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Everything posted by bruce_z._li2

  1. @gary green You have consistently made wonderful images from those humble box cameras, pseudo TLRs, and simple folders with meniscus or triplet lenses. And by reading from you, Rick and other Photo.net fellows here, I started to appreciate more of these simple cameras and find joy making images from them. The Agfa Isola was a fun over-achiever, and now onto Argus 40 and Argus Super 75 (seems to have film flatness issues).
  2. Finally got some photos from the Voigtlander Superb TLR, which is almost 90 years old. The lens was an uncoated Skopar Anastigmat 75/3.5, so I put on an orange filter to boost a bit contrast. Film was Arista 100, and developed in F76+. D for Mr. Draper The grand Draper University Shiny pipework and graffiti Pioneers of banking A midday light
  3. Very nice combination you have there, Rick! And I enjoyed the photos, especially your eyes for unique patterns.
  4. Absolutely agree with that. I have sold and rebought the same lens, simply because I did not follow this advice. Often I end up paying more to get the same mojo back. On the other hand, I am lucky enough to get most of the now crazy priced items before the craze. However, I don't really miss my Yashica T4 Super that much.
  5. @Mike Gammill Hi Mike, I also have a Hexanon 40/1.8 for my Konica T3. That's one cracking good "pancake" lens: super sharp with nice rendering. That's the main reason I still have Konica SLR gear.
  6. A few B&W photos from a newly acquired Rolleicord V with Xenar lens, after hearing good things about their out of focus rendering. Ilford Pan F+ developed in F76+ 1+9. After playing with several Adox slow films, I still return to PanF+ which has much better midtones. The Adox are just too contrasty. I would rather the film capture a lot of gradation and let me adjust contrast in Lightroom. PanF+is not the cheapest, but still quite affordable. A bronze dog sculpture A plate for the shrine Iris glowing in the shadows
  7. I did twice recently and both experience good. You do need to be patient and wait for like 3-4 weeks. But if you buy from reputable vendors (with a lot of feedbacks and close to 100% positive), you should be fine. 1) Jan 2023: Contax RF to Nikon Z focusing helicoid adapter with a free Jupiter-8M throw in. Took almost 4 weeks, arrived in excellent condition. I'm still using it happily today. 2) October 2022: Kiev 4A + Jupiter -8M 50/2 lens in black. Shipping time was about 3 weeks. I found the shutter was not working properly, although the lens was fine. Asked for a refund, it was promptly issued, And I only need to return the kit to their New Jersey depot.
  8. @gary green thank you very much for the shutter release DIY idea! I shot a roll today, only to find focus was way off (should have checked first). Just fixed the focus, and will go out again tomorrow (hopefully). Will eventually get there.
  9. One of my smallest camera to produce 6x6 images, a faux TLR box camera Argus Super 75, with a surprising 65mm f/8 3-element glass lens. It uses 620 film, has one speed 1/50s and three aperture settings (f/8, f/11, f/16). Will take it out for a spin this weekend.
  10. And two more color slides from another toy camera Fujipet, with a plastic 70mm f/11 lens. Even stopped down, it is still pretty soft. So I decided to go for double exposure instead. 1993 expired Ektachrome 100x (EPZ) turns out surprisingly well in Tetenal E6 home kit. Red maple leaves over bridge Blue wisteria over tea house
  11. A few color photos from the petite Agfa Isola with Agnar 75/6.3 triplet lens. The expired Velvia 50 was home processed in Tetenal E6; dark with strong red tint. Post correction in Lightroom. Tulips at the pool Window light shines on tulips A bright yellow corner
  12. Maybe I was lucky, but I also love my Nikon FA and actually trusted it with a "one camera, one lens, one month" trip to Europe last summer. I love the fact that it is small and compact, ergonomically almost identical to my FM2n and FE2, uses easy to find button cell batteries, and have the more advanced metering capability and auto modes. I even got rid of my F100 and FE2, after I'm fully satisfied with FA. I did keep my FM2n for rainy days. Nikon FA paired with Nikkor 50/1.2 AiS lens is a highly capable package in my preferred light and compact form factor, ready to take on the world. :-) In comparison, my Canon EOS 7N with EF 50/1.2L is quite bit front heavy.
