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Image Comments posted by gregoryl

    Roman Riding


    Interesting action shot. I wonder how long it took him to learn to do this and I wonder painful it was, if you know what I mean. I'd say the bright orange and red on the subject and horses is a distraction to me too, seems out of place. You said you were struggling with the color. Maybe a duotone would work better. Removing the jumble of colors and letting the viewer focus on the subject. Just my 2 cents.





    I was going to comment on the previous image and suggest cropping like this. It's much stronger this way. The other thing for me at least is the contrast. It's quite flat and muddy. If you look at the histogram it will show that the highlights stop at about 182 instead of 255. It's sunny but it doesn't look that way. I might suggest reworking the pp. I did a quick edit to show what I would choose, maybe you or others might prefer something else. I also added a tint but that's completely personal taste. Just my 2 cents.





    Hi Phil

    A few thoughts on your image. I like the framing at the bottom but for my taste it just strikes me as too much dead space around the boat in particular the upper right. You can't take too much off but a bit off the top and the left side might tighten up the framing a bit, personal taste I suppose, others might like it as it is. Looking at the exif it looks like you were shooting wide open. It looks like you could have stopped down to f8 which would likely have been a bit sharper and a little better contrast. That can be bumped up a bit in pp but better to start with the best settings. I did a quick edit to sharpen up the boat and figures on the pier and bumped up the contrast a bit. I also framed what I would choose as a crop for your consideration. Just my 2 cents.





    Nice capture. My only thoughts would be to clean up the color noise showing up in the water and cloning out the two red hot spots in the upper right.

  1. Hello Joerg

    It looks like you like classic cars. This is a nice composition. Good framing and detail. A few thoughts on pp. Not trying to be harsh just some thoughts on how I might alter things. It looks like you did some work to balance the highlights and dark areas. However I think a few things might help. First the drivers side fender has lost color and I would put some back. The sky is washed out and because this is sort of a post card look I would add some color to it. There is a slight blue cast in the image partly from being in the shade but it also shows up on the building I might warm it up a bit. Lastly there is a touch of red between the tree and the edge of the frame that I would clone out. I did a rough edit to show what I mean, you would get better results if you spent more time than I did. Just my 2 cents.




    Turtle in Mist


    Nice image. Interesting and good detail, framing and color. The mist really adds to the image, makes it seem sort of magical. A much more compelling image than if it had been shot in midday sun.



    A beautiful woman. Nice light and pose. The only things I might suggest is to make the vignette softer, it's quite abrupt and looks like the halo effect you get on HDR photos. I might sharpen the eyes up a bit too. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.







    Nice lighting and detail. I think the focus is fine there is lots of detail in the dress, veil and tiara  which are in the same pane of focus as the face. The rings show up well as does the dress which is important. A few thoughts on details. I find it somewhat contrasty, I might lower it a bit on her face but mostly I find very little detail in the hair. I might smooth out the bitchiness on the forearm and lastly there seems to be a snag in the fabric of her dress just in front of her bracelet and would clone that out. I did a quick edit to show what I mean, just my 2 cents.







     I'm sort of with Santtu on this one. The thumbnail grabs your attention. The image is interesting but the exaggerated elongation of the woman is off putting, it looks like she is 8 ft. tall. Maybe if she wasn't quite so distorted it would work better for me. The other thing to me at least is the heavy grain in the sky, personal taste I suppose but there is a mismatch in the grain between the model and the sky. The grain is fine on the highlighted side of her although her left arm has the heavy grain like the sky. So I guess I'd say it has enough elements to get your attention but doesn't quite come together for me at least.



    Egg Light


    I like this quite a bit. The hard and soft shadows, the straight and curved shapes, the composition and good detail. You could present this in any number of ways. Subtle changes would change the feeling, like draining some of the color out or processing as a duotone shifts attention to the interplay of shapes and textures. It would be personal taste at this point because the image is well done.



    Picking flowers.



