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Everything posted by lauramarco

  1. Dear Tony, to draw attention to a detail, we can use difference in lights or play with focus / blur. What I really like in both images, is blur / bokeh, which is the king in the two images. All flowers are so close, but only... you want us to pay attention on a few. Sincerely brushstrokes with blur are the most beautiful. In the second image you draw/paint with colors the area around the twig, that's why it looks so nice, not for itself (the twig), but for your work with blur. Beautiful and lovely images, color and composition. Congratulations Tony, Regards, Laura.
  2. Dear Tony, I would have liked very much to enjoy this view on the horizon and so beautiful place... when I was playing with my son in the park or he was playing with other children. I was surrounded only by roofs and houses and much concrete around. Very little vegetation or trees because drought prevents from sustaining life of these plants. There's much beauty in your image, seen or dreamt, an escape route to go away. When my son was little, I went to the park to play, but could not stand conversations with other mothers: hours talking about wee-wee and perfect snacks for children ... and many more empty and boring subjects. I never was lucky enough to see a funny "big bad wolf" running through the park :) When my son grew up, I stopped going to the park, thankfully. Lights and colors are wonderful in this image and some silhouettes nearly back-lit. The line of the road invites us to go to that place. The horizon line also helps dream. It conveys a very pleasant atmosphere. Congrats!, Laura.
  3. lauramarco


    Hi Ron, thanks a lot for your visit to this image and for your positive appreciation. Nice you've liked it, I'm also convinced that the different elements fit very well together here, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Thanks for your encouragement and for all, By the way, this is the image which has got more hits (most visited image) in my Website :) Kindet regards, Laura
  4. lauramarco

    Lonely Path

    Thanks a lot... Sreten and Bill, your visit and appreciation of this image are very important to me. I'm very glad you've liked it. Heartfelt thanks! Kindest regards, Laura
  5. lauramarco


    Thanks a lot Jorge, very kind of you... I appreciate your visit very much! Glad you've liked this portrait! Hugs and kisses!, Laura
  6. lauramarco


    Thank you Carlos and Jorge, I'm very glad you've liked this photo, it's true that the woman plays with her feminity... all wrapped in an erotic touch! Thanks a lot for your comments and visit. Very grateful! Kindest regards, Laura
  7. lauramarco


    Hi Jorge, a striking portrait that offers a very spontaneous moment. After looking for a while at the strangeness of gestures, I personally pay attention to the combination of plaid shirt with camouflage shirt. I'm convinced that this is precisely where lies all the fun. He says: haven't you realized?, surprised or not ?. Very spontaneous. Besides you've allowed the photographed person, who is a bit of a great actor, to speak for himself. Con cariño, Laura
  8. lauramarco


    Hi, I've read your comments the other day, but I've been very busy with exams. Just I've finished today, sorry I couldn't answer before. Very nice to hear from you!, I hope everything is well!, there's something I've always liked in your comments and appreciations of images and that's... you seem quite convinced about what you're saying. As if you "categorize" with much certainty when speaking. The word you've used "sensuality" is quite ready-witted. Is there anything more inviting, subtle and lovely than sensuality? :) Thanks for your visit and thanks for all. Hugs! Con cariño, Laura
  9. Querido Giangiorgio, Lo que más destaca a mis ojos en esta imagen es la gran diagonal que cruza de esquina a esquina. Además ayuda a poner de relieve la belleza y tamaño de las alas. Los triángulos que forman la patas se revelan muy interesantes al ojo que las mira. El fondo desenfocado es un gran éxito para que estos animales puedan destacar en medio de la maravillosa naturaleza. Tremenda imagen, ¡muy bella!, ¡felicidades!. Con cariño, Laura
  10. Hi Wobby, thanks for the extra information you're providing me. I've never seen this wild variety in nature, at least where I live, Murcia - Spain. I've only seen and heard the domesticated ones. I had not stopped to think about where they are from, but as simple as its name. Thank you very much for the compliment; I think a lot of artistic touch is needed to get such beautiful photos in nature. Images very difficult to obtain and where large quantities of patience and observation are needed. Congratulations on them! Besides I'm very fond of Nature. Kindest regards, Laura
  11. The scene looks like being "embroidered" by branches. What strikes me the most is to contemplate a serin/canary in freedom. All I've seen are always in cages ... I do not conceive them as free, sadly to say so ... but that's why I like this picture, it is like an example of "freedom". At first I thought it was a serinus serinus, anyway ... The bird is fully mimicked with the colors of the environment. Very good sharpness and detail. Good lighting. Congratulations!
  12. Querido Giangiorgio, Sinceramente esta imagen llama mucho la atención, es imposible no detenerse a mirarla. Parece a primera vista uno de esos animales mitológicos que protagonizan tantas y tantas leyendas: los mostruos de varias cabezas, dragones con un solo ojo etc. Sin embargo, la imagen es de nuestros días. Intuyo aparte de su originalidad, que posee un gran valor educativo, quiero decir, para enseñar a los más pequeños cómo funciona la naturaleza y el mundo animal. Todo lo que nos rodea. Claro que... correríamos el riesgo de que piensen que verdaderamente hay flamencos de tantas cabezas. La superposición es perfecta. Los detalles de las gotas congelados en el agua, en mayor o menor cantidad, según el momento, son bastante interesantes. Me llama la atención la luz en el animal, es alta y uniforme, quizás del uso de un flash. Es muy original y demuestra una gran técnica. ¡Felicidades por haber encontrado este fabuloso animal! Con cariño, Laura
  13. lauramarco


