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Image Comments posted by timohicks



    Excellent contrast and dynamics; a little too much keystoning which is easily corrected in photoshop; subject, mood, ambient lighting, and title cohere.

    Good work.

    The road to FALL

    I never envisioned a highway looking so surrene but this is clearly what you have achieve here. However, I hope you don't mind me desiring to see the road sign on the left eradicated. Good work!
  1. This is certainly one of my favorite photographs from the series "Bohemian Summer" What makes the capture so inviting and unique is the natural lighting. The only element that keeps this from being a perfect shot is the foreground tree. When I have problems getting everything in focus (that is when my passion is in a state of frenzy) or just so, I take another shot with the forground in focus and blend the two shots together. I would love to see other angles of this scene. Good work! and thanks again for your comments.



    Moon Birds


    You have a sharp eye Jana! Good observation; when I was searching for images to catch this momentum of flying, I had to work from an archive of birds I'd just taken at Atlantic Beach NC about a month earlier. The bird in question that has what appears to be a clipped wing was at first flush with the right edge of the framed composition; but as things unfold, excited by a new idea for the composition, I moved it to create the caravan in flight forgetting about the clipped wing. Well, then I got so many wonderful responses after I posted it, I decided not to fix it because as you are aware, I would erace all related files and comments. I have, however, fixed it on the original photoshop file. Thank you, I am honored you felt comfortable enough with my work to mention this little snag. Thanks so much for your comments on my work.



    windy & cloudy

    Your contrast blending does render the clouds a little flat (which makes them look hard) and the same holds for the ocean but pictorial flatness, more or less, is due to the wide angle of the shot and compositionally, the distance of the clouds and ocean from foreground elements. Stylistically the color and camera angle work nicely with other photos in this series; and compositionally, color and style work together really well. I went to http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilms3pro/page3.asp to take a look at your camera and the Olympus E500 EVolt is an excellent camera. I would try using a lens with a longer focal length and or reduce contrast blends to unflatten background images. Oh, and the frame is a bit too much. Good work nontheless; sharp crisp image; and thanks very kindly for the comment---Tim

    A Closer Look


    Yes Paul, this is much better although it is obvious you sprinkled the flower with water; how do I know because I guilty of doing the same thing. I don't know but it seems the rain does a better job of it, at least for me it does.

    What I try to do with my close ups (I don't shoot macro) is get all the petals within the picture plane in focus; I think this makes for a better presentation. But when you are shooting a flower bed or group of flowers it's difficult to isolate one flower without fuzzy, out of focus flowers in the background. Of course it can be done (I wont say how). Thanks for the comment on my portfolio.

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