    With small children they often don't co operate and it's hard to get everything to work, the pose, light, expression, etc. You have some of the elements working in the image. You're down low with the flowers in the foreground and you have backlighting. A few thoughts for the next attempt. Perhaps shooting later in the day or when there are some light clouds in the sky to soften the light. The photo would have more impact if we could see the mother. Here we see the top of her head, the baby is OK. The positioning in the frame could be better, if they were over to the left with the space on the right. I did a really crude edit to show what I mean.




    she loves me



    I'd agree with the above. I'm not sure what you were trying to convey here. If it's a feeling being warm and sunny or exactly what. If warm, fuzzy and romantic is the direction you are trying for I think correcting the original and then warming and blurring the image might work better. I did an edit to show what I mean. This is the alternate edit I suggested on the other one with a couple of extra layers. Just my 2 cents.



  2. Hi Alexis

    The previous post mentioned a number of things. I'm not sure what the pp that was done here but there are problems. The dark blue tree trunks and the over-saturated greens, the flatness and lack of mid tone contrast. There is a green cast in the people and the blown highlights of his shirt. If it was shot in RAW you might be able to recover the highlights if a jpeg they're gone and no getting them back. I like the two expressions. The framing to me is off, I'm assuming this is the full frame. They are crowded over on the left and I can't see the reason for the empty space on the right. The ring is barely in the frame and her hand is cut off. If it had been framed more loosely you would have had some options. The off center position might have worked if they were on the right side and it wasn't framed so tightly, hard to say, one of those things you would have to see to see if it works rather than trying to imagine it. I'm not trying to be harsh here just my honest opinion on it. So I guess it boils down to the expressions are intriguing but most of the rest is problematic. I did an edit to correct some of the colors, bumped the contrast, faked a bit of detail in the shirt and shown what crop I would use here.  Not a lot you can do with a screen capture. Again not trying to be harsh just my honest opinion.




    Barrel Racing #2


    Hi Vlad

    Great timing, sharpness, color and detail. I like watching the barrel racing but never have had the opportunity to get close to the track. The action of the horse and rider around the barrel is great, the flying mane and the dirt kicked up adds to the sense of motion. A few thoughts on possible changes. Please don't think I'm tearing the photo apart, it's just my observations. There seems to be a slight dark smudge at the upper edge towards the right side. The image seems slightly tilted to the right. The added blur to help separate the subject from the background seems quite abrupt, might graduate it a bit. The blurring appears to be missing in the crook of the horses neck and the outside edge of the riders jeans is blurred where it should be sharp. The last thing is the framing, the partial figure on the right edge and the far barrel draw my eye to the edges of the frame. I know the framing is more of a personal preference but I'd crop them out and focus on the rider and horse. I did an edit to show what I mean. Again I want to restate that I'm not trying to tear it apart, just my thoughts on it, you and others may disagree with me.






    Nice angle with good leading lines. The side lighting is nice and the b&w treatment is nice. My only thoughts would be maybe to crop in a bit so the subjects are a bit more dominate in the frame. The other thing for me at least is I noticed his hand poking out from the crook in her elbow. I know it's his hand but the reaction I have is that there are too many hands especially since they are in a line and close together. Just my 2 cents.



  3. Has good impact. I like the points of interest at the edges here. Usually it doesn't work but does here. The HDR is handled well, seems realistic and not haloed and crunchy. My only thoughts are the horizon is sloping down to the left 1 degree and the lower right corner as it fades off to black I might bring back a bit of detail in. Other than those two things very nice.





    Since you're looking for comments on the series. I find this one too dark too and would lighten it up. Some of the same comments as the other one. I'd clone out the boat and the plastic container and in this one the guy fishing behind the shrubs on the left. I'd crop this one down too. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.



    'Randy's Donuts'


    Lots of good thoughts on the image already. The only thing I miss is the person leaning out the window handing over the bag of donuts. To me at least that would add the organic element to inorganic surroundings and tie them together.




    I'd say it's too dark and suggest brightening it up. There is a white spot by his leg that looks like a plastic container I'd clone out. I'd crop in to remove the blown out sky at the top and the boat is a real distraction to me at least and would clone that out too. I know there are time constraints shooting these things and they were probably drifting by gawking but it's in all the shots unfortunately. I did a real quick edit to show what I mean for consideration. Just my 2 cents.



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