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Everything posted by chuck_foreman1

  1. Cityscape View from the Bridge [caption for previous picture] ...continued Vito CS Rear of the Art Academy (perspective correction needed) Tonhalle - (probably posted this view before ) Sculpture Harmony (dedicated to poet Heinrich Heine) Märchenbrunnen (Fairytale Fountain ) Tonahalle (fornt or side view - needs perspective control too) Rheinterasse (ritzy dance or event space )
  2. Reaching back into the last year again with two more cameras ... Doing two cameras/rolls helps me get caught up. Today we will have David and Goliath. Here is a the Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 524-2 (Goliath) and the small pocketable Voigtländer Vito CS (David). The The 6x9 Ikonta has the triplet 4.5 Novar (Yellow Filtwer) and the Vito has the 2.8 Skopar (Tessar type) . The Ikonta has far fewer frames to choose from so I might add a few more (punches) from the Vito. As per my usual process; Foma 100 and APX100 soupled in D76 1:1. These are straight negative scans. Ikonta Rheinpromenade Rheinscape Barge on the river
  3. These "finders" if you can call them that are often useless. Luckily, I generally want the landscape view. I recall seeing an article on Rik Olesons site many years back regarding finders and the evolution as well as the physics. Finders did improve by the 50s though many were very squinty . I have a few cameras that just never seem to produce a reasonable result. I have a dual format Bessa and using that in 645 is/was horrendous. I have never tried the Bessa ! which I have It takes a similar approach in masking the finder. .. so I haver yet to try it out. Well BIG is better right 😉
  4. Excellent.. I suspect the Tri..in the lens name identifies it as a Triplet... but hey!! I am overwhelmed frquently by such lens' performance.. I suppose the trick is stopping down enough. That said, the Tessar lens is going to stopped down equally and then the difference is negliible. NBearing that in mind ... how open are you on the second exposure..and how hard was the focus or were you just lucky? 🙂
  5. It is surprising to me how much bigger the Yashica looks next to the Contax. Is it correspondingly heavier as well? It is heavier but not much about 76grmas heavier. The dials of the Contax ar the height of the superstructure of the Yashica, but the lenghtg and width atr quite similar. Icould make some comparison phots... if you'd like. Myx Contax IIa is now even more inconsistent than ever especually since the last time I played with it! I think one of the curtains is failing intermittently. Before I thought it was on the high speed cam (from 200 upwards) somewhere, but now It rarely fires correctly at 25 ,50 or 100, when before these were relatively consistent. 😞
  6. I contributed back in 2008 to the thread but haven't done anythging more.. do reply if you get batteries that might work. The originals were slightly undersized ni-cad C cells wrapped in paper and soldered with metal tabs in series. I considered buying batteries and trying to solder them together. I still have hope to get one of the four to work!! LEt me know how you make out!
  7. Back at it with thises greatest hits of last year series . I will add my camera porn here as I never really know which camera I will be shooting unitl I am! Since the camera pics were sort of lumped togeter in pairs.. I will present them as such. as I've been known to use d76 1:1 scanned with Epson 500. Straight negs Clicking in the first group will be the Yashica 35 (paired with its inspiration ) fixed 45mm 2.8 Yashinon lens Playing second in the lineup and paired with it's numeric predecessor; This wonderfully colored (green with envy ;)) Werra III with the 35mm Zeiss Flektogon (no camera w/lens pic 😞 ) First four ..Yashica 35 .... last four Werra III Sole Survivor. the adjacent tree died last year and a another piar not far away were uprooted in a storm in?? quite a few years back This is my humble trash can repository on the right .. in color; the ground is covered in pink buds This is an art museum now. I posted some similar pics from this location with a pre-war Bessa with the Skopar, here the Yashica 35 This one pops a bit more than the pre-war Skopar This and the following are from the Werra III - Bicycle path for many years to work This is a very deteriorated monumnt to ?? a Mariner? can't read engraving anymore I can't remember exactly where this was ...but some flowers - probably to test the funky RF I may have already posted this view with another camera. ...some results were better than others ..on any given day 🙂
