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Posts posted by david_dorcich1

  1. What is the difference between a 1 and a 2? How do you quantify it? A 1 is only used for pranks? Thats an odd system.


    They are arbitrary numbers that are basically meaningless. If it is a "prank" then you are giving them exactly what they want. Bravo.

  2. Kodak made a tank that uses rolls similar to what you have shown. It had a metal disk that was perforated to let chemicals flow that went over the roll to keep it from floating. Is there something similar for your tank?


    I have one laying around with all the parts, i'll check when i get home.

  3. West valley college, De anza, foot hill and most of the community colleges in the bay area offer photography course, both in black and white and color. They will be much cheaper than the art schools in the city.


    West valley still offers film courses for sure.

  4. The expert drums were designed to be used on a rotory processeser. You can just rig up a funnel with a tub to pour chemicles into the drum as you rotate it.


    You can also pick up a used beseler, Unicolor, or ilford motorbase. These are really cheap on eBay and can handle the drum and the chemicals. You just have to reverse direction manually every 30 seconds during development.


    As far as times go just check the films info sheet, they give starting times for rotory processing.

  5. Get the hand grip for it, will make holding it much easier. If you put a strap on it, and use a WLF you can cradle the camera against your body,and pull the neck strap down, which will help you steady the camera for shots. Use fastish film and you shouldn't have much trouble as long as you can keep you shutter speeds reasonable fast.
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