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timeless expressions

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Image Comments posted by timeless expressions

    Little Helper

    Awesome. Thanks so much for your input everyone. I think I just stare at an image too much sometimes and I start seeing things that are not there. I usually edit my images and then go back a few days later to get a fresh perspective!
  1. Yeah, my hubby did well. I just had the diamond re-set in June for our 5 year anniversary. It was in yellow gold before and I just prefer the look of the white gold. The setting is SO similar to my old setting just a different color of gold.

    Hide and Seek


    I think this is a beautiful portrait. However, it looks a little "foggy" on-line. Did you run an "unsharp" mask before posting it? If not try that for a little better clarity on-line. In Photoshop go to: Filter/usharp mask/settings as 200/.3/0 in that order. I ran it real quick and I think it looks a little better....maybe too sharp though.

  2. This is another breast-cancer surviver model for the breast-cancer

    calander. Any suggestions are welcome. I really struggle with older

    people, by older I mean the ones I can actually POSE! I'm so used to

    just clicking when a young child sits still long enough for me to

    click the shutter! I think I may have needed to turn her another 10

    degrees or so to HER right. I was hoping for greater DOF in the

    flowers, but the shooting location was SO tight I had to sit her

    dircetly in front of the flowers. A little separation would have

    been nice to have.

  3. I'm going to be breaking into the wedding market soon and decided to

    do a little practice on my own ring today. I like the concept of

    this photo...not sure about the colors...but I am digging the lines

    in the photo. Gotta love wood grain!

  4. Thanks so much for the wonderful comments and ideas. It rained at the beach today, so it looks like this is going to be it! I think they'll love it. It's still going to be a last minute decision on the color vs. b/w. I'm thinking b/w ONLY because it'll then "go" in all rooms of the house. Most of the walls are ORANGE in Grammy and Poppy's house and I"m not sure how the color would look on orange walls!
  5. Trying so hard to get a good picture of the four cousins for

    grandparents day. This was the best one of the bunch. Trying again

    on Sunday at the beach! LOL Why is it so hard to photograph your own




    I think you nailed the hardest part of great exposure in high key. I'm not one for the soft filter look though...but that is just personal taste.


  6. This body art was done in honor of breast cancer awareness. They are

    compiling a group of breast cancer models for a breast cancer

    calander. She is family to me and has had 2 rounds of breast

    cancer. Her second masectomy was done a few weeks ago, with chemo

    starting for her again in a few weeks.

  7. The NOISE in the DARK parts of the photo, like you are talking about (neck, creases, ect.), is caused by UNDER-exposure. Digital photography can be tricky...it's best to underexpose because if you OVER-expose there is NO way to get back what you have burnt out, unless you shoot raw, and even then it can be hard. BUT....if you UNDER-expose too much...you get noise. Did you use a lightmeter to test for correct exposure? Anyway that is what the noise is coming from.

    Hug Me


    I wanted some "trash the tutu" type style pictures, but she was so

    cranky because of teething that she just wanted Daddy! Suggestions


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