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Posts posted by mad1

  1. Why don't you try to use B+W Developer and the bleach as usual and fix with b+w fixer or any combinason of color vs bw chem, that can helps clear this high density base that will make your neg really crappy to print... Use Slides.. I just did that few min. ago. rate your iso 3 stops higher than the film iso, (under-ex 3 stop)when shooting, process in any regular strenght (like HC-110 dil.B) about 24 Celcius for 17 Min and c41 Fix (room temp 6 min)then wash and after Bleach (room temp 6 min)and Wash and you will have a b+w neg out of a color slide film but your neg will be grey (w/ provia 400 for ememple)and you can try it like this to print but the process is Half way in real... You have to process it in the whole Standard C-41 process and the results will be absolutly crazy!!! :)
  2. 1St: What's the name in english for this process: Using any slidefilm (E-6)

    pushed +3 stop,BW Dev/C41 Fix/wash/C41 Bleachwash/Normal C41 Process... In

    french it's called 'pointillisme'...What is it in english?


    2nd: What will happen If I process regular color film within this process? I did

    that 1000 times with slides but I'll try it w/ a regular c41 film under-exposed

    by 3 stops in the same batch than e-6 films exposed for this... Thanks!

  3. if you feel crazy, use a micro-fiber fabric same as for the scanner glass and gently rub on the surface where the spot is (never on the silver side) and use your breath to make humidity on the surface... very lightly pressing. It crazy to do this but often it works without having to re-soak the film and leave no spots or scratches. Often these spots are not water, the are wetting agent that still on the film due to a rinse water w/ to much wetting in!
  4. Everyone's telling me that it's over Exposure... Ok My Negs are a little over-ex but On the neg itself I don't see this diference in color even w/ a Peak on a light table. Look at this last exemple... You see the pattern of the edge of the neg like refraction in the image... you have lines in the bottom of the previous exemple and the tree is not over-exposed on this one, it's black and the purple stuff is splashing all around it! :( I do want to believe you guys and I'm really happy that you might help me... Your answers are really usefull, we all need the others sometime :) look at this one... Strange... I got a curse mabye? :) hehe
  5. Try something funny if you want to pull out a color neg using b+w dev in the process... push your film 2 or 3 stops when shooting it and dev with a paper dev first and then use c-41 Fix and after wash and use c-41 bleach. and wash. From now your neg is a b+w film w/ dense base. Then process it in reglar c-41 process. Between those steps, keep totally wet or totally dry the film... Look a the astonishing results!!! For the times, make strip tests!
  6. I heard about this film that could be similar to Tech Pan but the red

    Sensitivity is not extended like TP. It will not deliver the same results in the

    shades nor under tungsten or sunshine... Will it be good and nice when used in

    high contrast? Could I use Paper Dev like w/ TP? could it be a good replacement

    for the fine grain, full tones results w/ Technidol? Thanks

  7. Pro labs do what your talking about... They print on glass, fabric and many other material... You'll not have this wood texture like I have whit my completly different process... We are talking about two totally different thing then. Ask A pro printing lab, they will tell you... My technic is a classic one. Easy and funny. Pull a Color Photocopy out of a picture you like and then apply it face down to the wood nor paper you want or any other material that will absorb the ink nor wax of your copy, depending on what kind of photocopy you have... Wax printing are good... Probably you can do this w/ your home ink jet printer... You can 'mirror' your image in photoshop before to still have the same thing than original. use the back of a spoon to press on the paper that is on the wood after having put the lacquer thinner w/ a brush. work zone by zone because it dries fast. by pressing on the paper this way you will transfert the image on the under-surface. Don't put to much lacquer thinner... Try and learn your own way! Have fun.
  8. What brand of film do you use? Have you ever heard about 'pointillisme' (thats the name in french for the process I will tell you) I don't know the name in english!


    In some lines:


    Start w/ any Color Slide film. Expose it to +3 Stop i.e. a 100 iso at 800 iso and process it like I'll tell you:


    B+W Developer Dektol (paper), HC-110, Rodinal... anyone you want.


    c-41 Fix


    c-41 Bleach


    Dry or keep totally wet before doind part two...

    PART 2:

    Normal C-41 process...


    E-mail me for the times if you wanna try this...


    Result... Extreamly grainy, Totally crazy Saturated Colors and Excessive Contrast! Nice thing to have fun!!! Any combinaison of Dev and film and iso are possible

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