    Querido Giangiorgio, ¡muchas gracias por tu comentario! eres un gran observador de los detalles. Todos los pequeños objetos, pinceladas y pormenores que intenté incluir en este trabajo los has ido descifrando poco a poco. Sí... el aroma del azahar es embriagador, lo envuelve todo, crea un hermoso misterio que hace que estas esencias se mezclen, hay magia en el cabello, la música, la guitarra, los pies en el suelo y las diminutas flores. Como bien has observado hay muchas reminiscencias árabes en la imagen, tenemos innumerables restos de la influencia de su cultura en el sur de España, del Al-Ándalus. Hasta la misma palabra AZAHAR proviene del árabe: del árabe hispánico azzahár, y este del árabe clásico zahr 'flores'. Las flores blancas y por antonomasia las del naranjo y limonero. Estas flores fotografiadas son de mi jardín, de un naranjo florecido esta primavera. La guitarra es muy hermosa, parece que habla aún estando quieta. Que la incluya, es un reflejo de mi amor por la música y en particular de la guitarra. Hay que saber cogerla, para que quede en armonía con la persona. Hay reminiscencias al sur en la imagen, pero el vestido es neutro... podría ser del sur o de otro lugar. Si te ha gustado, seguramente te gustará también el trabajo que llevo ahora entre manos, también con mucha influencia del sur. Una vez que visité Cordoba, tuve la suerte de ver la exposición de las obras de un pintor cordobés, Julio Romero de Torres, maravillosas, increíbles, difíciles de olvidar... llenas de arte y sabor a esta gente de carácter abierto y casi de una alegría innata en su sentir. Muchas gracias por la visita, el comentario tan bonito y por todo. Te debo visita a tus trabajos, que pronto haré. Estoy volviendo a escribir mi biografía... en ella voy a incluir una foto de AZAHAR a tamaño mayor, donde se ven todos los colores que lleva y que pierde cuando se redimensiona en la subida. Allí puedes ver en más detalle esta imagen. Con cariño, Laura.
  14. lauramarco

    Skimming the sea

    Hi Rosario, it seems as painted with a brush which confers a natural and subtle elegance to the scene. The simplicity of lines and forms stands by itself purely beautiful. Love the detail of red in the beak. Amazing! Congrats!, kindest regards, Laura.
  15. lauramarco

    My place!

    Hi Rosario, I really like the tone/huge that has the image and the most shocking of all is the theatricality in figures of birds, they appear as on a stage and dancing a special dance for us. They're incredibly beautiful and spectacular. Congratulations. Kindest regards, Laura
  16. lauramarco

    O' Mice an' Women

    Hi Saad, I'm glad you like it. It's an oven that makes homemade bread in my neighboring town. In the oven door, it's engraved the name of the owners: José y Fina. Anyway, I really like mice, that is the reason for introducing one ... although near ovens and wheat is easy they can make a home. I've got fifteen hamsters and a hedgehog as pets :) Thank you for your visit. I'll also visit your images; I have to make many visits, gradually ... Thanks for everything, kindest regards, Laura.
  17. lauramarco


    Hi Rosario, thank you very much for your visit. You've emphasized something very important to me ... and quite essential in any form of expression: "what is left for the imagination." It's ultimately what makes us dream and appreciate everything around us. The jar, the embroidered silk shawl ... when I ponder on the issues that can make interesting my images, I always had in mind the objects and memories that are part of my own life. Due to my familiarity to them I can integrate better than anything else. In this case, to photograph this floor I had a nice experience. First I thought where I could find an old floor, but most old houses are privately-owned and I have no confidence to ask to enter in them. I know a very beautiful one in the middle of an artificial lagoon, just in the center itself. I usually dream a thousand and one story inside, but I've never been able to visit. So one day I decided to find an old floor and went to several chapels I knew. This floor dates from 1913. The slabs are original old ones, the baseboard and the slab of the stairs on the right are not ancient but the ones that have geometrical designs are from early last century. It was almost impossible to put the camera between thick bars that prevented access. I contort as I could to get the perspective I needed, because I already saw in my imagination the zafero, the woman ... everything. The camera went crazy with so much white color on the wall and manual focus was the most difficult between the bars. Two older women, made me as guide around the chapels. They were very friendly, but they spoke so much that in the end I thought I would not have time to photograph. At last they went away and I was alone with the camera, well not alone.. surrounded by thousands of dead souls :( even the air weighed upon me a little. So to my eyes, there's a strange mixture of sensuality and death (¡!) I am very glad that you like it. Nice to read your comment. Kindest regards, Laura.
  18. lauramarco

