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Image Comments posted by miles_hecker

  1. We had great golden colors this fall on Kebler pass.


    Rumor has it that leprachauns are hiding deep beneath

    the canopy of gold. I waited awhile to capture a picture of one,

    but alas he didn't show up in the image. :- )


    All comments and ratings are welcome...



    While congratulations are in order to Saul.


    This IMO is a good photo, but not a great one and Saul has many landscape shots that are great. In this shot the light is very harsh and the color is flat as a result of this.


    In the old days shooting Velvia at high altitude with a polarizer would do this. The composition is good but not dramatic or compelling. http://gallery.photo.net/photo/6275824-lg.jpg



    I would choose the photo I've embedded above as one of many that would be far more representative of his very fine work. It has great light, tremendous color harmonies and superb composition

  2. HI Tomas,


    Well done!

    One of the better HDR shots I've seen. It's

    a technique that is more often than not a gimmick.


    I met you on the way to and from the Subway last November.

    We discussed the marvels of Canon full frame sensors for a bit.


    Keep on shooting!



    New Day ...


    Hi Ken, long time no hear..


    I like this the best of your recent landscape shots.

    Very nice comp and light. I might lighten the foreground rocks a tad.

    Although it might just be the evil white photo.net background shutting down

    my eyes. It might look perfect in print.


    Thanks for the congrats on my Popphoto shot.

    I retired from 30 years of teaching last May.

    I'm playing more, I've also had shots in Backpacker, Natures Best

    and Wyoming Wildlife. They don't pay all that well, but recognition

    is rewarding.


    Keep on shooting...





    I agree with Erick, the color in the top and bottom of the photo are incoherent.


    I don't mean to pick on Dr Mills at all, but the extreme color palette and photoshop techniques that have overtaken much of the landscape photography on photo.net over the last few years is the result of trying to compress the wonder of nature into an 800 pixel wide jpeg. These extreme techniques IMHO result in photos that more resemble black velvet paintings of Elvis than the subtle wonder I find in nature.

  3. A wonderful photo with marvelous subtle tonalities, colors and composition. It is a testament to the beauty found in the natural world.


    It is a pity that many humans look at this photo and don't get it.

    Congratulations Jeff!



    Nice light and good composition.

    The lack of a clear anchor among the forground grass keeps

    the shot from making it to the next level.


    Sometimes its hard to find a strong anchor in a shot like this.

    Keep up the good work thought...

  4. This image has a very pleasant quality to it, but IMO has two areas for improvement. The light on the moon is coming from the left, the light on the rocks is coming from the right. When you composited it you should have taken that into account. Also IMO the moon would be more realistic at about 2/3 its present size. Overall though, a good concept with good light that could benifit from a more refined execution.
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