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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. lauramarco

    The Olive Orchard

    Comments are welcome, thank you!
  2. lauramarco

    The Olive Orchard

    © Laura Marco - Art Photography

  3. © Laura Marco - Art Photography

  4. Querido Gianni, Hermosa imagen, este lugar corta la respiración... sin olvidar la altitud a la que se encuentra que dificulta respirar bien y trae cansancio consigo. Dicen que hay porteadores que suben las mochilas y demás bultos hacia la cima, adaptados a esta altitud y que dificilmente se cansan.   Las nubes en el tercio superior coronan esta belleza. Muy hermosa. Hay que cuidar estos lugares para que los disfrutemos siempre. ¡Felicidades! con cariño, Laura
  5. Dear Giangiorgio, something strange is shown in their stillness, because birds are usually very nervous, constantly moving their heads, eyes ... looking at them, this way, seems that these two ones are dressed elegantly to go to some important event :) Like two spectators. Background is spectacular, perfectly enhances them. It has the appearance of a texture, not uniform in color, but varied. Excellent sharpness & lighting. Fantastic shot!. Congrats Giangiorgio. Con cariño, Laura
  6. lauramarco


    Caro Giangiorgio, you've given me a very nice idea about making a new composition using drinking jugs with spouts :) I'm familiar with all these elements, almost from the past.   The botijos/cántaras/jugs... sweat and sweat, cooling the water, they're porous, every so often the base plate where it's placed, must be emptied. The taste of water is radically different from drinking water in a plastic container :) Take a sweaty jug with our hands is magical, one must know how to swallow from the jet that it offers, too.   Crochet bonnets are put on the opening of jugs. Concerning the plaster railing and wall ... those details speak directly to their hearts, to people whom have known them. One can not explain the joy that gives to look at almost lost familiar elements.   Thank you very much for everything, your visit is very much appreciated.   Con cariño, Laura
  7. lauramarco


    Dear Andrey, I'm very glad about your visit to this image, very happy that you like it. I've always been fond of your images, due to subtlety, delicacy and also good technique in your style. Excellent your works always :)   I've still got your image of the flower as my computer wallpaper, it relaxes my mind and sight, do you remember? http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=18026845   Thanks for all Andrey... kindest regards, Laura    
  8. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    Caro Gianni, it gives me great joy to read your comment and I'm glad that you like the lights in this particular portrait. Lately I had a new idea about how to handle lighting (difficult to carry out, but not impossible) and I'm testing it with every new work I made. I know you're a supporter of care for the planet Earth, your excursions to summits, overwhelming beautiful landscapes are reflected in your images. Yes ... my reflection is a little about the idea that resources are not inexhaustible and nowadays we live in a way that is not sensible, nor natural. Nothing started as it is now, every day is a convenient artifice, we must preserve but also rationalize it. So glad for your visit, Gianni. Thank you very much for everything! Con cariño, Laura
  9. lauramarco


    Hola José, Creo que lo más bonito en esta imagen es la manera en que has distribuido el espacio, situando el balcón arriba, si su posición hubiese sido central le habría quitado mucha fuerza a la imagen. Ese rojo/anaranjado es también el gran protagonista. Interesante geometría la de las sombras fuertes. Buena imagen, ¡felicidades! Laura
  10. lauramarco


    "Little Jar that so often goes to the fountain, eventually will break." Comments are welcome, thank you!
  11. lauramarco


    "Cantarico" means "little jar." In Spain when there was no running water in houses, people went to get water to wells or standpipes using clay jars. There's a popular saying: "Little Jar that so often goes to the fountain, eventually will break." When means are abused, situations are put to the limits, then relationships are broken, as the jar. In the end, the jar has no water and the person is wet :-)
  12. lauramarco


    © Laura Marco Art Photography

  13. Caro Giangiorgio, congratulations on the technical quality of this shot and the beauty with which the animal is cut and enhanced against the uniform background. It looks like a statue. The space you have left to where the animal is looking (right) is a good choice, because it offers freedom and make the image not to be tight. Its eyes are cold. Red in beak and around the eye, give the note of color. Congrats, very beautiful image :) Con cariño, Laura P.S. the images I love the best are the ones without direct sunlight, I'm very fond of them, I do not like strong shadows, but it's a personal taste. So the light here is superb (!)
  14. lauramarco


    Hi Julie, I'm amazed with your comment. Let's say... I'm shocked! In your biography you describe yourself as "an artist" - "digital artist" more specifically. And yet, you think you have the right to qualify this photographer as "noobs". Excuse my ignorance in English, but everywhere I look for the word "noobs" is definitely pejorative, with a negative meaning. Unlike "newbie", who has little knowledge but eager to learn and fix their own mistakes to overcome themselves, "noobs" have been trying to "improve" something but have not progressed or even, are worse as they started. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe this photographer cares about the image he may project and his work? Upload a picture here does not mean to be judged, only to be discussed. And finally ... is photography quarrelled with fun? And you... do you call yourself a digital artist? Is there no fun in Art? My intention is not to discuss, I have no strong stomach for this. This symmetry has its beauty. There is beauty in everything, only you have to know how to look at beauty of life/photography. Have a nice day!
  15. lauramarco

