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Image Comments posted by rjacksonphoto


    I think I would like this even without your ghostly form in it. However, the ghost doesn't hurt. What I really like is the contrast and high-key effect of leaves on the ground along with the placement of the trees in the composition. The current placement does cry for a subject, so good choice placing yourself in the shot.


    I've go to agree about the plants in the foreground. I think it would've been better is you had moved beyond them, including only the rocks and the vegetation hanging to the sides. This would have also served to make your real subject larger (the building). Looks like a great location to shoot.

    Tree & Sunset


    This looks like one of those shots from the backyard when you see a great sunset but have no worthwhile foreground subject. So you tilt the camera up and just use the tops of the trees. Done it myself.


    This works because of the subtle sky and the placement of the trees in accordance with the "rule of thirds". I do find myself wishing for a little more in the foreground to complement the marvelous sky, though.

  1. Great shot (or shots)! My impression is, without the Christmas tree, someone has to stand there and keep the ceiling from falling in. The fact that it is this beautiful woman suggests all kinds of metaphors. Keep it up.


    I agree with the others that this shot provokes a lot of emotion. It makes me uncomfortable. I wonder is it is staged or documentary and what the woman's situation is. Very interesting. Some good stuff in the folder, too.


    I think the composition is just fine. The contrast is a little too high, resulting in the large blown area in the lower left-hand corner and the boy's lower left face. This should be an easy fix. Cropping would remove the boy from his context and, hence, some of the charm of such behavior while others are present.

    Lot, France

    Good composition and I like the fog/mist. I kind of get the impression this is a fairly severe crop but it may just be the scan. The file is too large to load easily to look at the larger version. You might want to try posting photos with smaller dimensions.
  2. Pretty colors. I don't really like the empty sky, though. I'm guessing this was a crop and I would be interested in seeing other crops that accent the different tones more. As is, I feel it lacks a point of interest.

    Dahlia in vase

    Excellent transfers! I bet it was tough. Did you completely transfer one before peeling the second one or try to get them both on the paper first before rolling either one? Curious as to how you exposed and processed them in rapid sequence or whether you transferred the second after the first was completed... I like the triptych you've posted as well.
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