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Image Comments posted by peterlyons


    Very creative--great concept! Personally I'd prefer it without the distraction of the balloons and such in the background (I guess I'd prefer just trees and snow, given the choice.) But still... what a cool idea! Very nicely done!


    Great work, David! The sharpness is excellent. The reflections on the wet skin give the frogs an eye-catching look. How'd you get so close without them leaving?

    Got Fired


    Looks like it was a pretty good day, in the balance! This is a really fine photo... and it looks like you must be living in a beautiful place.

    Sorry to hear about the financial stress, but I agree that it sounds like you're finding the right attitude despite that!

    Here's hoping that getting fired will actually be a great opportunity for you.


    This is a really captivating portrait, Ivana. I love the fine lines of light on her face. The pose of her arm, and the catchlight in her eye perfect it. Great work!



    Really nice photo, George! The lighting is perfect, both on the hills and the towers.

    And of course, the blue sky and whispy clouds behind completes it.

  1. I'm second-guessing my assessment that the moon was Photoshopped in. The photograph doesn't look so wide angle after all, now that I return to it. Is that real? It does look impressive! Almost too good to be true, you know?

    Big Gulp


    Great shot, Nick! The sharpness is perfect.

    Obviously you cropped to a square composition, which works nicely here. I'm wondering whether you had to do any other cropping to fill the frame.

    gold finch wine


    You've captured a great moment here, Joe! How long did you have to sit and wait?


    I think there's potential to improve it, too...

    some fill flash could really put shine on those colorful feathers, and would put a catch-light in the eye. Maybe something could be done--a second flash?--to illuminate the glass. Don't lose the background, either, though... the colors there are wonderful!


    Really nice work, Joe.

    Tree in the lake


    I like this a lot. Even the uncoventional centered composition works here, IMO.


    Only one other remark... I get the sense that the camera was level, but still, the slight angle of the island and the distant shore makes it appear at an angle to me. But that's just me!

  2. Very nicely composed, and appealingly colorful. The length of the lights in the street works for me, too. To my eye the shorter dashes serve to break up the length of the street, as do the various different buidlings along the way.


    Given the chance to shoot it again, I'd love to see it about half an hour after sunset, so you could use the same exposure settings, but have a deep blue sky.


    It looks to me like the moon is added. The composition looks to me like it's shot with something on the order of a 28-35mm lens, but the moon looks like it was shot with a short telephoto. It looks unnaturally large in the sky--but it's nicely done nonetheless, and does help balance the composition. Maybe it would fit better with more of an amber hue to it, to play off the warm colors of the lighted buildings.


    Very nice work!

    Old cemetery


    Nicely done, Yan.

    I like how you used relatively shallow DOF such that the Buddha stands out in sharp focus, surrounded by a field of stones. The colored scarves around him help make him stand out, too. The dark background of trees is perfect too.

    Big Sur II


    Interesting reading, John! You put a lot of thought and work into your photo to get it to show so well.

    Have you tried shooting in RAW? (Or are you already?) The fact that you talk about using in-camera noise filters (etc) leads me to believe that you don't, as such processing doesn't save to RAW files to the best of my knowledge. Anyway, given that you choose to be so careful about your final image, I think you'd love the extra control of using RAW. For one thing, the RAW file should have even more latitude than a jpg.


    Another question... you talk about Photoshop's lab view merge. I'm not very knowledgeable about PS. Is that the same as the HDR feature I've heard of?



    Oh.... well... I guess that accounts for why it seemed to have so little color already! ;-)

    (I swear it looked different the first time!)



    You're really good!

    That was clever, however you did it! I like it better that way!


    And BTW, I think you're doing a fine job with all of this. You have a nice start on your portfolio, and the main thing anyway is that you're having fun. :-)


    (Your City Moon photo is another great one!)



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