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Image Comments posted by gregoryl




    The thumbnail caught my eye. It's a nice moment of the child, carefree on a sunny day. Although the thumbnail caught my eye when viewed full screen I find the heavy dark framing overwhelming and ominous. I don't know if that was your intent here or not. To me it's a happy carefree photo of childhood on a sunny day, the heavy dark woods conflicts with what I feel is the light mood. I like the framing idea but wonder if a little less of it and lightened up a bit might suit the tone better. Easier to see what I mean rather than describe it so I did a quick edit.



  1. This thumbnail caught my eye because of the strong color and interesting composition. But looking at it enlarged it strikes me as oversaturated. The strong color red and blue seem to be fighting for attention. The blue on the face is rather strong in particular on the eye. The blue on the fabric is intense but also abruptly stops and has some odd paterns over the face and ear making it blotchy. I like the framing and detail I guess it's mostly the color that causes a problem for me. Just my 2 cents.


  2. Hello Martin

    A nice happy group with good expressions. A few thoughts. It looks like you added about 20% to the left side but the line is visible. I think the paddle boat at the edge is a distraction. The subject I think are the group and their happy expressions. I might suggest cropping it down. The cement fixture is I think acceptable since this is a street capture and things aren't going to be perfect. The expressions are what sells it. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.






    Nice color and detail. A few thoughts since you want comments. The vignetting is distracting. It looks like the lens hood was too small. If it was added I don't feel it helps. I might correct some of the distortion to straighten the tower. I might also crop in a bit. I did a quick edit to show what I mean, just my 2 cents.


  3. I'd agree that it's too dark. The histogram shows no meaningful data above about 170. If you do a curves layer or a levels layer and drag the right slider over it brightens things up nicely. A nice casual portrait of your grand daughter.



    Nice movement of the water. Well framed. Nice color and detail. A couple of things that I might double check. The lighthouse seems to have an ever so slight lean to the right. I think it is lens distortion as the horizon is level. Also there is a bit of cyan CA on the left hand side of the rocks at the skyline. Just how I see it.



    Rock Pile


    Interesting idea. Good detail and shape. A couple of thoughts. I would use a solid, smooth surface as the fabric it's on shows up as a fuzzy line at the bottom. It seems kind of lost in space and I think a border would help contain things. As for lighting it's not going anywhere so you can experiment with directional light or perhaps painting with light which can give some interesting results.



  4. I like the little moment captured here with the dog. The framing and timing are good. My only suggestion would be to rework the pp to reduce the contrast to reveal some detail in the darks of the dog and hills and darken the water to reveal more detail and color. I did a quick edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.


  5. I agree with the above. I like the colors and line of the wall and the late day sun. Sometimes it isn't possible to do things that are suggested but if it were possible I think it would be more pleasing. The other things for this image as it is. If you were to just reveal the details of the sign without the halo from the dodging it would be better IMO. The other thing to me at least, I find the two figures beside the pole distracting and would remove them. I like the blur of the child running towards the wall as it adds a bit of action and mystery to the image. I did a quick edit to show what I mean, just my 2 cents.




    A nice silhouette on the boat and man against the gold of the water. I think there is a stronger image inside this one. The right hand side is dark and lacks interest because the sun isn't reflecting on it. As mentioned above the boat and man are the subject but somewhat lost. Cropping in would reduce the dominance of the sky and remove some of the dark water and make the boat and figure stand out more. The water line is sloping down to the right and I would straighten it and lastly there is some color and luminance noise in the dark clouds above the skyline and would smooth that out. I did an edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents others may have different opinions.




    Calgary at Dawn


    Hello Hristo

    An interesting sky and the skyline shows up well. A couple of thoughts. I find too much dead space on the bottom. There is no detail there, the sky and skyline are the interesting parts and would crop most of it out. Also there are two white dots in the darkness which my eye keeps going to and I wonder what they are and so it's a distraction to me. I see your blog uses this image in as a header cropped heavily. It works in that context but as a stand alone image some cropping and removing the white dots would make a stronger image. I did an edit to show what I mean. Just my 2 cents.




    I like the composition. The mood is nice. Muted greens with the splash of red for contrast. The tree shape is interesting and shows up well against the fog.  It's well placed in the frame. The only thing I'm curious about is the blurring in the lower left. I don't know what's causing it. The shutter speed is high and would freeze any movement but it's foggy and it would be still. It looks to be the same distance as the the red foliage and the small tree on the lower right. So I'm stumped as to why.



    An interesting little rig. A nice pair of horses. From your gallery it looks like they are on the way to participate in some kind of obstacle course competition. I haven't seen anything like that, looks interesting, a challenge for the horses and driver. As for the image I find it a bit dark and might suggest a little reworking of the tones and some dodge and burn to bring out the people and horses. I might also crop in a bit. I did a quick edit to show what I mean.





    Great image. The title is great too. I like the composition and framing. The only thing for me is the pp. It looks like you gave it a HDR look to accentuate the desolation but to me at least it isn't needed and distracts the attention away from the subject and towards the processing, if you get what I mean. To me a more natural processing wold be more pleasing but of course it's personal taste and I like HDR images so I'm not against the processing here on that basis. I see you were there before the regime changes and instability. With the collapse of the economy this scene is probably worse today. 

  6. I like the mood and the framing. The high contrast is a matter of taste. There are however a lot of dust spots showing up because of the f22 aperture. The other thing is it's way off level. I did an edit to show the above points. If they were fixed it would have more impact. Just my 2 cents.



    Mini cooper


    Personally I feel there is too much dead space around the vehicle. In particular the lower pavement. I'd suggest a crop to eliminate some of it. It would also place the car a little less in the center of the frame. I did an edit to show what I mean, just my 2 cents.



  7. Hi Avinash

    A nice moment captured. I like the framing, detail and expressions. The harsh sunlight has cast some heavy shadows on their faces. I might suggest reducing the contrast to even out the tones and reveal more detail. I did a quick edit to show what I mean.



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