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Image Comments posted by chrisvest



    hi bela-- thanks for stopping by my page and taking a serious browse around--you being one of my favorite contributors on the site, i very much appreciate your comments, and blush to receive your praise. i'm glad you like this one, 'cause i think i'm going to keep going in the direction of photo-montage.


    (and i think you ought to be soliciting galleries with your excellent work!)


    cheers, chris

    meat wall


    poignant shot, well composed (tho it has a cyan cast that could be easily corrected).


    your title makes it. i pity the girl, the animals depicted in the mural, AND the artist who thought that a slaughterhouse scene would make a lovely objet d'art.


    no wonder she got offers and drive-offs, the prospective clients saw you with the telephoto lens! she was probably ready to come over and smack you with that big handbag. ;-)

  1. hi ali


    thanks for the wonderful compliment and comments. actually the test i was cryptically referring to was to photo.net itself and rating. i posted this same photo for review in 2004 and got vastly more comments and 24 ratings (compared with 10) with a substansially higher average. not sour grapes or anything, and there are certainly many variables, but i surmise that "nowadays" ratings are generally fewer, for whatever reason.


    also, just for fun: "who's up? me too" is a birding mnemonic devise for the call of the GH owl.


    anyway... thanks again and cheers to you. chris

    Door Detail

    in our increasingly drab, concrete, and painted-over world, this is what the skilled and creative eye searches out: hidden glimpses of artistic genious! here you've found it splendidly and brought it back to us alive and hugely entertaining. thank you and bravo!


    the toys against the grey are THE interesting aspect of the photo: and they are well balanced with the somewhat awkwardly depicted model. together i think they work as a clever and unusual abstract.


    wow! very nice. excellent depth of field, good drama and subject. very successful use of limited color palette. as a failed wildlife photog myself-- let me assert to folks how hard it IS to capture a whole group of critters in focus like this. bravo!

    September's Orphan

    thanks for doing the fostering, i believe it's a civic responsibility-- given the extraordinary number of orphans in community shelters and pounds. unusual looking kitty, but very endearing. cheers.


    go jake go! nice capture. i might experiment with a tighter crop; it's perfect on the right-- but to pull the view along the line of his gaze, i'd consider nicking some off the left. cheers.
  2. nice unconventional depiction of the edifice, good balance between the upper foreground and the distant subject of interest. however, respectfully, i think the eye has to wander over a lot of cloud space that isn't pulling it's weight in terms of visual appeal. good shot tho.

    Book illustration


    i think photos could be a different way to do children's books-- a realm invariably done with illustration. but a handgun as a way to deal with a

    child's fear is, ahem, well, i guess i'd have to read the whole story. strange pic.



    thanks for checking it out folks. i agree that some cropping at the top could help-- it helps having it pointed out, that's why the critiques are important and appreciated.


    to ryan and daniella: it actually IS a "painting", using my wacom drawing tablet, i use the brush tool to paint over the photos to bring out the details. sometimes there is more 'paint' than photo when i'm done.


    to jim: thank you for taking the time to look over my stuff-- yes, your comments do help. i have an older page of more conventional photos (though i forgot the password to that page and haven't been able to access it for years).




    these photos look oversaturated to me when viewed by my 'safari' browser, but not on explorer or firefox. i don't get it.


    thanks to everyone for comments and compliments. cheers.



    i'm trying to figure out if i need to invest in a monitor calibrator. i had this one

    professionally printed and it was wildly oversaturated, but it looks right on my monitor...

    this is a digital painting of several photos in a collage.


    george is right, this is a fabulous image of young moose. i've burned up more good slide film than i'd care to recall trying to get this kind of detail in moose-- the exposure challenge invariably frustrated my efforts. superb!

    The Owl

    wow! hugely dramatic image-- i didn't notice the unfortunate mouse (or vole) until i enlarged the image. a moment of great beauty and hard reality. may the little rodents passing be swift. a very minor crop on the left could be worth considering. bravo!

    A Grunge Sunrise

    yo! i'm way into it-- though artistically we may prefer the term 'patina' to grunge. ;-) this one is great, just needs (IMHO) a nick or any ol' something on the right to lend just a touch better balance. picture for example a blue diagonal chalk mark. nice work, cheers.
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