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Image Comments posted by peterlyons


    Sure, Alex... and you've done a fine job with it. It's a wonderful landscape! I didn't mean to over-state my preference regarding the fence.
  1. Wow, Artie! This is really cool. The warm colors of the trees so completely fill those archways, my first impression was that you'd faked the shot, filling that part with a different photo. But a closer look convinces me it's real. This is excellent and creative use of a very wide angle lens. Definitely worthy of a nice print!

    My eye.

    Wow! Nicely done! Your eyes have interesting color for this sort of close-up, too. The lighting works well, too, though I wish there were some way to get rid of the rectangular flare... though I have no idea how you'd do that. Maybe someone who really knows lighting could advise.

    A Robin

    Well, David, it sure looks like you got nice and close! Good sharpness in the eye. I wish that branch weren't there over the beak, but then... perhaps you'll get a few more good photos next time you spot this bird!

    1" Wrench




    This is a fine example of how ordinary objects can become art when they're approached creatively. I think you did an excellent job with the lighting here. I like the variation in the tone of the reflections on the wrench, the way some areas are dark and others are light.


    It would be fun to play with this more still. Maybe there would be a way to eliminate the burn-out inside the mouth of the wrench.


    Cool idea, Matthew!





    Nice photo, Christophe! The blossoms with the monunent in the background make for a nice composition. In this case, though, I find the piers, and the man on them to be a real distraction. I wonder if there would be another way to compose this to keep him out of the frame. Because of that detail, I think this other shot of yours is more effective:



    It must have been fun to spend some time in D.C. seeing the trees like that!

    Never Let My Hand

    Great shot, Nihan! He looks like all boy for sure--the smudgy face and hands, the dirt on his clothing and toussled hair combine to make it a great childhood portrait, in my opinion. The light in his eyes is wonderful! I have to wonder, what has his attention here?


    Very nice, Harry! The sweeping curve of the field there works well in the panoramic composition you've chosen, as does the placement of the barn. Even the gray, misty sky works well here, blending with the frosty trees. Well done!

    Dandelion details

    Andrew, this is a fascinating photo! The colors are great, and the centered composition works, IMO. Did you do something with it? It's bizarre to look at it up close... at first the wisps looked slightly out of focus, but when I viewed "larger", many of them appear to have a glowing blue halo, and they begin to look almost like smoke. Maybe it's just my eyes! ;-)

    Make a face


    Quite amusing! Did you really ask him to make a face or was that his natural response to your pointing the camera at him? :-)


    It's a nice portrait, really, albeit a silly one. The background is just blurry enough to keep from being a distraction, but it still holds some texture. I'd like to see a little more brightness on the face, but nonetheless this is really fine work, IMO.


    Excellent photo, MB! Wonderful color and sharpness, and the depth of field is perfect. It looks a bit over-sharpened to me, as I'm noticing some halo around the antennae, but that's easily adjusted. The square composition works nicely here too, IMO. Great work!


    Yeah, okay, I'm with Stephane--I think I'd like the fence better if it were not so close to the bottom of the church. I think it would be fun to get closer to that church, too, with a wide angle lens, and see how things look closer up. Lots of potential for photos of this landscape!

    Aliens or ...

    Wonderful color here, Daniel. I love the tight composition, the positioning of the yellow parts, and your decision to crop for a strong horizontal composition. The sharpness is good too. Excellent work!

    Lone Pine


    Excellent! The sky is captivating, and the detail on the ground hold attention after that. Looks like you must have skillfully used a graduated ND filter? Maybe 2 stops?

    Wonderful photo, Maya!


    Nice work, Chris! The composition is pleasing, with the full reflection underneath. I think I prefer your other flamingo, with the green background and more bend in the neck, but both are very nice!
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