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Image Comments posted by rjacksonphoto

  1. Very sexy. Her expression makes her appear unposed, if one can be called "unposed" in such a position! The harsh but minimal light gives it a candid look. Suggestive rather than explicit. So, how did you do on the assignment? I'd like to see more of what you handed in.

    Moldovan woman

    I think it's a great journalistic shot. I can see what I need to see to get a feel for this woman and her surroundings. Composition is fine and tonal quality is good. I think you pulled off a fine shot.

    Dock Fog 1

    Well, Lex, this is my favorite of what you have posted. Certainly a dock disappearing into fog is intriguing, and you've done a good job of recording it. I like the toning, as well. Still, I can't help but feel that you're holding out on us in terms of your own work. C'mon, 'fes up! Show us the really good stuff! In the meantime, thanks for your informative, entertaining, and sensitive posts.
  2. Well-composed. The line leads from the red in the lower right, through the boat, to the blue in the upper left. The compressed perspective holds it all together and the red and blue contrast well with the otherwise somber tones. Good eye!

    Cathedral Trail

    I think it's about perfect as is. The toning works well, the contrast is good, and light and dark are well-balanced. Accurately conveys the sense of emerging from the dark forest, perhaps into a small clearing.


    Looks like a slice of urban life. The details make the shot-- the Band-Aid on her heel, the cigarette butt in the crack in the sidewalk. The garbage bag and the grimy sidewalk as well as the aforementioned cigarette and Band-Aid contrast with the smooth, graceful legs. Nicely executed!

    "Green Peace..."

    Simple and effective composition with great colors as an extra. The dappled light echoing the scattered trunks is most effective. The empty benches anchor the whole thing. Aesthetically satisfying.


    Good portrait. You might try dodging the right eye and see if you can bring in some detail. Some fill-flash or, preferably, a bounce card would provide some detail to the right side of the face without losing all of the shadow. Beautiful light and his expression is interesting.
  3. Beautiful, well-composed shot! The grass heads are evenly spaced and only take up enough frame as they need to without distracting from the real subject, the gorgeous sky.


    Beautiful colors and good subject. I do find myself wishing the horizon weren't quite so close to center but realize that lowering the camera would decrease the amount of reflection. What about standing on a step stool and shooting more of the reflection? Still, an attractive shot with light that I'm sure doesn't come around all that often.


    I like this as well. The shade of blue and the textures are great and show a good eye for detail. I do wonder what a different composition-- either moving the camera to the right as mentioned above, or even tilting the camera to get diagonals that might make it more dynamic-- would look like. It feels unbalanced toward the right. Still, a nice shot with lots of potential for a return visit.
  4. Whoa! Gorgeous! So, did you overexpose each shot by one stop to get the combined exposure correct? My only quibble is with the foreground trunk on the right but I can live with it. Great shot!


    Checked your folder after looking at a critique request you posted. I think this clearly stands out from the rest of the folder. It's hard to tell exactly what the black (cloth?) object in the lower left is, but it looks ominous (a cape?). It suggests, to me, something sinister passing by these otherwise innocent and unsuspecting homes. Very intriguing and what a camera like a Diana does best. Good job!
  5. I think you have to stay true to how you saw the scene. And I agree, more dramatic lighting would work better here-- more color saturation,more texture in the dune, a stronger silhouette of the woman. But, if that's not how it looked when you took the photo, I, personally, wouldn't alter it. If the scene struck you as attractive when you shot it, then it should still strike you (and others) that way. If it doesn't, go back and try again under different circumstances.



    I just think a scene like this looks better with dramatic light.



    Still, a very nice shot.

    Vines 1

    You're not alone at all. Nice detail. I think the tonal range is excellent although slightly more contrast may accentuate the relief of the vines from the bark. I think you've done a good job with the composition (this kind of subject is fun to play with compositionally)
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