    White apricot

    Hi Nadya, for me is like looking at two worlds mingle in this image, one represented by the actual objects in a very good composition/distribution and other creative world, represented by the canvas background, because ... you have used a canvas fabric, haven't you? It's as if the light was able to project your objects in a still life on the background canvas. The light is drawing the first lines of your painting ... offering you colors, strokes ... A very creative mix. Light so important in photography opens a door to strokes... with oil, do you fancy doing? :) me I would enjoy drawing the sketch. Congratulations!, Kindest regards, Laura.
  16. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    Dear Saad, it's true ... the act of stopping and thinking about repairing something, seriously thinking about taking back the use of something, its essence ... makes us better people. Because that reaction would extend to all: if we want to repair a sock... we want to repair a friendship, we want to stop a war or fix a problem. Give the fair value to things, not running living ... it's quite important. When we'll be able to stop and reflect on "not to waste" and value what we already have. Surely, we'll be better. Simply appreciating the bread that someone else bakes for us every day :) as valuable. Thank you very much for everything, for your impressions. Kindest regards, Laura
  17. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    Caro Giangiorgio, I knew the film featuring Richard Burton, a very good one and a great actor ... now there's a more modern version which opens in cinemas this year, possibly you'll go and watch: "Risen" directed by Kevin Reynolds. Yes ... jajaja ... I look like a powerful Roman woman who is waiting to take charge in solving the mystery of something. With need for action. The tunic and serious features remind me of Roman people as well. Then, the stage is an old house that is being reconstructed in my nearby village and I asked permission to take some photos. Joist is really old. Due to what you're saying, you are like me :) I try to do everything, I am always with hands in the dough, red-handed!. Always eager to learn new things. I did not get bored neither. I'm glad you like this image and that it has surprised you. It's nice to know. Thank you so much for everything. Con cariño, Laura.
  18. lauramarco


    Hi Saad, there's a mix of highlights and underexposure that pleases me, I do not know if you've used any ND filter, but the effect of looking at the contours of the horizon is really nice. The sea has the same prominence as the sky. The sharp tips in mosques seem to defy proudly the sky. Istanbul ... there's a book that I recommend you to read, by a Spanish writer (if you have time to read), is entitled, The Turkish Passion by Antonio Gala. It deals about a spanish woman who abandons his "perfect" life, to live close to a Turk in Istanbul. The book is superb, it's a treasure. There's also a film directed by Vicente Aranda, with Ana Belén as protagonist, about this book. ... Worthy of being watched/read as your image is. Congrats and kindest regards, Laura
  19. Caro Giangiorgio, the image has a very strong diagonal that gives full force to the scene and there's also an extra with the movement, which is appreciated more clearly in their wings, frozen in time. They appear to be in a Tamaris. The mother does not seem to pay much attention. The chicken despairs. Each one plays a role in this life, and everything is bathed under the beautiful golden sunlight ... it looks like a sunset, I would not know exactly. The background helps to highlight their figures. Excellent image, thanks for letting us look at these beautiful moments. Congrats. Con cariño, Laura.
  20. Caro Giangiorgio, you always make me smile! very kind of you! Thank you for your visit. Regarding this image I had some doubts with uploading it or not, there was very little light, only the light of a candle ... so the ISO was set at 1600, then there's noise because for my amateur camera Nikon D3100 (even this model isn't on sale now), this high ISO produces an annoying noise. I even could not work the pixels as I like to do ... I uploaded it, then I deleted it ... ummm... I thought it did not have the necessary quality to be shared. At the end, I feel that the story which gives origin to the image, may be interesting, valued enough, so it makes worthwhile not to erase the image. Sometimes the good photographer is not the one who only seeks technical perfection, may be also the one who makes a balance between a result and "the intention" underneath to photograph. The intention here was powerful. I want to improve my equipment as soon as possible. Thanks for your impressions and many kisses. . I will continue commenting on images in general, I'm a little slow, I'm afraid :) Con cariño, Laura
  21. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    Your comments are welcome, thanks!
  22. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    This image has sparked a debate within me and it's the following one ... Is it good to take care of ourselves or to specialize only in certain areas? and that we always depend on others. This red tunic have been sewn by myself. Does it make sense to sew a broken sock or throw it away and buy a new one, helping consumerism?, is it worth repairing broken/torn things ?, is it worth spending our time to do more basic tasks? What happens if all this infrastructure missed a day ?, some people do not even know how to cook simple food. Nor they have the time or are employed in other more important tasks, but just think ... does it make sense to enter this artificial created current?, or return to the basic principle in which men invent and learn, what happens if one day .. . there was no daily baked bread ?, and if clothes stopped being sold?, and if no one makes more clothes anymore?. Will learning to develop basic skills, be a backwardness?, What if no one wants to do it anymore? these are my reflections ... Kisses
  23. This image could well be a "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and maybe the beautiful protagonist of this film, Arlene Dahl is just going along on her journey, but ... this is not about a beautiful woman, or about simple aesthetic. It is a journey for sure, certainly, but ... "a journey into oneself", a journey to the inner. Along the way, it's normal that we doubt many things, we'll live in uncertainties, dealing with fears ... and even we won't know what kind of reactions, we will experience, facing new situations. Taking this into account, it's needed to study ourselves, to make a profound introspection and travel to the depths of our interior, there, we'll know unfamiliar aspects where we may be cold, undergo fear, experience anxiety or insecurity, like a "don't-know-what-to-do" ... we may even weep, not understanding life itself; perhaps we'll be astonished of our reactions or that inner strength that we thought we would never have. We'll rest as well, of course!. "Journey to the Center of Oneself" is about how we can arm wrestle with life, maybe we win, maybe we lose ... but we'll be stronger at the end, arriving to our home, to the very center. Do not forget, there is always a light that guides us, even in the most narrow passes, and however weak that light is, it never goes out ... maybe just it'll turn off at the end of our lives, or continue to light forever, ...we do not know still.
  24. lauramarco

    Red Tunic

    © Laura Marco - Art Photography

  25. © Laura Marco - Art Photography

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