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Image Comments posted by gaule

    Earring blue girl


    Beautiful Old Master-like treatment of the subject. The colour is very attractive and the inclusion of the blue erarring provides an eye-catching added point of interest.

  1. Yes, the piper is unexpected and perhaps a touch surreal in this landscape. The contrast between B & W and colour adds to that, and the impression is further enhanced by the (ominous) inclusion of the birds in the upper left. All together, I find it a suggestive and appealing composition.

  2. The nicely textured slopes, with their contrasting swirls of colour, have a pleasing abstract character and they are neatly offset by the well-placed human element. For me, the image, even with its narrow angle, gives a great sense of the mighty presence of the whole volcano.

    ozlem pink


    The face is nicely framed by hat and hair, and those magnificent brown eyes really captivate the attention. Perhaps the photo extends downwards more than is necessary, however. Here the face is everything, and the lower portion of the image seems, to me at least, a bit superfluous. One way or another, it's a very attractive portrait.

  3. It's a nicely atmospheric photo. I like the 'minimalism' that uses simply a few ragged lines of trees and cloud to convey its information and create its impression. It reminds me somewhat of Japanese or Chinese ink drawings.

  4. For me, this image has all the ingredients of an attractive landscape, and the composition binds those elements together with obvious photographic craftsmanship. At the same time, however, it's a landscape that conforms very much to the expectations of the genre. It's very similar to many other good photos of this kind that are on display in photo.net and elsewhere. Yet even though I would be happy to achieve the same picture-perfect beauty myself, I still think it falls short of the ultimate step that leads to real difference, to originality, to uniqueness. I see a nice scene, but somehow the flash of personality is missing. I feel the present photo is a fine exercise in photographic skill, but it doesn't lead me onto more exciting terrain.

    Rapallo - Trelo


    Colpisce la magnifica impressione di profondità in quest'immagine, ma ciò che la rende particolarmente incatevole, a mio avviso, è lo sparpagliamento dei colori ardenti del tramonto. E' una scena che invita alla riflessione.

    High Summer


    I often find the prevalence of summer green almost overwhelming in our temperate, rainy latitudes, but I like the subtle gradation of shades in this photo. The angle of view is also very well chosen.

    The look.


    Beautiful detail. The well-captured, thoughtful, distant look in the eyes is an invitation to go beyond the portrait itself and into the life of the person portrayed.

  5. In themselves, the rocky hillock, the skeletal tree, the disarray of the flowers, don't look like good candidates for a composition, but here they are all held together with a nice balance of rugged attractiveness that isn't less beautiful, I find, than the more picture-postcard quality of many of your photos, Mark. In the end, it's the eye that matters.

    Waves on the rocks


    It's an eye-catching composition. The contrast between the rocks and the water, the colour, the nicely timed capture of the movement of the waves: it all adds up to a very pleasing image, I find.

    Clouds Fall


    Each part of the image is very attractive, from the flowers in the foreground to the fan-shaped spread of cloud. The silky flow of water, too, is nicely captured.

  6. It's an impressive view of the mountain, made all the more striking by the elegant arch of cloud passing over the top. The problem with sunrise and sunset shots in the mountains is that there are very great contrasts of light and shadow, so it is easy to understand that the foreground is so dark. There seems to be sufficient detail in the dark area, however, to allow for a little more recovery. It's a great photo, all the same.



    I like the way the waterfall takes centre stage in this composition, and the angle of view could hardly have been better chosen. The colours in Iceland, as I remember them, can often be stark and forbidding, but here you have found a gentle and very attractive corner. I find the inclusion of the small human figure is as perfect as it is unexpected. It gives us the measure of everything.

  7. If the factory alone had been photographed, it would have been sufficent to provide a good subject. It's the inclusion of the contrasting foreground, however, that - to my mind - gives the image added depth and a nice dash of piquancy. All the light - artificial, as it happens - is on the massively imposing industrial complex in the background, whereas the far smaller human dwellings are cloaked in almost total darkness. The church itself, which would have once been the local landmark, is dwarfed by the towering chimneys, belching their polution into the sky. It's hard to avoid the perhaps disquieting symbolism that such a photo suggests, whether intended or not. It doesn't make the photo better or worse - only more complex and, I think, more interesting.

    Old Boots


    I think the foreground boots deserve a photo all to themselves. The ones in the background tend to distract. Great subject and nice treatment, nonetheless.

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