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Image Comments posted by hadady


    KF, The colors are good in this one as they are beautiful and not what I would have expected in a sunset or a Photoshopped sunset . . . keep the good works coming!
  1. I like the framing you are using on this Huey Lewis series. The near silhouette shots are engaging while the lighting captures the event setting very well. Other than that, Huey is a nice guy who could be regularly seen around "one" of my "hometowns." Very good memories, looking at your shots. Thank you!


    Well done abstract. I like the resonance of shapes, forms and meaning from the tree base to the circumference of the larger waving droplet to the mirror of the trunk beyond the foreground bricks and the large and small waving droplets. Nice rhythm. I am happy this is in BnW, do not believe it would have been as powerful in color. Excellent!

    Mr. Tomash

    Though this image may present less drama than your other images, I believe the point-blank gaze and quiet presentation of the model allows more breath in introspection when viewing. Remarkable work. Thank you for sharing your work.
  2. 7/7 - This is a striking image that speaks to allegory. I believe it would continue to be powerful without the use of red. Your Prisoners of Desire collection reminds me of earlier Joel-Peter Witken works where he seemed to focus on simple staging without background objects or negative/surface marking. Excellent work.
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