  13. A few from recently CLA'd Leica Elmarit-R 60/2.8 macro lens, on a R5 body. Probably my current favorite 35mm SLR combo. Ilford PanF+ developed in F76+ 1+9. And I tried bulk roll PanF+ for the first time, and it seems no light leaks and no noticeable scratches. Might save me some money on my favorite emulsion. Delicate veins Froggy right eye No tltle
  14. Two from Fujipet, an 120 toy camera with plastic lens. No focus control and one speed. So I end up playing with light and shadows. Kodak Tri-X 400, developed in F76+ 1+9. Window and spotlight for reading The convergence of light
  15. I got a toy camera Fujipet from the 1950s, and there was a roll of old film in it (some type of Ilford 400). And there were several salvageable shots. The plastic 70mm f/11 lens is never sharp, but could be used for these artistic endeavors. A window of dinosaurs Mysterious bicycles
  16. @rick_drawbridge Yes I have seen that thread. Your article made the GAS a bit more acute. :-)
  17. Hi Rick, what kind of coincidence! I'm glad the Agfa Isoly cousin is producing excellent photos, true to its family tradition. I can see lots of details and good contrast, from center to edge. And a very handsome camera to look at it as well. Does it have the pop out tube as well? I'm really having fun with these simpler cameras. As a matter of fact, today before dinner I shot one roll of Pan F+ in the Fujipet, and one roll of Velvia 50 in the Isola. I might get a Goldeck in the future, but they tend to be much more expensive and less common.
  18. Thanks Rick! @rick_drawbridge I somehow missed your thread while doing a search. Both of your color and B&W are very fine images, thanks for sharing! The Isola is definitely a cleverly designed and well made camera, despite its price. I did not observe any light leak either. Next I plan to run a roll of Velvia 50 or E100G through the Isola, and maybe fashion some kind of ND filter for it. In comparison, the Fujipet looks cuter but I'm not sure it will match the performance of Isola.
  19. Lovely little toy camera, Aga Isola (original) with telescopic triplet Agnar 75/6.3 lens, surprised me with 12 frames of good photos out of a roll of Ilford Pan F+ 50. Ramen Parlor Locksmith Two sides of Main Street Shining brass fire hydrant
  20. The futuristic Fujipet must be the champion of ultralight weight camera, at only 263 grams including an empty plastic 120 spool! We will see if the plastic/glass 70mm f/11 lens can produce any images at all. :-) On the other hand, my roll of Ilford Pan F+ from Agfa Isola looks extremely nice. Will submit to the weekly photo thread once it is dry and scanned.
  21. My experiment with ultra lightweight 120 toy camera: Agfa Isola with Agnar 75/6,3 triplet coming in at meager 320 grams. It might turn out to be surprising.
  22. Hi Mike, glad you get good results from the Rollei Retro 80S with HC110. I think I will try two things separately for future rolls: rate at ISO 50 or even 25; develop with Photographer's Formulary TD-3 which has lower contrast. On a related note, I found the Retro 80S has similar looks as Rollei RPX 25.
  23. Trying out a new type of film, Rollei Retro 80s. It is nice that the negatives do not have any color tint, but the grain is much more pronounced than I would have expected for a slowish film. I did rate it at ISO 80. Nikon FA, 55/3.5 macro lens, home processed with F76+ 1+9. The end of the road Mud and slough formation - diptych A view to the future
  24. @rick_drawbridge I'm glad you are getting excellent results from Foma 400 (Arista EDU 400) in 120. I am in the same boat, using Arista EDU 100 extensively but was wary of the grain for its 400 cousin. Once I run out of HP5+ and Tri-X, I will also try Arista EDU 400 in 120 and 4x5.
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