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Image Comments posted by rjacksonphoto


    The green color cast really helps the shot, suggesting seediness, or at least a sexual liason-- I would have guessed this was a hotel room without the title. Good work!


    This whole pinhole folder is excellent. So, is this a Holga modified into a pinhole? The shots are classic Holga aesthetics. A real (or surreal) slice of life.
  1. I'm not sure there is anything I would do differently. The colors are great and the composition is good. I agree that including the whole loop would make the planes too small. I could see this as a National Geographic cover. I notice the compression-- making the clouds look a little like they were painted-- but this can't be helped. Good work.

    Hands and Nature


    Not sure why the focus changed with compression but I kind of like the effect. The sepia tone gives a winsome effect, suggesting nostalgia. Otherwise, I have to agree with the comment above that placing the leaf in a contrasting context would have helped with the message. Still, an excellent shot. How many times do shots that are unsuccessful in communicating our intended messages turn out to be favorites for completely different reasons? A lot, for me anyway. Maybe that's why I tend to shoot more instinctively with less concern for technical perfection nowadays (I think I have the technical imperfection part down, anyway ;-)).


    Nice shot.


    Nice eye! I think I would favor a landscape format for this to accentuate the shape of the eye. The portrait format gives it more of a clinical look (isolating the eye in the composition) than such an attractive eye deserves (i.e. I suspect you were going for beauty over science in this one).
  2. Superb shot. The composition is perfect as is the contrast (on my monitor, anyway). I was trying to picture the kids a little closer to the center of the frame but don't think it would have been nearly as effective. I'm sure your probably familiar with W. Eugene Smith's famous "The Walk to Paradise Garden", which this brings to mind. Good work.


    I think it is great as is. Have you tried converting to B&W? As stated above, very Holga. I can help you get rid of those light leaks if you're interested (they actually work well here).
  3. I like what Patricia did except for the crop. Bringing out the threatening nature of the clouds helps. Otherwise, I like the composition. Here is my version converting to B&W in channel mixer after curves and saturation adjustment.


    At first glance, it is attractive, but the flaws are so obvious as to stall any attempt at meaningful interpretation. Unless, of course, the flaws (obvious cloning, blur filter, etc.) are meant to be so and are a statement in and of themselves. My guess is that they are not.


    The boats look kind of like models. Are they? Once I noticed the cloning, the image lost what appeal it had. Nothing against digital manipulation, per se, but it should be skillful. This is a little obvious.

    Simple Portrait

    She's lovely and I think the red background works well with her lips, however, I think she is placed just a little too far to the left. Or better yet, crop a fourth of the frame on the right. I think she just misses the rule of thirds position, which is why some people feel the shot just doesn't quite make it.
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