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Image Comments posted by gaule

    Peaceful Morning


    The slight tinge of red on the Matterhorn provides a nicely distinctive contrast to the cold blues everywhere else, while the reflection in the still water of the lake doubles the beauty of it all. You can never have too much of a good thing!

    End of the day


    This is an eye-catching image. The curve of gondolas doesn't really form a barrier to St Mark's, in the distance, and I think the combination of blue and ochre goes quite well. It's interesting to see Venice in this darker light and not alone through the usual prism of dazzling sunshine and brilliant multicolour.

    Sky Curtain


    El color ocre predominante da quizá una tonalidad lúgubre a la imagen, pero la ventana luminosa que se abre entre las nubes le da un toque esperanzado. Con pocos elements se ha logrado una composición muy interesante.

  1. It's an excellent interior, particularly in its control of perspective and the sharpness of detail. The colours leave me somewhat undecided, however. The absence of natural areas of shadow, as happens in a HDR image, and the rather bright pastel-like colours, suggest a touch of artifice in the image. In a way, I have the impression that this makes the interior almost too perfect.



    It's a simple yet attractive composition, I find, and the combination of orange-yellow against a jet black background works extremely well. The angle of view captures nicely the shape of the flower. The petals look slightly soft, but to wish for greater sharpness in focus is perhaps a matter of taste.

    Above 7000m


    What a perfect airy-scary place to take a photo. The blue-white convolutions of snow, the blank grey of the mist, the heavy trudge of the climber, all create a wonderful atmosphere. The wind blowing snow from the upper ridge is the icing on the cake.

  2. The upward gaze, with the blue halo of light above, makes one think vaguely of a saint in prayer, but the varnished fingernails bring one back to earth again! The lighting is very effective, and the background too is very well chosen. (Am I wrong in thinking that the hat is a blue plastic basin? One way or another, it's perfect.)

    The Signal


    Qué suerte el poder captar una luz tan dramática como la que ilumina este paisaje! Me encanta el contraste que existe entre los colores rojizos y los azules - un contraste que se repite además en los colores del arco iris.

  3. Tony, thanks for your very kind critique. The image is in fact a true HDR, made up of a combination of three photos taken at a one stop interval from each other. They were then combined and tone-mapped using Photomatix. Although HDR is especially good in high contrast scenes, I find it can often give a satisfying image on overall brighter days as well.

  4. The long exposure of the night sky, with the northern celestial sphere neatly behind the principal rock formation (almost like a dolmen), corresponds very well to your mythological vision of the scene. I admire your control of lighting and detail.



    There's a nice contrast in the image between the seriousness of a sacramental moment and the simple joy of the mother. I think the shallow depth of field has been well placed, on the mother and child, between the slightly out-of-focus foreground and background.

  5. For me, it's an image where good technique and vision complement each other. Within the peculiar technical constraints of a fisheye lens, it captures an interesting form that expresses in a symbolic way something of the essence of the building it portrays. Whether the form evokes an embrace or - more aptly still in my view - a chalice, it provokes a sense of admiration and awe, which is exactly what the architects intended to convey in the first place. The nicely controlled contrast in lighting and colour, between the bright gold of the coffered ceiling and the sombre grey of the arches and pillars, lies at the heart of the whole creation and, I would think, is what makes it so attractive.

    Pine Tree


    The image gives a very attractive, plunging view into a beautiful landscape. I, too, am a little undecided about the placing of the tree in the composition. I can see why you would wish to have it there, at the centre of the 'V' formed by the mountain slopes, but it does tend to check the observer's view almost immediately and hinder it from going further. At the same time, however, the individuality of the tree adds interest to what would otherwise be, all in all, a more classic and perhaps less interesting approach to the scene.

  6. I know that with these early morning baloon flights over the land it's very difficult to hold the extremes of bright light and deep shadow together, but here you have managed it very well, with plenty of detail at every level, even in the sky. It's an excellent photo of a unique landscape.

    St George Beach


    Very attractive composition. It's true that the red colour in the foreground is strikingly vivid, but within the general treatment of colour in the image I find it works quite well.



    Nice to see your photos appearing again, Harry. It's the kind of photo that points beyond itself and has one asking: Who is the forgetful one? The lighting and texture bring out very well the paradox of beauty in decay. 

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