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Image Comments posted by gregoryl



    Nice and colorful. The positioning shows the item in and interesting manner. I don't know if this is for a product shot or not, if it is I think it might be cropped a little tighter. The main problem here is the focusing / DOF. The front beads aren't sharp, the beads half way back are the sharpest in the image. Focusing a little closer to the camera and a smaller f stop would correct this. I might try using a diffuser and reflector rather than straight window light and flash. That would soften the light and not using the flash would eliminate the white spots on the beads. Since this is a table top setup it's easy to try again, provided you still have the beads.



    Between Thoughts


    It has impact but would be a much stronger image if the processing were redone. I thing the image itself is good but the HDR style processing calls attention to the the technique and away from the subject. It's created halos and over sharpening has created a white line around all the camel, cart, people and edge of the sand where it meets the sky. I think if you redid the processing it would be a very good image.

    Brown Argus


    Lovely lighting and color. The framing composition and framing is good. I don't know what the settings were but personally I'd like a touch more DOF. The only thing I'd remove are the two dark specs about an inch to the right of the head. The background is nice and smooth so it makes them stand out more.

  1. An interesting spot for photos. I don't know if the location is important for the couple but I find the sign overpowering and distracting. I see you have a landscape version of this at a lower angle without the sign. I like the expressions better in this one. Maybe a square crop would be better. Others may disagree, just my 2 cents.


  2. Dark and moody is what you're going for here.  I like the direct eye contact and  look. I like the bright area in the clouds behind her head. I'd like to see more detail in her eyes. The mostly black eyes remind me of the look they go for in vampire movies or maybe that's what the intent was I don't know. The biggest problem for me is the thing in the background. You obviously framed it that way to include it but for me it's like it's the second figure in the image and competing for attention. I keep looking at it wondering what exactly it is, a chimney a silo or something else. I don't know if others find it distracting or not but for me it should should support the composition and the subject and not compete for attention. That's my take on it. 




    The image catches your attention. I like the diagonal aspect and the eye contact. Personally I find it just a bit too tight and would like just a smidge more space, not a lot just a bit. This one is quite saturated compared with the other version. With the saturation bumped up you have catch lights in her left eye but none in her right eye making one eye seem dead in comparison. In the other version it's the same but not quite as noticeable as in this one. Perhaps a small reflector would help to kick a little light in to soften the shadows and contrast and hopefully add a catch light to the other eye. The white of her eye and the side of her face has a blue cast to it and I'd remove it. I did a rough edit to show what I mean. Others may have differing opinions, just my 2 cents.






    Nice framing and lighting. It shows off the dress details well. The biggest problem is that you don't see their faces, the back of her head and only part of his. I don't know how they were moving around but if it could have been timed to see both faces or at least hers it would have more impact. The other thing I'd note is to make a better selection around the bodies before adding the blur effect. I kind of like the blur at the bottom of her dress but around the upper bodies it needs some refining. Just my 2 cents.



    Under the Bridge


    Hi Colin

    Yes the night can lead to some dramatic photos. I like the framing and location here. The back flash is a nice idea but needs some refinement. It's quite hot and harsh and has introduced some burnt out areas and bright spots which draw the eye away from the faces. Since it's such a high contrast there's a sharp transition to dark and most of the faces don't have too much detail. Perhaps a reflector to kick a bit of light back or a little LED lite panel so you can dial in the right amount of light to get some detail in. You can always take away details easier than trying to get some in pp. If it was shot in RAW there is probably a fair bit you can recover both in the blown highlights as well as the faces. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Toned down the hot spots, lowered the contrast,put a little more detail in the faces and added a bit of gaussian blur. I like the background lights but find them a bit harsh and blurred them some. It's really rough but gives you the idea. Others may have other opinions, just my 2 cents.





    Grave Diggers


    Nice atmosphere and framing. The lines of the gravestones lead to the subjects. Good separation of the figures. I would fix the 6 dust spots on the left hand side as they are distracting.



  3. Hello

    I like the framing and tilt to the totem. The cloudy background works well to give a strong graphic feel. As for thoughts on how better to capture it. I would have liked to see a bit more of the faces, perhaps moving around a little to the left unless that would introduce distractions in the background. I might consider taking out most of the color. The bright colors are really competing for attention and making it a monochrome or taking out most of the color would help focus attention on the shapes and faces more. I might play around with focal lengths and position to get the lower section to be more dominant. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.


  4. Hello Michael

    I like the framing and the timing. The two figures are well placed and separated and the two dogs the same. I like that they are running back towards the men and sort of mirror them. A few thoughts on what I feel might be changed. First the horizon is slopping down a bit to the left and needs to be straightened. I find it a little dark overall and might be lightened. The hill in the background has lost most of the detail. The blue on the water seems oversaturated in comparison to the rest of the image and might be desaturated to match the rest of the image. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Straightened the horizon, lightened, desaturated the water a bit and added a bit of saturation to the hill and the sand. I also did a little bit of dodge and burn to hopefully draw the eye a bit more to the subjects. The jpeg is kind of falling apart so it's pretty rough but gives you the idea anyway. Just my 2 cents, you may disagree.






    This range of mountains certainly lives up to the description. I like the composition. I would clone out the dust spots, a couple in the clouds at the 8 o'clock position next to the brightest spot in the sky and three on the right in the mountains.



  5. Hi Manojit

    I like the B&W choice here. The wide angle framing works well. The placement of the subjects is good. The image has good lines and reads well. A couple of things strike me. The figures seem a little bit soft and might be sharpened a bit. I might clone out the arc in the lower right. I'm not sure what it is but it keeps drawing my eye. Just my 2 cents.





    The pose and sharpness are fine. Good eye contact and the expression is interesting. The make up is attention getting. I don't know if you were shooting through some foliage or if it was added in pp. I really find the part obscuring her face to be a distraction, I'd like to see her face unobstructed. As it is I find myself looking at her hand since it's lightest in tone, clear, sharp and the way the image is working to me at least seems to be the focal point. I also find the yellow/green OOF bits rather overpowering for the image and feel it would work better if it was lighter and in tone and substance. Just my 2 cents.





    Sunset Portrait


    The thumbnail caught my eye. I like the idea here. Incongruous subject and setting. The flash at dusk makes her pop out in the frame. The red satin dress certainly draws the eye to the subject. As for my thoughts on possible changes. First I would say the power lines and microwave towers in the background are a distraction because they stand out and keep drawing my eye. I'm guessing you framed it this way to balance the composition but I think it would be better without them. I find the sky rather harsh and might soften it and take the saturation down and remove the green tinge. I might lighten the shadow under the chin from the flash. I guess a lot of this might be personal preference, just my 2 cents. I did an edit to show what I mean, a picture being worth a thousand words and all that.


  6. Well composed and timed. Great detail. Lots to explore in the image. I like the little spot of sky at the top. It looks like a texture was applied and possibly a gradient map. The toning could be adjusted in lots of ways to suit personal taste. At first I thought it might be a little too dull with the yellow cast but it grows on you as it's presented here but you could produce a number of variations which would be pleasing too. It has strong graphic elements an textures and would be nice as a duotone or quadtone also.



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