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Image Comments posted by gregoryl



    Overall well done. Nice line to the bridge, good sharpness. The long exposure with the small aperture has given nice long light trails and starburst
    point lights. The noise isn't noticeable. A few of the things I might alter with the image as it is. I'd clone out the small branch in the upper
    right. It's too small to frame it or give a sense of depth, it's just poking into the frame and is a distraction. I might darken the bright lights at
    the bottom of the frame some to help focus attention on the bridge and saturate the colors a bit. As for the composition I don't don't know if it
    would be possible to have a bit more showing on the right side or not. If it were possible ( nothing too distracting) I think it would balance out
    better. I noodled around with it, tweaked as mentioned above and faked some area on the right and a possible re-cropping.

    Just my 2 cents, others might disagree or have other ideas.





    I'd vote for kind of creepy. A lot of people don't like or are afraid of clowns. I'm ambivalent towards them. Some clown makeup can look cheerful, middle of the road or sinister. I think the look of this clown doll falls between the latter two and ends up looking a bit creepy. If you watch those kind of movies where they are possessed you could easily imagine it coming to get you in the night. Apart from that it's an interesting photo with good detail, color and framing.

    Kiss Me Here


    The background is often overlooked when we take the photo but is quite noticeable when we view it after the fact. The separation of the subject from the background really helps direct your attention there. One other thing I'll mention. When shooting any image with water it's important to make sure the horizon is level, here it's sloping down quite a bit to the left. I took a quick run at it too. Moved them to the right. Straightened the horizon. Did some dodge and burn on the couple and sharpened them up a bit to separate them from the background more and help draw the eye to them. The eye is naturally drawn to the sharpest part of an image.



  1. Really interesting image. Lots to look at. I like it much more than the reverse view in your gallery. This one has good framing and a more artistic view. A few thoughts on things that strike me as points for possible changes. The image strikes me as a bit dark in overall tone and might be a bit more cheerful if lightened. The HDR treatment has given it sort of a cartoon coloring. Having said that some people like it that way. It's in the image overall but shows up in particular in the edges of the buildings in the upper right. The buildings on the right side have a strong tilt to the left. I'm assuming that is due to distortion and the buildings don't lean like that in actual fact (it would be hard to live in them if they did ;) I did an edit to change the aspects I mentioned and sharpened it up a bit, just my 2 cents you and others may like it just as it is.


    Swan on Lake Como


    Hi Barry

    Lovely birds. Swans seem so regal. The timing and framing are OK. The strong evening light has given some dimension to the feathers although there is a strong warm cast. This is natural and the camera will record it so, but when we look at things with our eyes our brain will correct the color somewhat because we know the feathers are white. I might tone it down some so it still looks like evening but not so strong. There is a bit of highlight clipping which would likely be recovered if it's a RAW file. Overall I find it a bit washed out and might rework the tones. The water in the background has little color and might add a bit. A polarizer will often fix a lot of things especially on the water and give better richer colors. I did a quick edit to give you an idea of what I mentioned above.



  2. A nice candid moment. The framing is good. The child is completely involved in her playing. Maybe a little rework of the pp. I find her a bit dark. I see it's a cloudy day but some dodging and tweaks to the tones would make her stand out better. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.



  3. As with anything to do with judging you are left scratching your head and saying "huh" or if it's yours something stronger if it's a low score. There are some that get high scores and you can't see why, when it doesn't look like anything that special. I wouldn't take the score too seriously as it's open to anyone. You don't mention what comments it was given. That would be more revealing. As for this one the off kilter framing gets your attention. The time of day and the off camera flash work as it adds some drama. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea. For me the problematic aspects might be the expressions. She is happy but her eyes are closed and he has a sort of odd expression, not sure how to describe it. The lighting might be a little contrasty on them and might have been helped with a bit of fill from a reflector or second light. I guess it's a little dramatic for an engagement photo. Much different from the one of them in the field. That one works well, more of a standard image. Up close, soft light, you see the ring and they both seem happy. I guess the final vote goes to the couple. Of the series of photos you took which one was their favorite? My guess would be the one of them in the field. It's the woman who you have to please, the guy is just along for the ride. She looks good in that one. As for this image a score of 3 seems ridiculous and I'd be pissed too.



    The title you chose would indicate why you processed it this way. I also would say it has potential. The low POV works. The location works too. The odd lean of the animal and the missing ear (I assume it's just tucked out of sight and not really missing) add a bit of a surreal element. I too think it's too dark and would benefit from seeing more detail in the horse and maybe a bit lighter background. One other note are the dust spots that are in the upper right. I did a quick edit to show what I mean, just my 2 cents.


  4. Well composed and interesting. Nice to see HDR used with restraint and taste instead of being cranked up to 11. Great sky and detail. Really cool old vehicle. Something I would probably spend an hour or two photographing. As mentioned above a bit of a halo around the derrick. Also there is a bit of CA showing up on the derrick as well, both can be fixed.



  5. Hi

    An amusing image. Yes, where are they headed, are they lost? Since you're looking for comments. I might crop in a bit to loose the clouds at the top as they are bland and I don't think they add to the photo. It's obviously a grey cloudy day and you don't need to see them to know that so I'd take them out. Maybe if the contrast was lowered a bit it would show up the sheep a bit more. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.



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