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Donna Stavis

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Everything posted by Donna Stavis

  1. yes, very soft and quiet. A peaceful landscape.
  2. Donna Stavis

    Almost Walking

    She looks very delicate and sweet. I love how the letters spell out "ME" and she seems proud -- that with your story of her walking.. (also she has lovely blue eyes!)
  3. It is gorgeous, Gail. welcome back
  4. Alf, joy pops off the page and dancing in this photograph. The focal point waterfalls playfully skip from rock to rock on the way down, and this reminds me of a waterfalls in the desert oasis where we sat on one of the rocks, and water pounded our backs therapeutically. The colors are splendid. The composition including so many natural elements moving in different directions, of different elements and textures. It is vibrant and magnificent.
  5. Donna Stavis


    You have a great eye! It is a fabulous find!
  6. Donna Stavis


    Seems like a very person portrait of her because you show the human soul. One could sort of trace back how she might have looked without the punishment of age to youth. You sort of give her a voice, certainly a face in the world, again, humanizing it.
  7. At first, this is funny, as if the bird is the "stalker" of the jogger -- fat chance! Then the puzzle falls into place. Who is the stalker? Is the bird being stalked by another? Is the man behind stalking the one ahead and like Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" is he truly a danger? Perhaps the jogger will turn around and surprise the defenseless man behind. Perhaps the bird will stalk a smaller bird out of view. The bare tree makes this place lonely and barren, further setting the scene. And the black & white puts it all into focus -- de-cluttering any extraneous information. Eventually, it becomes terrifying.....
  8. Donna Stavis

    Monkey Trials

    Disturbing is the word. The poor monkey forever trapped in the clutches of science.
  9. A very warm moment between the different generations.  The young one's face really lights up with this kiss.  
  10. Inviting colors and textures here. It needs a bit of freshly ground peanut butter and a speck of almost melted chocolate, I think. Nicely done!
  11. Donna Stavis

    A House Divided

    This is a thought-provoking upload, Jeff. You show his rather open hand instead of his fist. The perspective is interesting, as Lincoln does not look like he is being idolize but, instead, a leader we look up to, perhaps from the height of a young child at his knee. The focus on his eyes, his vision, his looking at the Capitol, his thoughts, and of course the amazing periods of history and forward thinking this represents is what makes this into a very thoughtful piece.
  12. Lovely scene. So peaceful. The dilapidated boat house acts as a foil to the beauty, only deepening it more, and awakening of the season and a metaphor for the lifecycle of life"...for every season there is a purpose." Here and in so many photographs that you post there is such serenity and soul.
  13. Donna Stavis

    Happy Easter

    So pretty, Mari! I hope you had a lovely Easter
  14. In many ways, better than Spring.  Beautiful light and silhouettes.  
  15. Donna Stavis

    Seen, Not Heard

    Jeff, It's beautiful to read this, and feeling the extension of family like that....
  16. Donna Stavis

    Seen, Not Heard

    Jeff,   My eyes are drawn to so much -- the truck just about inside a triangle of people on the street... not a  sentimental photo, though quite poignant in the unfairness, particularly with the little child looking back.   The wires running every which way and like roof of frenetic activity, a closed in mood with a lot of movement, anticipation of hard lives... the tones, the mood, the composition and details makes a great street scene.  I wonder what it felt like to be on that street as an outsider.
  17. Donna Stavis

    Hold Still

    Hi Jeff, Beautiful portrait of your beautiful son and his dog. I love your clever title, as usual. Wondering are they both live wires? Noah has such a serene face and engaging, soulful eyes. I love the light on his face and in his eyes. The dog looks a split second away from action. I like the contrast of where they focus and the way it seems to exaggerate Noah's peacefulness and he dog's shpilkes. A really nice portrait. Amazing how Noah has grown up and changed. I also enjoy the way one's eyes can follow the dog's white stripe right up to his (perhaps her?) forehead. Hope you are enjoying the Spring.
  18. Wishing you and your husband quick restoration to fully good health. Happy Purim!
  19. Donna Stavis

    Fruit snack

    Very tempting. The glistening moisture on the top slices of kiwi and the lovely packets of citrus deliciousness. I like the different textures and colors; they contrast nicely and the colors and lightening radiate a vibrancy. It makes my eyes happy to look at this. (Weirdly put! I know..., but it is a joyful photo)
  20. Donna Stavis


    Tony and Mari, Thank you for your comments. I was trying to capture a peaceful time, play with colors, warmth, contentment.
  21. This has a beautiful composition, a free, open feeling, great lighting and colorful boats. Just gorgeous
  22. Donna Stavis

    Together... 260

    I like the perspective of this shot. Their facial expressions -- wow -- not approachable
  23. Donna Stavis

    Yosemite Park

    You have nicely conveyed the majesty, grandness. I can't imagine how awesome it must haven to stand right there and admire
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