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Everything posted by sarah_mcnulty

  1. sarah_mcnulty

    Misty Faith

    Hi Pierre, Your creations are always thought provoking and beautifully put together. This one has a slightly eerie feel to it and makes me think of humankind slowly losing it's faith but on a brighter note art transcends faith and is open to all cultures and beliefs :-) Great work. Best wishes. Sarah.
  2. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Hi Pierre, great to hear from you and thank you very much for the praise! Not sure I quite deserve it as he was such a good subject to begin with :-) Shall visit your portfolio and see what you have been up to. Best wishes. Sarah.
  3. Thanks Jamie, my friends daughter Rose is such a nice subject for photography. All the best. Sarah.
  4. Thanks Holger, was great to see your wild pony capture! Best wishes. Sarah.
  5. Hi Maurizio, great location and composition with wonderful light and tones. Best wishes. Sarah.
  6. Hi Maurizio, Alf, Jack & Jamie. Thanks very much for the feedback - I'm almost wishing for the snow to come back :-) Hi Jamie - Oh well my photo The Way To The Beach was a bit short lived in your favourites folder but at least this one replaced it. Thank you very much :-) Best wishes. Sarah.
  7. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Hi Jack, thanks for your thoughts - I agree about Seagulls as I have loads of photos of them which I wouldn't normally upload but this one had a really great character about him. One thing I have noticed is Seagulls seem to be getting very large, must be all the food they get to scavenge! Hi Jamie. I'm thinking he could be Winston Churchill reincarnated :-) Now there's a thought! Thanks Jamie. Best wishes. Sarah.
  8. sarah_mcnulty

    Wild Pony

    Hi Holger, horses and ponies are very dear to my heart as I used to own and compete them. You have captured this pony beautifully in a natural environment, love the movement in the mane and tail. Best wishes. Sarah.
  9. Hi Tony, great capture and composition, the Heron, colours and reflections make for a very eye catching image. Best wishes. Sarah.
  10. sarah_mcnulty


    Hi Michael. I really love the shapes here and the deep blue sky against the yellow masts. A very striking composition. Best wishes. Sarah.
  11. Hi Patsy. Thanks for stopping by and yes it was definitely snow which I have now put in the title. Have a great weekend. Best wishes. Sarah.
  12. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Hi Patsy, Alf & Radu. This chap (assuming he is a chap) stopped by my balcony window whilst I was on holiday in Teignmouth, Devon last year. He seemed so regal just waiting there for scraps, must say I didn't give in as Seagulls can be quite a pest around seaside villages and Towns. Thanks for your thoughts on this. Best wishes. Sarah.
  13. sarah_mcnulty

    A Snowy Morning

    © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  14. Hi Jack, really like the colours and shapes here, unfortunately I am lost in translation but I'll work it out (hopefully - feeling a bit illiterate here) All I can say is I like it!! Best wishes. Sarah.
  15. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  16. Hi Jack, think it would definitely be worth trying - I have seen some great results from other photographers with Infra Red. All the best. Sarah.
  17. Always hoped I would get a non flower into your favourites someday and I have now achieved it! Haha. Thanks Jamie.
  18. Hi Patsy & Jack. Thanks for stopping by. I did want to try and create bit of a pencil/charcoal effect in Photoshop and to separate Rose from the background a little more. Used a bit of infra red too as I thought the overall tonality was a bit flat in original image but not an expert in B/W! Pleased you both liked the effect. Best wishes. Sarah.
  19. © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  20. sarah_mcnulty

    Old train

    Hi Maurizio. Really like the POV and B/W treatment which elevates this to a very interesting composition and image! Great work. Best wishes. Sarah.
  21. sarah_mcnulty


    Hi Leslie. This capture really caught my eye. It very much makes me think of through the keyhole but this is definitely a natural formation. Love the addition of what looks like starfish clinging to the rock, you have a great eye for light and composition. I do agree with Tony's comment and my only thought would be to lighten shadows a tad to give a little more definition to the foreground but it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of this capture. Lovely work. Best wishes. Sarah.
  22. Hi Alf, this has such a delicate touch and so beautifully handled. A very artistic presentation which creates mood and atmosphere and I would love this hanging on my wall! Best wishes. Sarah.
  23. Hi Jack. In my everyday travels I must stop and look at things more closely:-) I really like the overall tonality and colours with this. The solitary red soda can works to balance things and add to the story. Great work and well seen Jack! Best wishes. Sarah.
  24. Hi Patsy. Glad you liked this capture of West Bay - it is only a mile from where I live so it's really nice to pop down there for a coffee and look at the boats. Hi Alf. Not sure if you have watched the Broadchurch series (stars David Tennant) but they regularly film at West Bay which they have renamed Broadchurch for the series. I took this one with my Samsung Galaxy S6 phone and it came out better than I expected, although Resolution isn't the best (wouldn't hold up to a proper critique in the forum) but I thought I would post this one as it is a view of West Bay that I like. Pleased you felt it works as a composition. Best wishes. Sarah
  25. sarah_mcnulty


    Hi Drew & Jack. Glad you both liked this one. It was taken with a Samsung galaxy S6 phone as were the other photos in this folder so they probably wouldn't hold up to critique in the forum! but I sort of like this type of spontaneous photography so I will post a few more experiments as I find them. Will definitely be trial and error :-) Best wishes. Sarah.
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