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Posts posted by steve_johnston9

  1. <p>I know there has been a lot of discussion about privacy recently but this article court my eye.<br>

    <a href="http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/news/Police_quiz_photographer_over_barmaid_pics_news_304295.html">http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/news/Police_quiz_photographer_over_barmaid_pics_news_304295.html</a><br>

    The article seems to indicate that had the photographer been taking secret pictures of the bar maids he would be committing an illegal act. As a street photographer I often secretly take pictures of the people in the street, both men and women and on public transport. Am I breaking the law ?</p>

  2. <p><strong>I just thing you should approach the whole thing with a bit of humility first before worrying what's gonna happen if you win one of the most prestigious competitions in the world</strong><br>

    I didn't say I was going to win and I don’t believe I am approaching this with any arrogance. The simple fact is I don’t want to endanger my good reputation by getting myself disqualified from a competition or breaking stock agency rules. It’s simply being professional. I’m not quite sure how this implies <strong>arrogance,</strong> to me this implies <strong>professionalism.</strong></p>

  3. <p>I am referring to the fact that many stock libraries such as Getty want exclusive rights to the images. I may have got this wrong, but I have assumed that entering the images into competitions would contravene this exclusivity cause, as the competitions require the right to be able to publish the images free of charge to promote the competition in the future.</p>
  4. <p><strong>I haven’t go time for people on this forum who just feel the need to slate other photographers.</strong><br /><strong> Exactly what you are doing with this comment.</strong><br>

    No I'm just mearly pointing out, that there is a minority of people who are more interested in having a go at the questioner, in order to make themselves feel bigger. Or pick on one section of the questioner's post to make themselves feel superior, as you do.<br>

    Unfortunately this forum is getting a reputation for this, and know of some photographers who have stopped using it for this reason. I am not prepared to stop using this forum because of this, as there is a larger majority who are prepared to be helpful. I'm sorry you feel that you can't be part of that larger group.</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Hello I am a professional portrait/wedding photographer, but I have quite a few travel photographs that have been taken over the years and just left on my hard drive. I was looking to do something with these photos, my thoughts were to either enter them into competitions, i.e. Reputable competitions, not one that takes your copyright and run or put them out to stock.<br>

    From most of the agencies/ competitions I have read you can’t do both. Is there any benefit of entering competitions, have you heard of photographers winning getting additional benefits other than the main prize, i.e. the image being picked up directly by image purchasers, or additional contracts through raised profile?<br>

    Or should I just put them out to stock and see if anyone bites? Serious answers please, I haven’t go time for people on this forum who just feel the need to slate other photographers.</p>

  6. <p>I am having an issue with my SD cards on my 500d. Every so often I put an SD card into my 500d it fails to recognise that it has a card in it. I try several cards that don’t work then finally after swapping and changing them around I get one of the cards that wouldn’t previously work to work. I am wondering if the fact that I use these cards across multiple cameras Panasonic TZ6 and canon s90 is causing the problem, when I delete the files via the 500d the folders from the other cameras are still there. Should I format them in another way?</p>
  7. <p>Hello I have really enjoyed my experience with Holga camera in terms of the images I produce. However I have managed to break two of them, also they are not really good in terms of shooting in low light. I was wondering if there are some classic cameras that are a good alternative to the holga. <br>

    Hi I am looking at something which is a bit more re-bustly built, possibly has a faster lens to shoot in lower light conditions, still manual focus, 35mm.<br>

    I don’t ever modify my holga, but I don’t seem to get the same kind of results with my Voightlander. Is there something intrinsic in the holga itself that only holga cameras can produce, or is there a good alternative that would fit my needs above ? </p>

  8. <p>Hello,<br>

    Wondering if I could ask for your assistance, I am looking to develop my own film. I have previously developed my own film in college, but the chemicals were ordered and mixed up for us. My volume of film is likely to be low. I would have thought two rolls of film a month. I have all the necessary kit, with the exception of the chemicals. I am considering ordering the following:<br>

    Ilford ID11<br>

    Ilford Ilfostop Stop Bath<br>

    Ilford Rapid Fixer<br>

    Ilford ifolotol wetting agent.</p>

    <p>My question is how likely are these chemicals likely to last given my current volume? I have looked at these chemicals because we used Ilford at college. Are there other chemicals that will last longer, but be as easy to use ? </p>

  9. <p><strong>What is the point of this question? The difference between f/2.8 and f/3.5 is small, after all.</strong><br>

    Guess you don't do much low light shooting where half a stop can make a difference. Try Reading the question again if you want to know the point@ it to find out<strong>, What is the longest focal range that you can have the Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 at 2.8?</strong></p>

  10. <p>Is it still worth buying a second hand canon 5d original anymore? The 5d was released in 2005, so any camera would be five years old. I know a lot depends on how much use it has had, but given that the age of the camera, how long is the camera likely to last for before repair or it dies. Would a 7D be a better option? <br>

    I need to invest in a serious camera as I will be using it for contracted pro jobs, where the requirement often states “Pro Level Cameras are required”. I know this is subjective but in your opinion. Would the 7D fufil that criteria? The work is likely to be subcontracted events, weddings and portraits. 5D2 is out of my price range.</p>

  11. <blockquote>

    <p><strong>So the approach that I have developed is to dial into the camera the setting I would like to have, if I had more ideal conditions</strong></p>


    <p><strong>Not sure what you mean by the above.</strong><br>

    If I want the background blurry, I shoot at f 2.8 if sharp f8 or more. A low iso if possible if I don't want noise etc..</p>


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