    The Absence of Judas

    Thank you, Saad! I'm very glad you like this image. I'm very proud of it, due to its depth in every aspect. It came to life effortless... easily, all was right, in place and straightforward for the shot to be made! I had no problems with lights, arriving to the place, no people... all perfect. I'm convinced this image was fated to exist. I've always got a strange feeling in relation to it! Kindest regards, Laura.
  19. lauramarco

    Gone with the Wind

    Dear Saad, thanks for your visit in this image. All comments are welcome; you think that your opinion is negative, but for me it is not. Simply each one of us has got different tastes, a personal aesthetic. Body language is as legitimate as any other language. My intention was naturally to frame her face, so ... her face is framed by the arms. The kite line, from the foreground to the background ... gives depth to the image. It's a line that we walk/follow with our eyes. For me it'd be a simile: her thinking is represented in the kite flying high, boundless in sky and she manages it at will. Thought is as free as we would it to be. Kite flies from her thoughts. I understand your opinion and find it respectful. As an example I would say that I've always found some "inherent stupidity" in the smile of the Mona Lisa, and yet ... it is beyond question its worth, but that smile aesthetically for me is a total mess. I'm using a kind of universal example that we all can know to better understand me. Thank you very much for everything, kindest regards, Laura. *** I perceive the community as a bit off, saddened, perhaps? ... in this case, gladly I'll share two riffs to cheer you up! especially for you! :- ) Smile, even as the Mona Lisa does, if you fancy like doing... To_cheer_up_riff01.mp3 To_cheer_up_riff02.mp3
  20. lauramarco


    Dear Pierre, thank you for your impressions and visit in this image. Lighting is one of the themes in photography that I enjoy best, so I had a great time dealing with lights here. This washbowl (zafero) was one of my wedding gifts, so it's a quite tender scene for me :) I'll visit your images, I needed to have a rest. Thanks for everything... very kind of you! Kindest regards, Laura
  21. lauramarco


    Hi Wobby, thanks a lot for your visit and your impressions about this image, very glad you've find this atmosphere interesting... yes it seems there's no one else there, just the woman washing herself in intimacy or maybe remembering the caresses of her lover. Kindest regards, Laura.
  22. lauramarco

    No Space No Time

    It gives me great joy to read you again ... it's true that I needed to have rest for a while, more than to have rest, rather to be alone, because my mind does not rest. When I can not take photos, surely I'll dedicate myself to write, no matter it's only going to be read by me. By the way, I had not listened to G. Mahler, I've searched for his 6th symphony and I've listened to some fragments ... it's incredible, sometimes lively and cheerful, as if the color of sound was the rush. I think those passages that disturb you, should be played by trombone and tuba, because they're very bass sounds, as deep voices, which seem almost half-human, but at a height impossible for us, that's the reason why they perturb so much, I'll listen to the symphony ... more carefully. At first I only paid attention to the face of the coin, called "pleasure"; Now, I've changed ... the other side attracts me the same way ... expressed by uncertainty or death. I've got many Eros-inspired negatives, lovely... but I'm not going to used/published them, at least in this moment of my life. Thank you very much for the attention you've always paid to me, I appreciate it very much ... it's like a treasure to me. I'll also have a look in detail at your amazing creative images. Con cariño, Laura.
  23. Well, there's always something that attracts attention, nothing ever goes unnoticed: in this case the statism of the bee. There're important details in this macro, such as pollen that permeates the insect and the spider too. Pollen may represent an equivalent of life, new life ... with death that has this scene associated to it. Very good macro, excellent detail and clarity (amazing contrast in lights). Congratulations!. P.S. I missed your images, your comments and...missed you, of course !. Kisses !.
  24. lauramarco

    Invisible Woman

    Hah, hah, hah, hello-hello-hello-hello, Never had a real good friend - not a boy or a girl No-one knows what I've been through - let my flag unfurl (Queen)
  25. lauramarco


    At first, I just wanted to discuss an issue with this image, but in the end, a doubt has arisen in me ... and I think I'd also talk about it. On the one hand, I'm feeling like addressing the issue of religion, because although I'm not a believer, such is the influence exercised by religion in the first part of my life, my childhood, that I can not let go so many memories and above all a search for familiar symbols in every day life. My Christ has a broken arm, like my beliefs or my faith, they're broken. The problem came when I could not assimilate the idea that... " if I did something good, it was thanks to God and if I did something wrong, it was only my fault". That is, I'd never have any merit of my own efforts. That idea was simply crazy ... then I gave up my faith. My need for something higher, something powerful over me. On the other hand, the big question has arisen me when I look at some of my last images. Some of them are located or related to the subject of death. I've done everything unintentionally, so now ... I wonder why I ended up putting myself in such sad places or related to the dead? ... The truth is that... I do not know the reason why I do so. I began my photography in bikini ... (!) And now I have finished "dead" or hidden, in sum, buried by all. This image is a shot made to a niche. Since I do what I'm feeling, this situation draws much attention ... there must be an answer, but I do not know. The only thing I'm sure is that people slowly are changing me a lot. Interaction affects me much. That's the big reason that I'm always in the search of solitude or being away from everything. Thus, it's the only way to be myself. Without any influence or change. When I look at me in this work... I'm sure I can not be bad! Kisses!. All images used are mine
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