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Everything posted by anthea50

  1. <p>Love the Boat Captain, Grasses in the sun, Chloe by moonlight and the spiderweb shots! I saw these chairs at a restaurant and was taken with the way the light was hitting the seats.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>And now the flower...</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Closer shot of one of the buds...</p><div></div>
  4. <p>Spring is here in Oz, so all the flowers are starting to bloom. This week, the shrub called Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow are in profusion.</p><div></div>
  5. <p>As I understand it there will be two options for focus stacking - one where all the images are integrated into one image in-camera (probably a jpeg as suggested) and a second option where all the images are not integrated and the photographer uses an editing program to integrate them to taste. I have no idea about this 'clutch' business though lol</p>
  6. <p>Greg - me too! hence the shot lol. Actually, another favourite play on words in names of business's is for hairdressers. I figure they have to keep coming up with different ways to say the same thing, but this one takes the cake - Hair Dinkum. Love it!</p>
  7. <p>I was also playing with settings to try and get a blurred motion shot. This was taken In King George Square, with our City Hall in the background.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>There is a regular market on Wednesday's at the river end of town. I spotted this stall and was intrigued by the sheer size of the pans they were cooking in. I guess they were hoping for a lot of customers!</p><div></div>
  9. <p>Another intriguing image, Greg. this week a few favourite shots from a trip into the city (Brisbane). I shot the first one because I loved the humour of the names.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>Great shots this week everyone! On the home front, we have been keeping an eye on a Magpie nest high in the giant tree that spans across our front yard from next door. Magpie's are ferociously territorial, and well known in Oz for swooping and attacking anyone who comes within range of their nests. They have very sharp beaks, and extremely accurate aim and can dive and strike quite suddenly. Many a cyclist have been hit on the head, through the small gaps in their bike helmets! Anyway, I managed to get a shot of the baby, who has started to venture more and more out over the edge of the nest. Not the best exposure - I had to use spot metering, but it is better than nothing! The shot was taken with my 75-300mm at 300mm and even then I did a substantial crop. This is a very tall tree!</p><div></div>
  11. <p>Downstairs, one of the theaters...</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Neon signs everywhere, even for the toilets!</p><div></div>
  13. <p>Such awesome shots this week! Sanford, if I didn't know any better I'd think that the guy holding up his phone to take a picture was actually someone reading a small book :) Edwin, love that shot, gorgeous tones and composition, and quite an intriguing image. Louis, beautiful flowers, well seen. David, I look forward every week to seeing your images, shots 2 and 3 are the stand out one for me. Ok, for me, a few more from the revamped warehouse.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>Some Nasturtiums also caught my eye this week.</p><div></div>
  15. <p>The second shot is of a bee that was buzzing around the marigolds while I was there.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Sanford, that's a really interesting shot. I really drawn in by the anchovies, but also the body language of the men checking it out. For this week, it's back into the garden for me. The first shot is of some flowers that we bought as seedlings that have taken so long to flower that we've both forgotten their names, but what the heck, they're finally blooming, and are really lovely, especially after they've been watered.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>Great images, Greg! Sorry I didn't see them sooner. I love the light, and all the interesting buildings. For myself, I rarely shoot buildings, mainly because of lens distortion. It really bugs me that ABC doesn't have the profiles for Olympus lens. I really can't be bothered spending ages twiddling around in Lens Correction manually trying to get it all looking straight etc. Ah well, there's always flowers and bugs lol</p>
  18. <p>I've just changed my profile pic and it was very easy. Thanks again Laura for the screen shot!</p>
  19. <p>+ Laura, well said.</p> <p>I am wondering (and of course this would mean more work for the elves, sorry) if it would not be prudent for Glen or someone on the team to make up a quick survey so that most of the feedback can be more clearly appraised. After reading all the posts I think most folks would appreciate a simple way to give their comments and suggestions, but could just my research background influencing me.</p> <p>For myself, I would agree it is quite Flickr or Viewbug like, but maybe that's what photogs expect these days. I made PN my home back in 2009 and I have no intention of shifting house. What I really like is the ability to see how many views and comments my images have received, especially after posting an image for critique. That's a HUGE improvement over the current system. I will be sending my feedback to Glenn when I can get my head around it all a bit better.</p>
  20. <p>Edwin, i don't think anyone minds that your shot is non-mirrorless, it's simply too wonderful!</p>
  21. <p>Speaking of bees - I saw this one being busy on our Marigolds the other day.</p><div></div>
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