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Posts posted by mad1

  1. I went to Costa Rica w/ my Speed Graphic and passed thru the x-ray (carry-on

    bag) about 4-5 times... I processed myself these sheet films that was slide but

    has been cross processed... They are foggy ans the base is dense. The result

    when scanned w/ my Perfection 4990 photo when using 48 bit HDR color in

    Silverfast se are really really pale and greenish... look at this exemple (I

    played w/ the levels to bring it to an image starting point) Look under the

    'tent' and at the upper left corner... there's few strange stains... Thanks!

    Marc-Andre Dumas

  2. I followed the advices in the old threads about infrared and my results are,

    nothing. I did infrared in the past with the same equipement, as you can see below:




    But today, few years after, I'm not able to pull something out of my negs... I

    tried two different processing technic with two strip test of the same neg.


    1st: Kodak HIE ei 25 hoya r72 in full pm sun (3pm) in Canada Quebec dev. hc110

    dil.B 31 Deg. Cel. 6 min in stainless tank (1 reel) and I only got the numbers

    on the edges of the film... Like if no light reached the film... My camera

    settings were 1/60 f:11. What happwened.


    2nd: same film but in coffeenol. 24oz water+1tbs sea salt+ 6tbs instant coffee

    (no name)+6tbs baking soda @ 31 deg.C topped water to 36oz, in Rotary (beseler

    motor base) using stainless tank 4 reels, 15min instead of 25min because my lid

    popped open :( half way and I stopped the process. The result is nothing, not

    even the margin number... Things are going badly... What I did not correct in

    the shooting phase? Plz help...



    Marc-Andre Dumas

  3. I will be using both 2 1/4 and 4x5 films. Using a Sekonic L-508 for my scene

    reading. Any1 has good recipe w/ any Dev vs Film combo? I don't have a

    densitometer, so i'll not be able to do my own reciepe :(... I'll be using a

    unicolor processing drum on a beseler motor base for the 4x5 and a standard 4

    reals (35mm) stainless tank for the 2 1/4 films, processing 2 of them at a time.




    Marc-Andre Dumas (M.A.D.)

  4. Vimy or vini.. if 20$ is a bad spent... If 20$ makes me feel bad... Should I continue doing photo? How many times you processed a film and the result was bad? How much money you spent that way... 20$ in photo is 0,02$ in real life... I really don't care about this and I'm happy about your answers, they are helpfull, Probably I'll be able to use the 2x3 lens on a baby speed graphic... who knows, not only 4x5 gives good results. Look the image in my gallery that represent an 'Old Bus' in black and white, it has been made w/ the press photo lens that came with my speed graphic (and also, almost of them) the lens is a Kodak ektar 127mm f4.7 probably made for 2x3... In the picture the movements of the lens panel were to Maximum.
  5. I tried to put Hoya r72 infrared filter in front of my LG-2000 cell phone and

    The results are really interesting... Really similar to a kodak HIE... I can't

    show you the results for now I didn't buy the driver to connect the cell phone

    to the computer. The Question is: Why the pictures are in black and white?

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