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Image Comments posted by peterlyons


    Excellent! I really love the light on the water and hte boat, and overall the way you've found the perfect exposure to show it all at its best. The birds, of course, are perfect. They add life to the photo. Wonderful!


    Wow, Jamila... this is really eye-catching. I love the way you've managed the light here. The yellow portion of the flower practically glows, while the blues elegantly curve off to the edges. Really a magnificent piece of work! 7/7

    Lake NC

    Yeah, okay, now seeing John's comments too... he and I are very much in agreement about that! Really a nice find, Loren. What a place!

    Lake NC


    This is a very interesting place. The reddish color of those trees is odd and interesting. My personal preference would be to simplify the composition, if possible, only to show the island and the trees, surrounded by water and sky, without grass or branches intruding at the edges. I haven't read your details yet, Loren, but if you haven't already said, will yo tell us where this is?


    Very nice work!

  1. Very cool. Love the wide angle view, and the surreal appearance of the surrounding forest shot in IR. I do find myself wishing for more contrast in the sky, especially where the trees meet the sky, but still, it's fascinating to look at.
  2. Great photo of a beautiful bird, Cary! That particular tree is an interesting spot, too. The bird being all "fluffed up" like that makes it more interesting than just a perching bird. Looks like something was making it act defensive.

    Wait here


    Excellent work, Joeri. The window light is perfect on her face and body, the darkness of the room behind her makes her stand out, and the composition with the window there works. Very nice!


    It could be fun to try some different poses in this same spot, maybe with a hand up on the corner next to her there. Just standing there with her arms at her sides it looks a little posed, but I don't mean that as a criticism.


    Well done!

    Island weddings


    Hi David!


    This is a nice photo... the muted colors are nicely set off by the flowers in her hand, and it's nice having her fiancee in the background like that. The one thing that I find distracting is that it doesn't appear level to me. It kinda looks like she's going to fall forward. Maybe it's just the way her dress drapes around her legs.


    Nice work!




    Interesting subject, Pontoreau--well composed and exposed and overall, very nicely done! You've used your wide angle lens very effectively here, IMO.



    Raphael, this is stunning work! My compliments!


    (Just get rid of that bit of black border on the first photo in the second row.)


    Interesting subject here, Mario. And nicely composed, too. It all lends itself well to black and white, in my opinion. My only suggestion is to boost the contrast--specifically, the the darks aren't dark enough, IMO.



    If your dog could drive, this would be his driver's license photo. ;-)

    It's not a very flattering portrait but it's amusing to look at!



    Very creative project! You obviously put a lot of work into this, and it shows.


    I can offer only two minor suggestions for change...

    1. The "See The World Through Janet's Lens" is difficult for me to read in that colorful font.

    2. I'd love to see more of your face in the middle! Maybe you could hold the camera such that we can still see your other eye.


    The photos that you've put around the edges are fascinating and diverse. Great work, Janet! I'm sure you'll earn the highest marks if this is really homework, as your title suggests. :-)

    Green Apple

    This one has an interesting look, Ken. The extreme lighting and the prevalence of black in this photo is a fascinating creative choice. I think the wetness of the apple makes it work especially well. Nice work!

    Three's company

    Nice... a creative look at a familiar subject. Maybe some fill flash would help the daffodils "pop" even more, but it's totally a matter of the look you want. They're nicely back-lit here, so the lighting does work well. I'm only proposing one more way to try it!
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