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Image Comments posted by gaule



    Whatever about the need for portraiture to be sharply conscious of its means and objectives, quite the oppostite seems to hold true of those portrayed. Very often, the more spontaneous and unaware they are, the more interesting and captivating the portrait will be (given, of course, a reasonable degree of expertise on the part of the photographer). I think the present photo is a good example of that. It delivers a slice of life rather than a pose, and therin lies its particular charm.

  1. It's an beautiful angle on the Falls that allows the eye to travel avidly from foreground to background. The only thing that strikes me as slightly incongruous is the intense white of the waterfall in relation to the darker colours all around.  That doesn't diminish the aesthetic appeal of the photo, however. Quite the contrary. 



    Some photos have primarily an aesthetic appeal, but others seem to strike a deeper chord that engages our whole humanity, and I find that the present image is of the latter kind. From a purely aesthetic point of view, it may not be judged extraordinarily attractive, yet on the level of shared humanity we are drawn graphically into the harsh reality of the life of an old man battling against the elements. John Donne’s verse springs to mind: “I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee”. For me, the uphill struggle of the man becomes a perfect symbol of his life’s journey, and the compositional choice to leave more space behind him than in front, though perhaps aesthetically less pleasing, helps to underline very eloquently the fact that his life’s journey is nearing its end. It’s an image that grips, while others that may be aesthetically more satisfying can leave us cold and unaffected.

  2. Excellent angle and (I would surmise, since you provide no technical details) nicely corrected distortion. The baptismal font provides a good anchor point for the eye, and I find the inclusion of the person in bright blue also adds a welcome note of contrast.



    All'inizio il contrasto forte di luci e di ombre mi è sembrato eccessivo, ma mi sono ravveduto molto presto. Tutti i dettagli sono perfettamente percettibili, e il contrasto talora schietto tra bianco e nero coglie bene la presenza nascosta ma quanto sentita del sole romano implacabile che inonda i vicoli e viali ombrosi della città. Mi piace molto l'atmosfera della foto.

    Grape harvest


    I like this compact, corner-of-the-table composition. The lighting concentrates our attention on the essential things, without clutter. Maybe I would have liked a tiny bit more texture to chew on as well, but what is presented is already mouth-watering in many ways.

  3. It's obvious that an early morning rise pays dividends, Harry! Here you have captured twice over a transition from warm colours to cold that gives the photo an attractive complexity, with plenty of detail in each layer, despite the difficulty that is always presented by strong shadow at that time of day.



    The expression, the pose, the colour, the lighting: they all work beautifully together and give a lot of freshness to this portrait. The missing "two front teeth" make it all the more natural.



    Beautiful fusion of sea, sky and sand, and with all the lines leading very eloquenty to the boy. In black and white it is even more eloquent.

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