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Everything posted by sarah_mcnulty

  1. Hi Alf. A really strong composition with excellent light and details. Beautifully composed and B/W was a great choice to bring out the menacing moodiness in the sky! All the best. Sarah.
  2. Hi Alf, as you may have ascertained over the years - I love working with bokeh and light flairs. I think you have some magical light here and it's the type of image that really appeals to me and makes the sunset/sunrise different to the conventional ones! Beautiful capture! Best wishes. Sarah.
  3. Hi Maurizio, thanks for stopping by and glad you liked this presentation. I'm trying to learn a bit more about working with B/W. Best wishes. Sarah. Hi Drew, thanks for stopping by. Take care. Sarah.
  4. sarah_mcnulty


    © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  5. Hi Patsy, thanks for your thoughts, always appreciated! Take care. Sarah. Hi Alf, B/W work is not something I have done much of so pleased you felt this worked. Best wishes. Sarah
  6. sarah_mcnulty

    Cosmos Study

    © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  7. Hi Max, a gorgeous Dahlia presentation (I'm back to my favourite subject) Great details and colours. All the best. Sarah.
  8. Hi Jack, so simple yet so compelling nonetheless. All elements so very well balanced. All the best. Sarah.
  9. Hi Jack, a very well seen composition, I really like the textures and tones! Best wishes. Sarah.
  10. Hi Max, good to hear from you and thanks for your thoughts. Best wishes. Sarah.
  11. Hi Patsy. Thanks for stopping by. Take care. Hi Jack. Yes it looked like lots of little bits of pollen around this busy bees face but the bee wasn't carrying around any pollen. Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes. Sarah.
  12. sarah_mcnulty

    Lavender Bee

    © This image is Copyright of Sarah McNulty

  13. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Hi Jamie, Winston must be very reviled... but each to there own! Best wishes. Sarah.
  14. Jamie, THE FINAL SCENE IN THE FINAL FRONTIER. Thanks for your support of my images over the years! All the best. Sarah.
  15. Yes, very true - it does take the spontaneity out of the moment a bit though. Star Trek is cool - I like Star Trek. All the best. Sarah.
  16. Jamie, I do have a smart Leica macro lens - problem is I don't know how to properly use it :-) Sarah.
  17. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Yep, you lost me on that one Jamie but this is why I love photography! Just seen one of the new fivers - really awful tacky things, not sure Winston would have wanted to be associated with it! Sarah.
  18. sarah_mcnulty

    the circle

    Hi Jamie - I'm not an expert in B/W but this is the type of B/W street/documentary that I like, where all the rules do not need to be observed. In my view the grain gives this credibility as a black and white image and goes back to the days of proper film processing. Best wishes. Sarah
  19. sarah_mcnulty


    Hi Chris, poor Henry but at least he is still smiling even though he is a little less complete! Well seen and captured. Best wishes. Sarah.
  20. Winter is not far away. Thanks for looking.
  21. sarah_mcnulty

    the circle

    Hi Jamie, a very characterful capture, really like the expression on the chap sat by the window and the way the soft window light highlights him, they all look very intent on there music. Best wishes. Sarah.
  22. sarah_mcnulty

    Pink pearls

    Hi Radu, beautiful capture, details and light. This would make a great canvas. Best wishes. Sarah.
  23. Jamie, I went on a landscape photo workshop once with a well known landscape photographer - he used to cart around thousands of pounds worth of photography kit but then he converted to smaller Panasonic cameras with interchangeable lenses with great results, so I thought I would try it. Pleased I did. Although I think my best lens was my little 18 -55mm canon lens so might go back to Canon at a later date. Thanks Pierre, always appreciate your comments :-) Best wishes. Sarah.
  24. sarah_mcnulty

    The Visitor

    Jamie, If I had some scotch at the time I could have tested the theory :-)
  25. sarah_mcnulty

    Still life my way

    Hi Pierre, I have a sweet chestnut tree in the garden. I like how you have composed this showing the spiky outside shell and the chestnuts which are to be found inside, good choice of background too. Best wishes. Sarah.
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