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Image Comments posted by chrisvest

    Dark Hill

    brilliant and a bit poignant-- the later because it suggests the trees are dead, reinforced by lack of understory. a forest fire? at any rate, a great photo.


    7/7 yep, a pretty flawless image, combing art, intrigue, great detail, mastery of the skill... just to toss out SOMETHING beyond the obvious, it might be interesting to see what might be the result of having stepped back perhaps two feet to get more of the door.

    sailing sailing


    hi tiffany,


    pretty cute image. nice work. how 'bout some stars in the background? one could even duplicate the babies and do a motion blur like they're bouncing around. cheers.

  1. hi jan-- thanks for your kind words. i have some digital paintings for sale on a site called 'original bird art' and they wanted me to come up with an artists statement; i tried to come up with some slick self-aggrandizing and "deep" sounding BS-- but found all that stuff so hokey, so i just decided to tell the truth. thanks again and cheers!


    leanna: wow, thanks. if you're serious, drop me an email and i'll send you a larger version tiff with my compliments.

    Factory Windows.


    a great image. hope you don't mind, i couldn't resist tinkering with it, not to suggest anything is wrong with this, but how it fires the imagination. i love a great abstract like this and seeing what can be coaxed out of it. congrats on a very intriguing shot.

  2. fascinating shot-- i was really drawn to the thumbnail. the strongest elements are the top and the bottom, which leaves the center as the weak area-- almost anything happening there would bring the eye to rest-- a glowing red light for instance or a blurred person walking by. as it is, it works well as a mondrian-like story of lines, with the green panes being just wonderful.

    Leaving Home.

    reference to the foreground oak leaf? to reinforce the anthropomorphism, he even looks like he(she) is trotting stage right. superb shot, great imagination, and expertise-- even the blades of grass crossing the nearest tree generates a positive increment of interest.
  3. hi bela-- thanks for looking at my stuff, you're one of my favorites so i appreciate your comments a great deal.


    this was an interesting photo made more "textural" by super-imposing another image over the top, what the old photo masters called a double-exposure i think-- or if it happens in the darkroom: "sandwiching". in this case you can see the second image (the upper ghost image) is "dodging" the lower layer; it's another photo i took of a close up of very bristly grass. you simply wash it out and tweak the levels to get the desired effect.


    cheers to you, you're a GREAT photographer and i'm a big fan of yours!







  4. my applause for a charming model and a very nice project; the balance, skin tones, and the mood of both youth and tradition are well captured. i am personally in my "texture" phase, and i think this image could add another layer of interest by distressing the background-- making the image look literally about a hundred years old-- maybe crinkle the edges, stain and wrinkle the bricks while keeping the subject as is. just a thought....

    A Small Token

    a more dramatically contrasting background wouldn't hurt, but this is a fine image with a good composition-- leading from slightly blurred objects of secondary interest to the sharp focal point. very cool; i think the modest ratings might reflect the poor title: you know, the one that suggests that love is in that crude token of chattel and commerce. that spiffy rock ain't love, amiga. but cheers anyway. ;-)
  5. thanks folks.


    tim, the sole image of a friend's driveway near victor idaho is indeed heavily "manipulated" -- like just about every other piece in my portfolio--in this case to create the illusion of seasons. but lest anyone think that it's just a matter of slapping a couple 'filters' on an image to tweak it this way or that, it still took me many hours of work to produce the final products.


    whats great about PS is that trail and error can produce so many variations, and in this case, i liked a number of variations and decided to contrast a few of the manifold possibilities...


    here's the original. kinda boring.


    thanks for you interest. cheers, chris

  6. really nice but i'd like to see it larger. i'd rotate the horizon so all your water doesn't spill out. i don't know how one would expose or flash to bring out some detail in that distant boat, but i think that would help. overall the image is very evocative of a gorgeous place.


    nice colors and the parking lot lines coming out create some interest. a tripod and slow exposure might make the people more interesting by making them blurred and suggesting some motion. cheers.
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