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Everything posted by bruce_z._li2

  1. Thank you Rick for generously offering your experience with FX-39II! This is really the best part of photo.net.
  2. Hi Niels, nice OM-2N there. I owned a small OM system in the past, and always enjoyed not only their diminutive size but also the quality of lens oozing out of those little gems.
  3. Hi Rick @rick_drawbridge I really like the results from your Ilford FP4 Plus developed in Adox FX-39II. You mentioned some experiments to get the best results. If you don't mind, would you be able to share your best practice in terms of temperature, time and agitation? My Adox FX-39II is still on back order, and look forward to trying it out myself.
  4. I got my Leica R-mount 60/2.8 macro lens back from an overhaul by International Camera Technicians in San Diego, who did an excellent job. So I went out to Filoli Gardens to capture some early spring blossom. Leica R5 camera, Euphoric Ektachrome E100D slide film, processed at home with Tetanal E6 kit. Backlit yellow daffodil Dark red tulip New leaf A painted bell (and a light leak)
  5. A few slides from Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park, California. Leica R5, Elmarit-R 135/2.8 lens, expired Velvia 50, home processed with Tetenal E6 kit. Spanish tiles Red and green Three sisters Wrought iron blues The porcelain cat
  6. A bit unusual beast recently, a 3D printed ultralight 4x5 camera that takes Graflok back. The lens in the photo, a Graflex/Rodenstock 58mm f/5.6, was designed for 2x3 and definitely cannot cover full 4x5 frame even stopped down. But it does work with a 6x7 roll film back nicely.
  7. Thanks @chuck_foreman1! Yes with some good advice and encouragement from my photo buddy, I finally braved into processing all my color films at home. So far the quality has been consistent, I save a bit of money per roll, and can get instant gratification.
  8. A few color slides from the miniature Sawyer's Mark IV TLR (aka Topcon Primo jr). Expired Fujichrome Astia 100F, home processed with Tetenal E6 kit. Red leather bag and laced sleeve Chocolate dipped ice cream cone Spring is here
  9. Sawyer's Mark IV TLR that shoots 4x4 frames using 127 film. Also known as Topcon Primo Jr, and is arguably a better miniature TLR than the baby Rolleiflex. A bright 60/2.8 Topcor traking lens, and the film advance / shutter tensioning is very similar to a Rolleiflex. It is a bit PITA to slice 120 film down to 127 size, but with recent gadgets (FCK127 from Camerhack in Italy) it is kind of manageable.
  10. @rick_drawbridge Hi Rick, I like the results from both developers. Since the film are different (ISO 100 vs 400, T-grain vs traditional) and subject/lighting are different, it is difficult to tell the difference between the developers. Both seem to have clean white and black and relatively high contrast. Maybe the Adox tends to be slightly digital, while the PMK Pyro a bit smoother in the mid-tone transitions. But again, I'm reading tea leaves here. :-)
  11. Thank you @gary greenfor the kind feedback. It seems we have several Ektar/Anastar fans in CMC here.
  12. A few photos from the wonderful Anastar 50/3.5 lens of Kodak 35 RF. Film was Kodak Tri-X 400, and developer was F76+. Send us a letter for fire Light and reflection on globes Long shadows of the park bench
  13. The steampunk camera of the Kodak 35 RF: despite its looks and quirkiness, the Anastar 50/3.5 shines, and the separate rangefinder is actually quite easy to use. Photos in the Feb'23, 2023 weekly.
  14. @rick_drawbridgeVery interesting developer for T-grain film. I checked freestylephoto in California and they will have some shipment towards the end of February. I will give it a go as well, for Delta 100/400 and Acros 100 film.
  15. Hi @jason_withersExcellent images from the Signet 35! I also have a few recently, and the Ektar 44/3.5 is a cracker of a lens. Film was Fuji Neopan Acros 100 II. Coastal Live Oaks Octopus tentacles of tree roots Reflection of an oak tree
  16. Something a bit unusual this week: a French Darlot Petzval 6" lens (probably over a century old) adapted to Pentax 6x7. Photos are in the weekly. There is no aperture control, so it has to be wide open at f/4 or so. There is no coating of course, but the built-in lens hood does a good job.
  17. Hi, these photos were my experiments with a brass Darlot Petzval 6" lens adapted to Pentax 6x7. Film was expired Ilford Delta 400, souped in F76+ 1+9. The dream of an aviator Ready to take off
  18. @PapaTangoHi, just wondering if the OP's film is more similar to Panatomic-X (IOS 25/32) or Plus-X (ISO 80/125)? I tend to think it is the latter. 2496 is Plus-X (PX) with ISO 80 in D76.
  19. 2496 Extended Red Pan 125 Negative 4 mil Estar-AH Fast Drying(PX) 80 in D76 (source) The description of 2496 is: Kodak 2496 RAR film (estar-AH base) is a member of the Kodak family of RAR films designed especially for rapid-access recording and high temperature (up to 130 deg F) processing. USES: Photorecording with artificial light (all sources) and daylight Bubble chamber recording Cloud-chamber recording Modulated glow-tube (all types) recording CRT photography (all phosphors) Where to start with exposure and development 2496 seems like a variant of Kodak Plus-X on a different film base with extended red sensitivity. I have used 50+ year old Kodak Plus X (expired 1981) with good results. I would suggest: 1) Expose it at ISO 50 or even lower (25, 12). The source said ISO 80 if developed in D76. But since it is very expired, I would err on the over-exposure side. With extended red sensitivity, you might get better sky cloud separation for outdoor photography. 2) Develop with D76: start with Kodak Plus-X time, and adjust time based on results (I personally used Rodinal 1+50, 11 min at 68F) 3) There will be some inevitable base fog. If you scan your negatives, then most likely it can be corrected in Adobe Lightroom. If you do wet prints, then you might consider Photographers' Formulary Benzotriazole (Anti-Fog #1).
  20. A few photos from a Kodak Retina II with Ektar 47mm f2 lens. This particular Ektar lens was kind of cult, and does have a unique look to it. Whether it is pleasing or not, I leave it up to you to decide. Film was Fujifilm Neopan Acros II 100, developed in F76+ for 7min @ 68F. Sunlit rows of leafy vegetable Wrought iron gate to the garden Lichen on tree trunk Old mansion in a dreamy glare
  21. This week I was using a few classic Kodak cameras (Retinas, 35 RF, Signet 35) for a group comparison. This particular Retina II comes with a somewhat rare Ektar 47mm f/2 lens, and recently CLA'd by Paul Barden who did an excellent job. Photos will be in the weekly.
  22. My recent acquisition, the Bell & Howell Electric Eye, seems to use Selenium meter in a clever way (at least for its time). It uses 127 film so I have not gotten a chance to shoot a roll through it yet.
  23. Hi Rick, will the Kiev 88CM take Ektar 80/2.8 (originally for the Hasselblad 1000F)? And how do you like the 88CM as a camera body for regular use?
  24. @jason_withersIndeed excellent color results from the Ektar on Ektachrome! I'm restoring one Signet 35 right now (rangefinder/viewfinder cleaned, shutter next), and hope to get it into good working condition next week. Your photos and my earlier photos makes this little quirky camera worth it.
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