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Image Comments posted by peterlyons

    Spider and the Fly

    Quite an amazing photo. Made me do a double-take! Didn't even see the spider at first glance, but the fly didn't seem settled! Guess he didn't see the spider either.
  1. This is a very endearing portrait, Didier! The lighting is particularly nice... it illuminates the two faces (particularly the daughter's) just perfectly. Very nice work!


    Okay, so how do you do it? I don't get how you do perspective correction in-camera, unless you're using a specialized lens, or always keeping your camera completely level.

    Light bulb


    Really fantastic work, Paal!


    I, too, would be very interested in knowing the details of how you did this.


    Oh, and while I'm here, I may as well weigh in on the conversation re: "being moved".


    I think perhaps the final ingredient to make a photo like this truly "moving" would be to

    accompany it with just the right written message. IMO an image like this one would have a

    great deal of commercial value for advertising and other stock use. I hope to learn to

    produce such creative stuff myself!


    And just for the record, it certainly "moves" me to at least say "wow!"

  2. Jim, this is one of the hippest, coolest, most creative, most amusing, most classic dog portraits I've ever seen. IMO your choice of B&W is perfect for it, adn I love the blurriness of the background, and the way it fades to white at the edges. Excellent!


    Kraig, this is well done. My first impression is to notice the lighting of the flower, the excellent depth of field, the interesting composition. And then my second impression is that something doesn't look quite right. the reflectoin in the water is a bit too crisp to be believable. And... I guess the other thing is that it is suspiciously lacking "middle-ground" subjects. We have very close foreground, and very distant background, but nothing in-between, and somehow it just looks weird to me. If it's real as-shot I stand humbly corrected! And in either case, it did catch my eye. Nice work!


    Wonderful! I didn't even realize that a dog could attain such a "human-like" state of boredom. Really a memorable shot, Kraig!


    Peter, you've really found a nice perspective on this scene. And I like what you've done with the color in those flowers. Your strong contrast even just in the B&W work could stand alone as a strong composition, but you've sure done some nice and careful work here, and have made it very much an attention-grabbing photo. Great work!
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