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timeless expressions

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Image Comments posted by timeless expressions

    Sand Smile


    I always think it's so funny that 9 times out of 10 the

    most "difficult" child to photograph seems to end up with the best

    pictures! He was one of 3 siblings and by far the least

    cooperative...but, you'd never know it!

    Pumpkin on Tilt


    Ahhhhh yes! I didn't think about a magazine cover, but THAT is what it reminds me of. I KNEW there was something I really liked about the tilt and that may be why (not that it was intended for a magazine) but..yes, the dead space does add room to add a message or something. So glad you pointed this out.


    On the way to the pumpkin patch I told my husband that I wished I hadn't painted her nails PINK that day! LOL...I was painting my toes and of course BOTH girls had to have theirs painted as well. OH WELL!


    Thanks so much for the helpful comment!

    Pumpkin on Tilt

    Susan, yes! This is WHAT I was trying to do....I was like, well if I'm going to tilt then I might as well TRY to follow some sort of rules. I do think that the previous commentor is correct in that on the left there should be some pumpkins to add to the composition. I think it works, but then I also feel like she's falling over. Oh well it's always fun to challenge yourself and try something new.

    Pumpkin on Tilt


    I've often noticed other photographers tilting their photographs to

    add "interestingness". However, I have NO IDEA on HOW to do this.

    Does this tilt work for you why or why not? Thanks!

    Baby Boy


    Comments and Suggestions welcome. I know it's not the most orignal

    pose at all...but he has such a sweet face and it's really hard to

    get good shots of 3 month-olds as they don't sit up well yet.

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