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Image Comments posted by peterlyons



    I personally really like sparse compositions like this one. In my experience they don't rate real well, but still it's appealing to me!

    There's so little color in it already, I wonder how it would look entirely in black and white. Could be fun to play with, getting just the right tonal range!

    Turns & Shadows

    Very cool concept! It would be fun to take more shots like it. Personally I think I'd prefer the very same composition without the very dark shadows of trees at the top.


    I love the framing here with the grass being held up like that. The horizon is interesting, too, with that watchtower (lifeguard station?). The only thing I wish for is that the boy's head were below the dark silhouette of the land there, so his head could be fully traced by the reflection of the sky on the water. But I'm being very nit-picky! Nice shot!


    Beautiful! It's curious to me, though, that the water in the foreground does not reflect the warm yellow of the sky. Were you using a graduated ND filter? I wonder whether some PS work could put color back in the pond.


    Definitely a beautiful place! I like the boat and the docks and the water and the misty mountains beyond. I'd be interested, though, to try the composition showing less of the shore... or at least, without the red plastic canoes or kayaks. To my eyes, those colors aren't blending with the rest of the composition and are a distraction! Where is this, BTW? Sure is gorgeous...
  1. CE, this is a wonderful photo, but as great as it is, it can't be as good for anyone else as it is for you! I personally feel that the very greatest photos are the ones that have captured something priceless and personal for YOU. Your 40th anniversary! I offer my congratulations! I am happy for you and your husband that the two of you were able to celebrate in such a beautiful place!
  2. You've done an excellent job of balancing exposure here, and keeping detail in every part. Classic rule of thirds composition, which works very nicely with the water and rocks and trees. Nice work!
  3. Brian, so far this is my favorite in the series you've just posted. I love the colors in the rock, the snow, the trees and sky through the mist coming through the pass. Very appealing landscape, and nicely captured.
  4. I'll admit I'm a sucker for shots of rocky coastlines and the sea, but I really like this image. I especially enjoy the wide-angle composition, with these sea-weed-covered rocks jutting out into the water, leading the eye into the focal point of the composition. I think you included just the right amount of sky too. Great photo!

    Applecross Sky(e)

    This is an attractive, nicely framed middle-tone seascape. I'd be interested to play with it some and see how it would look with boosted contrast, too. But that's not to say I don't like the way you've done it too!
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