  8. Some nice stuff here! RickD inspired with the T90?, JamesB has Distagon too far in the Great Smokies, MikeG too, nice "wides" sharp Rokkor lenses. LuisT's gritty street shooting.. that first one with the sailors.. GRReat Myself? I will once again feature "the greatest hits" from last year. I chose these two similar cameras now. They were not really "on par" for ther market time, Their age is late 70s early 80s??. Amazingly, I have no pics of the "my" cameras, but these models are well known. The Olympus OM10 was given to me from a colleague. The Yashica FXD, also a gift through this generous forum. Both are using 28mm wide angle lenses and likely both are using yellow filters. ....as I've been known to use....Apx100 D76 1:1 Om10 The Rhein Tunnel ( Sorry.. Need to pre/clean these scans) Another view of the "Burgplatz" Drusussstr (Drussus Street) Nearby Vodafon "Campus"
  9. Didn't you do a post on this... There are rounded edge versions and the earlier version with a bit more sharped edged. I too want the rounded edge, meanwhile I have three Werra All green examples. Two are the simple version the other is the Werra III with a funky rangefinder and I do have the Flektogon. (nice combi) I occcasionally look for the ? ? telephoto, but it is often either priced too high or priced low, but has separation or inner mold. It also should or would have to be the green variety to match the camera.. Of course I've seen some later outfits with the rounded edge rangefinder version...but then I would have 4 Werra camera... I need to sell some stuff... but I am just not built for that!!
  10. As you so duly noted.. variable aperture and focus control are rare n this class... 'Wonderful work!!
  11. Quite a good job with pre-war Skopar..excellent
  12. I suspect we will be seeing more of this combination! Great success in determining what you want and ...getting it. BRavo
  13. It seems it will be the battle of the IIs Once again, pulling from last years unpublished pile. I have the Contina II and I have the Vito II. Both with Tessar type lenses. They are both, and probably competitive in the day, 35mm folders. Both are not especially clean; but functional. I will post pics of the two cameras. It's not noted if a yellow filter was used.. This is ADX100 in D76 1:1 These are straight scans from Epson 500 The Contina II 2.8 Optum ...ummmm Tessar Vito II 3.5 Skopar Skopar Another view of this prominent cathedral to sales ..a dept store The inner courtyard behind the "Marx Haus" (early skyscraper;) ) We will visit the "front" of the Marxhaus from both cameras sider street in the "Old Towne" - Altstadt Front of the Marxhaus - Skopar Same view with Contina.. light leaks in the lower corners in "portait" (Apologies I don't even own a car. these repetitive views are probaby familiar 😞 ) (across the street ..) I'ver been told this is a "traffic light control center" The Grafitti is very nice and was commissioned, I think this is/was ..."beat them at their own game " Another cathedtral view view of ... Bon Marche Die Kunstakademie ( Art Academy ) Note: the lightning arrestor on the corners are still delineated against the sky... love that definition [ I probably have 15+ umm now 16 ....of similar views ] Another view of the "Pegel Uhr " Ok Ok Well I'm biased of course, but in retrospect, the Tessar had more consistent results.. maybe I was drunk with the Vito..many were shaky, not sharp
  14. Thanks .. MY project might be too far gone.. light tight but some (pleats) stiff paper or balsa form holders I would call them, have fallen out or threatening to ..
  15. I was curious too, How did you refold the bellows? Did you remove them to do this? Were cardboard supports or other non-leather supports needed?
  16. That Duex does look good, the Jr 620 though did win the pics in this weeks offerings!! Seeine pichere of the Duex, I was reminded of the Agfa Clack which it resemebles quite a bit .. I wonder which came first the Agfa Clack or the Kodak Duex??
