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Image Comments posted by gaule



    It's a truly artistic composition in lighting, colour and content. It evokes very beautifully the ecstasy of musical enjoyment. The only point that seems to me a little out of proportion is the thickness of the neck in relation to the head, but that will be due, I am sure, to the fact that the head is thrown sharply backwards.



    It's very captivating in its simplicity. The scene is recognisable for what it is, and yet it has a great abstract feel to it.

  1. It all looks so simple, and yet the execution you describe is complex. What I like particularly about the composition is the way the dawn is framed between the arching clouds above and the curve of the rocky shoreline beneath.  This gives the scene a great unity, despite the wide expanse it covers.

  2. Se ha captado muy bien aquí el contraste que se buscaba. Es tan grande, sin embargo, que colinda un poco con lo incongruo: el árbol es una llamarada inesperada de vida y de color en medio de un mundo estéril y helado. Pero en eso consiste talvez el encanto de la foto.

    Aspen Family


    It's a very attractive composition with beautiful colour. To my eye, the actual focus on the trunks seems ever so slightly soft, although that may be due to the smoothness of the bark or the thin depth of field which seems to favour the trunk on the left. I'd love to see the trunks 'popping' for even greater contrast, but that's just a question of personal preference, I think.



    I find the juxtapostion of the sapling and the tall forest behind is interesting and nicely chosen. The only thing that lessens the impact of the scene for me is the lack of sharp focus at any point to draw the eye to it. The sapling would seem to be the obvious candidate, but perhaps the hazy sunlight is also contributing to reduce the contrast.



    I like the colour very much, but I feel the upper portion of the photo dilutes the strength of the composition. Would a crop, just above the topmost leaves, help to rivet the attention a little better?



    A winning smile with great eye contact. The natural colour, well-directed lighting and sharp detail make this a very attractive portrait.

    Star of autumn


    Many thanks for the kind and encouraging comments. Yes, I would have liked to have the sun less centred and more perhaps to the right, but the turns in the road didn't favour my designs. One way or another, I was happy to be there and to get what nature gives.

  3. I prefer this narrow view to the wider one you had put up earlier. It concentrates attention on what I like most about the image: a certain 'raggedness' of water and foliage that conveys a perfect impression of seasonal change in small space. 

  4. Sì, decisamente, la cupola a cassettoni del Pantheon. E' un dettaglio affascinante che si offre qui. La presenza delicatamente suggerita dell'oculo luminoso (e divino) dà vita a tutto.



    Es un bodegón sencillo pero muy logrado. Me gusta la combinación armoniosa de colores y la textura detallada de los diversos objetos.

    San Pietro


    It's a great angle on the Baldacchino and Cupola in St. Peter's. The difficulty of holding together the darker and brighter elements in the image is somewhat visible in the noise and loss of colour in different parts, but that is always the problem when taking high contrast, unevenly lit interiors - perhaps, too, at high ISO and high shutter speed when no tripod can be used. I like the originality of the composition.

  5. The HDR is so gentle here that it enhances the scene without being in any way excessive. It's the kind of photo that could grace any book on ancient Greece, I think. With the nice golden patina on the ruins, it strikes a perfect note of antiquity. 



    Nice rendering of autumn colour and a ragged autumn sky. I would love to see a little more foreground, to give more room to the pool in front of the waterfall, but the beauty of the scene is well captured, one way or another.

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