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Image Comments posted by timohicks

  1. Thanks again Ellen for your support; after viewing your recent photo, "Red, White, and Blue," I was not allowed to rate it because you have rated two of my photographs with 7's over the past 14 days (in fact today!). So, I appologize for not being able to rate your work with a 7/6; no reciprocating necessary, your work deserves the rating; I didn't know the administrators of this site had automated this feature in. Thanks as always, so very kindly for your collegiality-- Tim



    This is a magnificent capture, perfect in composition and almost as well in clarity. My favorite part of the image is the sun-lit petal on the white tulip that is not washed out. Excellent work!


    Thanks Ellen for you comment on "Baptism: Of the Resurrection and the Dead in CHRIST." Ironically, I got more three's on that piece than I have ever received. I have never received seven 3's on any one photo and while I know there are many on this site who don't appreciate manipulated imagery, this is very strange(I guess the devil is here as well [smile]).


    Have a blessed Resurrection Day!

    Designer Rose #3

    Thanks for the comment John, I am familiar with O'Keeffe's abstract floral patterns but only recently noticed the abstract almost facial qualities to this series of white rose brackets. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for the comment, Patricia; I took a look at your portfolio and was equally impressed. Your analogy of the compposition is particuarly interesting since I don't get many who look for principles of design in photography; mostly photographers claim to be offended by the use of frames. Such antics are way too subjective. Thanks again . . .
  3. Thanks Silvia. I took over 300 shots around Chicago last week and thought I would air some of them to see what comments I might pick up; I am a painter looking for some compositional advantage through photography; It seems that my idea of a composition sometimes is not well received because I frame and/or manipulate most of my shots. I guess I should place my stuff under Fine Arts to be safe from those who find some deviate pleasure in rating 3's and 4's.

    so thanks again.

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