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Image Comments posted by timohicks

    Moon Birds


    The original photos of the moon and sea gulls were manipulated in

    Adobe Photoshop CS and the black frames created in Adobe Illustrator

    CS; the clouds and stars were rendered in Photoshop.


    I have always been facinated with those painting compositions of

    Rene Magritte, surrealist, that juxtapose day with night within the

    same temporal dimensions thematically. My work appears frequently

    to be ongoing studies in composition. Although my deviate behavior

    is likely reaponsible for content, I leave theme, evocation and

    interpretation to the viewer. What do you think?

  1. Provocative! though fundamentally your portrait series makes a prima facie case for reclining on the edge; moreover, a resistance to the mundane banal design conscious and often static portrait photograph; you know, like the fine art vignettes of sections and parts of things not ordinarily noticeable sometimes encased in shadows and so on. Your work is a raw juxtaposition of life in animation; ostentatious yet introversive and especially ineffable through which you ask no ordinary questions. I discovered and immediately decided to use the self-portrait titled Trapped in my photography class last Fall although I caution you on the use of titles for strong images that provoke their own meanings. My students found far more in your art than merely being trapped. You might ask your self-portraits, what is more important, the work's evocation or your artistic intention? Good art always conveys manifold unintended meanings. I just joined photo.net and am trying to find time this summer to post more photos to my workspace. Let me know what you think of my comment . . .
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