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Donna Stavis

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Everything posted by Donna Stavis

  1. Donna Stavis

    Happy Holidays

    Mari, Happy Holidays right back to you! Happy, Health New Year! (I wish PN would make this more user friendly). I'll keep checking in and, hopefully, start posting again. Be well, my friend!
  2. Donna Stavis


    Hi Mari, Since the format changed, I am not on here much. I'm glad to have found this lovely scene though the weather has much changed since then. I hope you are well and will have a lovely holiday.
  3. You've got a way with subtle colors and interesting details. The veins in the top leaf particularly intrigue me with its texture. Your title is jarring and begs the question, when we see "bleeding hearts," do we tread softly or stomp on them as easy marks for the baser parts of human nature, particularly with the other meanings of "bleeding hearts," such as "bleeding heart liberals." Well, late at night, and my mind wanders, but the imagine is soft and pleasing.
  4. Donna Stavis

    Five miles shoes

    Nice shoes on a good palette, but they look reversed -- the right and left. I am trying to get used to this new forum, but even commenting on this, I had troubles. Nice to see your work, as ususal
  5. Gail, I love the colors, particularly the yellow and lavender and the shapes. The composition is interesting as well.
  6. Donna Stavis

    The Maestro

    Hi Gail, A great pose. I love the capture of the strong wings in front like a maestro with his great posture. I also love the softness behind him, the inclusion of his community, the bits of leaves around . He has a strength and this brings joy. I'm sorry my name came up twice. I don't know what that is about or how to edit it out.
  7. Donna Stavis


    To me, this can represent how welcoming is the new format of Photo.net.
  8. Donna Stavis

    Scaleber Force

    Looks like a lovely place, Alf. There is a visceral feel here – everything watery, damp, refreshing, textures soft, hard to the point I could imagine slipping and bleeding, slimy, ticklish ...waterfalls. It is so difficult to navigate this new site. I wish they would return to what they had before. Hoping things are good with you!
  9. Donna Stavis

    Run For The Roses

    Happy Mother's Day, Mari. I hope you are drinking in the fragrance of these roses.
  10. Donna Stavis

    Love at first sight

    Love the composition with those two couples and the triangle it forms as well.
  11. Donna Stavis

    Now What?

    Hi Mari, I love the composition and the bird food too on the side -- a possible victim of these predators. Cats of some special aura about them.
  12. This stands out to me. I love the lighting very much.
  13. Donna Stavis


    Hi Alf, I feel like I could be swallowed up in the swirling circle at the bottom. The movement is very effective. I like the composition very much. Hope you are enjoying your spring!
  14. Donna Stavis

    Great Work

    Nice, interesting work, Mari. I just attended an exhibit opening for a glass work artist in a museum near me. It's amazing stuff. I have not been on PN much because of the new format.
  15. I think you press the Photo Admin button on the right and then edit photo ... They seem to be having such a fun time although I don't know how it is possible to have one's foot up so high and not be in pain.... Again, it's a great backdrop, and they ooze joy. Makes me smile
  16. Love the composition, including the capture of delicate grace juxtaposed to the soldier. So happy to see you posting again. I hope you are well. Happy New Year, Pnina
  17. I can see the ritualistic presentation with fog surrounding it and focus crop on the fountain base and circle surrounding it. There is something resembling this in an arboretum near where I live, but your presentation sure adds atmosphere. Like a deserted witches' coven meeting. Trees are amazing life forces with such personality. I just love how you captured them here.
  18. Donna Stavis

    Happy New Year

    Ahhh... the road ahead... a perfect New Year's theme. Dark and uncertain, as, I guess, modern life is. The nature looks foreboding. Happy, healthy New Year, Mari!
  19. Happy New Year -- lots of bright colors and unfrozen water -- ha!
  20. Donna Stavis


    This is a cool composition. The framing of the branches almost resembles an eye with the small branches as if they carried blood. Makes for a really cool inside/outside view and certainly presents the Eiffel Tower in an interesting, thoughtful way.
  21. Happy New Year! I love the light on the tree branches and the general feel (which seems so cold) of the street. It's a very nice composition. The reds pop as well.
  22. So amusing and clever!  I love this flower, and the fact the "sun"flower is in competition with the sky sun is funny because it seems to be winning.  I love that it is turned toward the birds, and the birds seem to be walking on a game board -- more of the joke.  Beyond this, the sky is still attractive.  The skewed scope is fabulous.  And, I like the oranges.  This brings a broad smile to face.  Thank you!
  23. You've got some beautiful light here.
  24. I particularly like the feeling of fire and ice together and the sheen on the snow
  25. Gail, there is a hospital near me that features sculptures of people sitting in their beautiful waiting area, outside on a bench, in various places by the roaring fire place and plush seating.  While inside, aides run away when a bed pan is needed or a patient can only eat if an aide moves the tray within his or her reach....
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