Laura.
  23. Dear Bandana, I like more this presentation in landscape format. The use of the thirds is very successful and the effect of sunlight at the border is very witted, as well. The lighting of the sun is a very valuable bonus that gives all the charm to the image. The sense of verticality, is also present. Congrats! Kindest regards, Laura.
  24. lauramarco

    Tide of Thoughts

    Dear Bandana, thank you very much!, what attracted me to select this image was the rapt gaze, like a calm and lost expression over time and the overall warmth of the sun. The texture reminded me a lot of waves, but in this case "waves of thoughts". A thoughtful moment. So I chose the word "Tide of Thoughts" for the title. Your visit and appreciation of the image is very welcome. Kindest regards, Laura.
  25. lauramarco

    In Paradiso

    Dear Pierre, yes, I share your point of view. Darkness could be "a transition" to paradise and more than a question of religion, the well-known elements reveal as tools to express what may not have any words. Yes, it could represent crucifixion, but that is in the eye of each beholder, in his/her own reading. I always try not to be afraid about treating any themes that attract me or help me to express pure feelings, like in this case. Pain, darkness ... in the end, waiting for something better? ... I do not know. Thank you very much for your opinion, much appreciated. I think you've captured the essence of the image. A hug!
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