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Robin Smith

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Robin Smith

  1. I'm dying to sell off my Canon FF stuff, although I will miss the 135mm f2. I wish I could get it to work on the OM. A FF equiv 270mm f2 would be cool. Gary what have you tried? 40-150mm f2.8, 35-100mm? Maybe the new 40-150 f4 will work nicely? I found the 40-150mm f2.8 not a great choice for basketball, but I think this is because the light levels are low and the larger focal length range just makes it a little too slow, although it's good for most other things including soccer.
  2. They're very common in hotels (curved rods)
  3. You may be right about the 12-40mm, but somehow I doubt it. Canon did the same with their EF 70-200mm 2.8 ver 3. The old 12-40 still has max Fps, focus bracketing etc with the OMD as per the new one, so I don’t see what is different. When in doubt always claim “new coating”. The new 12-40 is better water sealed though, so I guess that counts as an improvement. We shall see though if there’s anything else.
  4. The rod is curved, the tiles are straight. Sanford has corrected the barrel distortion such as it is, so not really a big deal.
  5. If it is as Ms Gebler Davies says, which I have to say sounds the most likely scenario, then Corbett is simply pissed he got no credit for being an "assistant" for an award-winning pic. This is probably not unusual in these situations (see Pret-a-Porter/Ready to Wear: Altman film with an obnoxious famous photographer who does nothing but simply release the shutter). But I agree with Mike, this seems an issue she can resolve going forward with a more careful employment contract. I knew someone who assisted Annie Liebowitz, he knew where he stood on these matters, not that he didn't complain, but equally he learned a lot. He is a successful editorial photographer now. I find the photo unattractive, a bit too "clever" for my taste (particularly the punning title), but it is unusual so all is fair in art and war.
  6. Looks great. I hope to be able to get one. The 40-150 f4 is very nice, but I have the f2.8 version and the 12-100mm f4, so don't think I need it. The trouble is m43 have so many good lenses with overlapping capabilities it is very hard to decide what is the best route. The new 12-40mm f2.8 they clearly made just to have something "new" to pair with the new camera available as a kit, even though I don't think it is significantly different from the older one.
  7. XPSs generally come with a perfectly adequate dedicated video card, although you can upgrade all its components easily when you buy it or in the future. Gamers might prefer a high performance card or if you are doing CAD design work full time, or perhaps even a lot of 8K video, but these are not needed for someone just working with stills. As Andrew says, all your data is better stored on the other (large) internal HD drive, not your SSD start up drive.
  8. Not sure whether being in a urban situation makes it better or worse. In suburbia or in rural areas, suspicion is probably worse. I know I would think it weird if some guy wanted to take shots on my property. I could possibly be convinced, but I would probably class the visitor somewhere between a Jehovah's witness and a canvassing Republican (or the other way around). I like your story, Sam. But where I am we just don't have people on the street just passing by.
  9. JD: Why in that case is the shutter speed not locked too? I think the camera is like that because you are expected to keep the aperture at a "sweet spot" and adjust s/s to match.Those dials are not exactly easily moved either, with or without locks. I agree about the Minox. That was a fun camera.
  10. I'd second go with an XPS, just get the max RAM you can without breaking the bank. For example, when your RAM requests start to cost a third as much as the basic machine, I wouldn't go there. I would get the 1TB SS drive. It will remove any worries you have that programs will start to encroach on your scratch RAM. Many Windows-based programs (e.g. Adobe) do not allow you to install on anything other than the C drive, so having a large startup drive is important. I had a 250 GB SSD and it ran out of space. I would get the biggest internal hard drive (non SSD) you can too, again, but no need to go wild. I have a 3TB drive. For home use so far this is fine and my machine is 9 years old. I, too, am sparing with my shots and do not take video.
  11. Shutter speeds and aperture are really fiddly esp the aperture, you have to press the button (why?). I think it is an f8 and be there kind of camera. No easy way to hang it around your neck. It's really heavy for a small camera. Guessing focus is even harder with a 40mm over a 35mm. Does look handsome in black though.
  12. Recoating will not be of much help if it is really scratched. You might possibly like the soft focus effect though just using it as it is. I wouldn't send it off. It does depend a bit on what "intense scratching" means. Some people get worked up if there is a single dust speck in a lens.
  13. This is a really weird response to someone who shoots a compact camera and clearly does not want to contemplate getting five bodies plus 8 lenses, and I agree with the others, it may not be for me but these compact do-it all cameras can be really good. I would second suggestion of the Canon G series or the Sony RX. I always think the Canons seem more robust, but this is not based on any real evidence.
  14. Beautiful looking camera, but an ergonomic nightmare. I had one for about 2 months and found it painful to shoot with, but many others swear by them. They command a good price second hand, because they have two famous names in one camera: Rollei and Sonnar (Zeiss) - so it has to be really good...
  15. I suspect almost 100% would tell you get lost. I think I probably would too, and I'm a photographer. The problem is to not be too creepy. "I'm targeting homeowners" is not a good start.
  16. The words in English make me think of the US rather than Greece.
  17. The 60mm Oly macro costs $499. Does anyone seriously use a medium format camera for macro work? The increased depth of field with an m43 camera is reason enough to prefer it over FF, let alone an MF system for macro work.
  18. In manual mode you can set 2 dials to control shutter speed and aperture and a third for ISO if you want. Why is that not manual mode? Or do you mean manual focus? You can do that too if you want.
  19. I am fairly antisocial so the idea of a group of people in a camera club all progressing around taking photos en masse, has never appealed. I did that once a few times when I was young and thought it was a dreadful example of group think. I also happen to think that being "assigned" tasks or themes to photograph is of no help at all. It then becomes like some kind of work and to me photography is definitely play.
  20. People always ask this, but I rarely have any issues. I go out on my own often to take photos but if I am with the family I just take photos when I like, and I catch them up later. I rarely have any conflict. If I want to stay longer I say we will meet up later and give a time. No big deal. I have always been like this, so it is nothing new for the family.
  21. My dream Leica is a Leica Q3. I do regret selling all my Leicas, R and M, but it was financially necessary for me in order to make the digital transition at the time. I would like an M11, but I don't think I could ever afford one now.
  22. My reaction to this kind of thing, is to just find another shot. Is white less visible than yellow in a color image? And I am certain you will notice a fake dark-grayed triangle just as you will a yellow or white one. In fact it may well just look worse. I would consider whether this small irritation is worth the work you are trying to do. The best solution would be to clone it out all together, but that is even harder.
  23. Sorry, I'm not bitching about Mirrorless Monday, more about "Mirrorless Digital Cameras". It would be better if there was a "DSLR Digital Cameras" category to match it. That would go with Classic Manual and Modern Film cameras. The argument is largely between splitters and lumpers. Do we need more specific-camera make forums or fewer, more general, categories? Why does Canon FD have a whole category when there is not an M42 category or Minolta MD, Pentax K etc etc, for example? It would be better to have "Digital Photography" and "Film Photography" forums rather than splitting off mirrorless as a special category of digital. Its really not that special anymore (if it ever was). The Mirrorless Monday thread would fit nicely into a Digital Photography forum for example.
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