  17. Hi Chuck. I can understand why you like to photograph the Dreischeiben Haus building. I can imagine it looking very dramatic under various lighting conditions. Indeed .. and be sure I have
  18. ....Return to the thrilling days of yesteryear .. I was active last year, but just couldn't seem to find the time to post.. I have not been very active this year as the weather always sucks and I tend to procrastinate. So, like last week I am lumping two cameras and two rolls. The FX3 2000 was a good deal it may have come with a 28mm ML . My advance lever feels like a loose tooth ready to fall off, but does the job all the same. The Contax RTS is still on my bucket list. Although I have one... it has a problem, it's not insurmountable, but critical. The film advance often skips and trips the shutter. (Long history story ... I'll spare you 🙂 ) I do like the auto metering.. I chose to present these two as they are very similar in finction/layout (and may be using the same 24mm Soligor c/D .. I don't remember) but both were "wides" and had yellow filters. I apologize again for sloppy handling and dirty negatives etc ...Sometimes you're your own worst enemy!! APX100 in D76 1:1 You get what you pay for: It can be used, but with attention I did get these about the same time, hence the twin photos ( probably ... the twin post 😉 ) Dirty Negatives This is the inner part of "The Forum", I will likely post the front of the building soon. This is a photo I make frequently.. the Tree has recovered well after Tornado Touchdown Another Roll- Marktplatz (Marketplace) - Jan Wellum statue and Rat Haus (City Hall) I think I posted this??? Rhein Promenade The FX3 2000 -- Rheinscape FX3 2000 (the rest of the photos) Another Rheinscape In the Hofgarten MAjor Department Store Reference to the "Kö" is the location on Königs Allee (King Street) Very funny story why this is called King Street Dreischeiben Haus (Sandwhich Haus) As this dominates the Skyline, I have frequenty (understatment) phtotographed this from many different angles. Schadow Platz (Bust of Schadow) He was a famous painter,
  19. Back again with views from about this same time last year.. I was shooting my Exakta and Exa variants .with Zeiss glass. They were APX100 in D76 1:1 The Exakta on the far right is broken, I replaced it with the one on the far left. I was so pleased with the log in Relief, I sought an Exa to match. Note in the cent back that is the 120 Biometar. There is a fine Tessar on Exakta (left) and the Flektogon seen here on the Exa 1a was fittted to the Exa (relief) Here The Biometar on the Little Exa. I swapped this out on both forays Varex IIa This is from front porch step. They look just like this Today!! Varex IIa View to the left Rheinscape Varex IIA with 120mm Biometar Varex IIa Biometar ... a sculpure that is 100 meters away from my apartment Varex IIA Jan Wellem Platz Tessar ..,.I think Leaning Tower Shiff Museum.. not holding the camera correct I guess and the long lens a bit of close distortion Exa Flektogon My favorite Residence.. would like to buy it (cough cough) one day! Exa Rheinscape to the right Exa My usual sloppy handling has ruined this pic.. lighting is OK Exa Rheinufer Promenade Exa View to Alt Stadt (with scratches )
  20. I bnelieve thereS' a review on the Prominet (maybe more than 1 )The onme I recall was from Rick D.. and he poinmted out all the "less than ergonomic" features of tjis model. This was better specced that usable I suppose .
  21. Well I generally push them towards a mid 70s rangefinder with exposure meter but not auto.. like the ones I just posted Nikkormat, or Yashica FX2. I've noted that many aspiring "hipsters" (old word new meaning) want to shoot film, but the more " auto" and compact the better. Hence the prices you see on the P&S cameras of the late 70s early 80s
  22. I'm back showing pics from last year as I was quite active. As usual, on par, the pics I made were mini catastrophies. I will combine 2 cameras similar in kit and operation. The Nikon Niokkormat FT3 (a gift) and the trusty Yashica FX2 (w Soliger 24mm). Apparently the cassette I had in the FX2 IIRC lost it's end cap either at load or in the drawer after exposure. About half of the photos had lightning light splashes on the exposures. The Nikkormat roll was shot with the Kiron 28mm lens with a yellow filter.. very high contrast and a lot of vignetting. I "sleeved" these negatives while damp or not fully dry. This resulted in the pergammon specks sticking to the negs. I tried washing them again with limited success. It's kind of hard to wash the cut strips Both rolls were APX100 in D76 1:1 Th first 4 are the Soligor 24mm on the Yashica . The others are the Nikkormat with the Kiron 28mm Stock Photo; not my Exemplar Given to me by a neighbor lady .. on condition that I would use, and not sell!! The circles are for social distancing CO-VID A water pump motif Düsseldorf. Hoppeditz is a fictional carnival character. Visible Light Leak-Streak - Sculpture Assistent Forge-Boy? The building is the new Schwimmbad- public indoor pool - name 714 after the nearby Rhein kilometer marking. Appropriately timed Easter Daffodils ' Easter Dinner ?? Before: Pergammon Snow at Easter After 2nd wash
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